Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ships and Dips... in Productivity


Well-Known Member
Valashu folded his arms quietly, listening with an open mind as the Vong before him spoke in rapid enunciation. Why was the Kensûrai Archer talking to one the potentially most hated species in existence? The other had approached a man that happened to be one of Valashu's hired men, whom in turn directed the alien to his boss. Now, he was forced to listen to a tale of devastation that had occured on Zonama Sekot.

What had begun as a seemingly peaceful interaction with people wishing to purchase an organic ship, had spiraled quickly into an attempt at control. A team of men, not the species but the gender, had begun blowing the area around them to bits, all the while taking the Seed Partners along with other gear. It had been a planned attack, made during the meeting between Master Shaper and Shipbuilders.

During the inevitable capture, and holding, of several exquisite members of the dual groups, a coup was mustered. Successfully overthrowing the captain, along with his nearest men, the crew cheered as they believed themselves safe. Meanwhile, a ship had neared, undetected. This had been a Shipbuilders Bioship, come at the beck of its companion.

Escaping to the craft, they fled, barely managing to make it to Val'hala, where upon began asking of safe keeping, and protections.


Well-Known Member
"This leads us here." The Vong, known as Derrinoss said with a sigh combined with a shrug.

Valashu finally reclined resting his right arm on the armrest, while the other stroked the slight facial hair he had let grow over the last few days. The situation was one of confusion for himself. Why had this occurred? What exactly was a Bioship? Why had it come 'when summoned'? There also was the emphasis on the stolen seeds.

He needed to clarify some things, out of sheer curiosity.

"Before I begin with a debate over your groups safe keeping, I just want to understand the problem in its actuality, if that is OK." Val said, his eyes meeting the Vong's.

"That is acceptable." The being said with a nod in the affirmative.

"Well, for starters, what are the seeds you mentioned? Some kind of weapon?" Val asked.

"No, not quite in that sense. Seed Partners are a partially sentient organism that has the ability to, with proper handling, become a living, organic, ship. They have a sense of life, capable of understanding the requests of their companions, as well as a minor necessary link to a single entity that allows the aforementioned growth process." Derrinoss said, his voice calm considering the situation he fled.

"In other words, they make a bond of some kind with their pilot?" Val asked, his natural inquisitive mind able to deduce the puzzling terms and explanation.


Well-Known Member
"In more words, yes. It is a painless, fully safe, process that let's the Seeds choose their pilot, where upon they are heated to opening, then molded around a predetermined frame." Derrinoss replied, folding his arms at the wrist before himself. The whole of his demeanor seemed one of utter respect, which made Valashu genuinely like the man.

"OK, so how far does this bond extend?" The Kensûrai asked, arching a brow, "If it is shot, does the pilot feel the pain as well?"

"No, neither shares pain, or memories, nothing so encompassing. Rather it simply let's one communicate with the other, at near any distance." The Vong gave answer, but then finally gathered courage to ask, "What do these questions have to do with anything?"

"Well, for starters, I am thinking of hiring you and your group, which in the long run will make it so I needn't hire more protection. Second," Val began, running over the others sigh of relief, "A businessman needs to know the products he intends to sell."

"You plan to sell our ships?" Derrinoss asked, brows arched quizzically.


Well-Known Member
"If I can." Valashu replied, crossing a leg over the other at the knee, "That is, if you and your companions will assist me to this degree. Of course I do know my men are unable to reproduce the works you speak of, but I feel as if your team being paid alongside protected, in the means of producing the ships, is a decent exchange."

"Agreed." Derrinoss stated, nodding loosely to the words spoken.

"But that would mean we would need to concern ourselves next with places of housing, factories we will then need, as well as where we wish these all to go." Val said, "It could be here on Val'hala, but in all honesty there is little to deviate a man from seeking you out here."

"I believe any of the places you deem will be just as secure, as long as men are there in our defense." Derrinoss stated, "Though the closer to home we are, the easier it will be for our trackers to find us."

"In other words you wish to stay closer to here, than there?" Valashu asked, a brow arching in response.

"More or less." His newest employee responded.


Well-Known Member
Val smiled, then nodded as he rose to his feet. Walking around the desk between the two, he leaned against the adjacent side, "I believe this can all be done, pretty easily anyway." He then gestured wide, "You're gonna need to move everything from your ship, and begin building a station right away. Lucky you I have recently put the work in toward shutting down the controlling branches of my company's subsidies, so we have an open Factory here on Val'hala that is actually in need of a proper renovation.

"In other words, I think I'll put you and your team in charge of my ship making factories. Sound good?" Val asked, extending a hand to be shook. The grin on his face, combined with light from his eyes showed he had no lies in mind.

The Vong stared in silent contemplation a moment, then nodded and shook the offered hand, "Sounds great to me Mr. Elahad."

