Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sharks and Sith

[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
The idea of the Arue'tii having seen more of the galaxy than the people who had lived there their entire lives was somewhat sad. He had only begun his explorations a year or two ago, and already he was being told that he had viewed more amazing spectacles than most of the common people would ever see. They lived in their tiny shells, and excluded everything that didn't involve them directly. In essence, they squandered the gift they had been given to go out and discover things for themselves, and instead had chosen to simply sit still, and allow others to amaze them with tales of adventure, and journeys of strength and courage. It was pathetically sad, and Abelain cast a dissatisfied glance around the cantina, glaring at those inferior species who would deprive themselves of the chance to expand their horizons. At his glance, the waiter began to approach slowly as if he had been called, but a simple hand gesture returned him to his post.

"You are correct. I did indeed state that I have a potential job for you, hunter." The casualness that he had been displaying melted away, replaced by a sense of business which overwhelmed even the buzz from the wine. A quick thought about the planet of Nar Shaddaa brought to mind plenty of reasons why any sentient would want to escape the swamp world, though admittedly Abelain had a certain fondness for them. "Upon the world of Ziost, I was assailed by a Dark Jedi who I was... unable to apprehend." He refused to include the part where that same Dark Jedi had nearly killed both himself, and his guardian. "I have recently come under knowledge that he is known as 'Nik', and that he is associated with an organization of like-minded individuals known as The Brotherhood." He considered what little he truly knew of his prey for several seconds, but then relented and offered a source of further information in the form of a Zeltron he had faced often in the past. "My information comes from a rogue Jedi by the name of Joza Perl. A Zeltron. She likely knows more if you'd like to pry her, but I'd prefer she was otherwise left unharmed." She had assisted in the prison escape, and for that he was at least somewhat thankful, though after this instance of kindness, his debt would be repaid.

"I would like you to kill or capture Nik. He is simply too dangerous to my activities to be allowed to exist. Further information on The Brotherhood would also be valuable, and I may be able to arrange for additional funds for that as well." The accumulation of funds he had been taking from several recent battles had grown substantially, and now seemed as good a time as ever to simply throw them to the wind. "Nik is dangerous, but so are you. I make my first offer at 15,000 credits." He awaited the inevitable counter offer with hidden glee. Bartering was always one of those enjoyable little games that no one knew was truly a game.
Ghorua listened intently as Abelain laid out the job. The more Abelain spoke, the more Ghorua's smile began to melt, into a concerned face. The way the Arue'tii spoke of this Dark Jedi gave the Herglic pause. He seemed dangerous. Of course, Ghorua had gone toe-to-toe with Sith Lords and Jedi Masters, but he had never faced a Dark Jedi in battle before. He didn't know what to expect. He had also never heard of this 'Brotherhood'. This job had plenty of mysteries, and barely any leads. But, he had a name, and a possible informant; this 'Joza Perl'. The name seemed familiar, but the colossus couldn't remember how.

When Ghorua heard the Arue'tii give out his first offer, he couldn't resist laughing out loud. He guffawed deeply, shaking his head in his mirth. "Come now, Blades. It's as if you knew that was a terrible deal. If Nikias is as powerful as you make him out to be, I could be putting myself at serious risk. I won't risk my life for fifteen thousand. I think twenty-eight is more to my liking." Ghorua finished his chortle, and took another sip of the drink. Of course, he was willing to negotiate down, but 15,000 credits was the price to take down a small-time crime boss on some unknown planet, not a Dark Jedi that could stand against a being as powerful as Abelain Narv'uk.

Besides the obvious danger, Ghorua felt good about this job. First, he would speak with the Zeltron, see if she was cooperative in giving away what info he needed. If not, he would turn to a slicer or two, see what he could find on the Holonet. And if all else failed... Well, Ghorua had ways of finding out what he wanted to know.

