Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sidekick looking for a Master

Adriago Duilius

An Imperial of Sorts
Yep, once more another search for a master on Chaos continues. My character is a Sith Acolyte, who seeks training. What is so special about it? Probably nothing, but hey he's obedient and loyal and basically until he gets to Sith knight, I really want to RP him as a sidekick to his master who follows him and does whatever he says.

This is all part of a very general story arch where my character starts as a Sith Acolyte who does whatever his master says, very loyal, basically builds up his FU persona. Then, when he becomes a Sith Knight the FU basically drops off the map and he begins to build up his NFU persona, yada yada yada.

So if you'd be interested in basically a puppy apprentice, I'm your guy.

The resemblance is uncanny!!!!

@Adriago Duilius

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