"Please, call me Valashu. It seems much more proper for the manager of my factory to have some liberties am I right?" Val said, his grin returning for a moment, then he straightened again before gesturing to the door, "Make your group ready, gather what items you have with you, and I will have my Second take you to your new factory when ready. Consider your housing my problem, and for the time you may stay at the on site housing until better arrangements can be made."


Well-Known Member
Valashu did as he had promised, sending Terrence to show the Vong and his companions to the factory. All the while the Kensûrai Archer took a long while to make some calls. First thing was reaching to the crew who had been in charge of the factory until that moment, letting them know of their demotion. They reacted as he had expected, but each knew that he was more than able to fire them with no issues, especially now that they were basically replaced.

Next he reached out to the housing associates that handled the less well off of the populace. They eagerly awaited the results of his questioning, and in the end accepted the challenges of finding these men proper homes with the means to also provide safety.

Lastly he called to the heads left of each of the companies underneath his own, letting them know of an impending preview that would happen within days. It was not enough time to alter their states of existence, but it did provide enough to muster some sort of defense if it was necessary.

As it stood, he already had plans to vacate the premises of each. New ideals were on the rise.


Well-Known Member
Stepping into the large factory, hangar, office, sales spot combo that was the lesser of the MSI Towers on Val'hala, Valashu sighed at the means by which his senses were assaulted. The building was in disrepair, with structural integrity seemingly damaged by some accidents that hadn't been reported. Mold and mildew scents wafted through the air, and some place nearby there was a damaged wall, as he could easily pick up the noises of passersby as if they were in the building.

Terrence hardly seemed contained in his argument with the heads of the subsidiary. Though several dozen feet away, Valashu could easily deduce what the words said were. He knew Val best of all in this universe, and likely even his home verse at this point. The man would not settle for something that would so aggressively pummel Valashu's patience.

Letting his Second take charge on that front, Val approached the Vong and his group whom stood in the center of the massive hangar area, his arms spreading sheepishly, "Sorry about the look of things everyone. Last I was warned, this building was falling behind. Never was I told that it was decrepit!"


Well-Known Member
The leader of the group, his newest acquaintance, Derrinoss, stepped forward with a chuckle, "Don't worry Valashu. You have offered us high pay, small means of work more than what we are used to anyway, and let us keep ourselves a means of life beyond fear. The state of this building will do little to hinder the charity we feel from you."

Val laughed, "Don't worry about working through much of this my friends. It will be fixed to the highest standard in a few days I am sure."

"I was just coming to tell everyone that." Terrence said as he approached, offering a moderate bow to the group, before turning his gaze to his boss, "So I fired the others. Gotta admit where I stepped beyond my means. They simply denied any and all responsibility for the looks of this factory. It was shameful."

"Don't feel bad Terr, they would have gotten the same form me."


Well-Known Member
After several days, Valashu returned to the factory of his newest associates. The change was incredible. They, with the aid of hired contractors, had refurbished basically every aspect of the building. What had hardly been safe for a war zone, now could easily house even a nursery if it was changed to do such. With such changes also came additions, including two walls, several meters high, that held tightly odd melon sized green balls.

"I see you noticed the Seeds." Derrinoss said as he approached, hands wiping themselves clean on a dirty rag.

"Is that what they look like?" Val asked as he closed the distance between them, he and the Seeds. But when he did, a surprising event occurred, as unconfigured motion sensors released the large number of seeds from the nearest wall. As the seeds plummeted down to crush him, he was glad to feel they weighed hardly anything. When their rolling ceased, he looked down to take in the dozen or so seeds that now clung to his skin.

Derrinoss laughed before whistling, "Ven, come take these Seeds. Valashu and I will meed to converse so we can make them into a proper ship for him!"


Well-Known Member
Valashu arched a brow as the seeds were taken away, "So is that the process of choice?" He asked the Vong, feeling an odd tingling at the back of his mind after the connection was already formed between he and the Seeds. It wasn't as if suddenly he heard the thoughts of another being, such a thing had never been his skill set, but he could definitely tell there was another sense there. It was almost like he could feel someone looking through his senses.

"Yes. Now, as said, we will perform some minor tasks that will inevitably progress them to their state of being a ship designed for you in mind." Derrinoss said, "Once upon a time it was a set frame and appearance. But over a dozen generations that has changed to fill the goals of the Pilot." Pausing he then snapped as he added, "Also you will need to be in the general vicinity for a few days to assist the ship in its making.

"It shouldn't take much time or closeness either. Be around it occasionally, while in a block radius for the rest of the time, maybe for three days. By then we will have it finished." The Vong then smiled, showing his deadly sharp teeth in a glint, "Well, this is what you hired me for I believe, does it seem good so far?"

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