- [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] -
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]
The instant that Ghorua heard of his initial starting price, and began to laugh, the Arue'tii knew that the bartering had well and truly begun. He had started with a low price, because inevitably it encouraged a raise of price. The Herglic was a businessman even if he did spend his life doing dangerous work, and therefore knew that he had to make his asking price at least somewhat reasonable in comparison to the initial price. By starting low, Abelain was fairly certain that he had subconsciously lowered the end price by several thousand potential credits. It was especially likely that the price would end lower than the funds he was truly willing to spend if he continued to barter as if though hard pressed. He locked eyes with the Herglic, giving him a stern look and tapping his chitinous fingers harshly against the table as if considering the offer.

"Twenty four thousand." He spoke bluntly, as if though troubled by the pricing, and continued the tapping of his finger 'nervously' against the desk to convey a sense that he was pressed for cash. Every motion was controlled throughout his body; a feat easy to him as most of it was covered in unfeeling chitin. His hand reached for the drink, and he brought it to his mouth, awaiting the final counteroffer that would seal their fate as business partners. He had offered twenty four, and he sincerely expected the Herglic to go for twenty six. It was a reasonable deal, especially given the realistic dangers posed by a deadly foe such as 'Nikias'. That information had been granted freely, and Abelain was amused by the thought that his newly hired hunter was already aware of the man's identity, when all he had provided was a nickname.

"I am aware of the dangers, but you ought also to know that I am not filled with funds as many other Sith, and I trust in your ability to defeat the foe using your ranged weaponry." His words erupted gently, the obvious persuasiveness of them trying to tickle the hearing faculties of Ghorua in order to keep his price right where the Arue'tii wanted.
Abelain Narv'uk said:
I would like you to kill or capture Nikias.
Ghorua smiled, nodding his head. Any other bounty hunter would ask for much more, perhaps a hundred thousand. However, Ghorua was feeling generous. Abelain seemed like a decent fellow, and the Shark was kind of looking forward to facing a Forcie again, in real combat. "Just because you helped me in that brawl, I'll settle with twenty-four. It's a good number."

The Shark took one last bite of his salad, finishing the meal. He would fly this one solo. Usually, on a job this big, he would hire another Hunter. Today, he was feeling adventurous. "Well, that's wonderful. Made a new friend, got a possibly deadly job for an extremely small amount of credits, and I got the chance to drink another glass of this delicious wine. Today has been a good day."

Ghorua stood from the seat, the chair almost sighing with relief. He saluted to the Arue'tii playfully, a wide smile hiding rows of dangerous teeth. "Well, it has been a blast, but perhaps we shouldn't be seen together any longer, considering the whole 'murdered a small gang' thing. I look forward to speaking with your friend, and then beating up your other friend." He stuck out his hand to shake, before leaving the establishment. He had work to do.

- [member="Abelain Narv'uk"] -
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]

It was odd to hear the Herglic agree to his price of twenty-four thousand credits, but his explanation seemed to at least be somewhat reasonable. Abelain had assisted him in their mutual brawl against the crowd of bloodthirsty brigands that had assailed them earlier in the day. Still, the Arue'tii had a feeling that there were ulterior motives to agreeing to his proposition. Ghorua was a businessperson, and he sincerely doubted that he commonly accepted such low pricing for his services. The Sith wasn't going to complain about the discount, but he didn't expect he would receive as favorable conditions if he should ever choose to hire the hunter again.

That was if the Herglic survived his encounter with 'Nik'. The Dark Jedi was a telekinetic master, and he had managed to defeat both an ancient warrior, and his nearly invincible commander. He had faith that Ghorua would at the very least harm the individual, and make him suffer somewhat for his attack upon them, but the penalties for his actions would be realized in depth should the fellow survive, and that genuinely worried him. He concluded with feasting upon his meal by piercing a final fruit, and snapping his vicious teeth into it. It squirted a sweet liquid juice into his mouth, and he gulped it down a moment later.

The giant stood up, and Abelain responded by arising a moment later, sipping down the last of his wine before placing the intoxicating substance's glass back upon the table. It was reasonable that they avoided contact with one another given their fairly volatile relationship, and the danger they were liable to commit in the presence of others, but the Arue'tii had a feeling that they would meet again. He reached his hand outwards, clasping at the forearm of the Herglic in his own interpretation of the handshake before drawing away, and nodding towards the exit. "When it is done, you may find me aboard the Paladin. It shouldn't be too terribly difficult to find. Warships usually aren't."

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