Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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SIA Codex Contest

Welcome, one and all, to the first (?) annual (??) Strategic Intelligence Agency/law enforcement codex contest!

This is a test run to get a feel for whether this system is feasible. In future, depending on how this goes, we may look at focusing on different styles (intel vs. law enforcement) and types (what kind of codex and/or factory categories are covered). For this contest, the focus will be on locations and NPCs. Only codex submissions from within these two Codex areas will be considered. The winner will receive a custom safehouse codex location (or similar) for their character's use, made by yours truly in consultation with you, our lucky (and talented) winner!

Judging will be a two-tiered process: first, members will vote on their preferred entries. The three entries earning the most votes will proceed to staff judging, where a panel of staff members will select the ultimate winner.

Some ideas to spur your creativity are: safehouses, secret listening posts, outposts, meeting places, dead drops, SIA headquarters staff members, contacts, underworld sources, quartermasters, etc. The sky is the limit! You can make anything you like, but it might help you to consider the following judging criteria that the staff panel will be using to select a winner:
  • UTILITY: How useful will this creation be to the SIA/law enforcement?
  • AESTHETIC: Does it fit in well with the overall vibe that the GA and the SIA have established?
  • ACCESSIBILITY: Will the creation appeal to a broad aspect of the SIA/law enforcement community, or is it more niche?
  • LORE FRIENDLY: Does the creation make sense in the context of Chaos canon?

You have until Friday, May 3 to submit your entries! To submit, place a link and a brief description of the Codex sub in this thread!

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