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Codex Denied Shadowstalker pack

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Intent: The Creat family/pack to expand Colrenth’s backstory

Image Credit:

Canon: a mix of Wookiee clans, Mandalorian, and Tree Carers, and Druidism/shamanism

Permissions: WIP

Links: Colrenth



Organization Name: Shadowstalker Pack

Classification: Family/ clan

Affiliation: Colrenth, SJC

Organization Symbol: X

Description: A very spiritual group of Shistavanens who were unsatisfied with their society and so broke away to form one of their own

Headquarters: Kashyyyk

Domain: The shadow forest

Notable Assets: WIP


Hierarchy: Gamma = advisor and spiritual leader, Alpha =leader of Pack, Luna= female alpha, Beta= 2nd in command, Sigma= enforcer, Sentinel= Alpha or Beta in training, Assassin=spy ,Lambda= hunters Pups= newbloods

Membership: direct blood ties to a member of the pack, or adopted a pack member

Climate: Tight-knit family

Reputation: slow to trust and fear by those who don’t understand them, mildly kind to those who they trust

Curios: a Kyr'oya'kar fang with the symbol of the back carved into it

1. Rise pups as members of the pack
2. Display Pack markings
3. Self-defense
4. Bring no danger to the pack
5. Speak our language
6. The Alpha’s word is law
7. The Earth is our Mother, care for Her.
8. Honor all your relations.
9. Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
10. All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
11. Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
12. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
13.Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each day.
14. Speak the truth but only for the good of others.
15. Follow the rhythms of nature.
16. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks.
17. Maintain nature’s balance

Goals: to seek harmony and balance with nature, and to preserve the said balance


Colrenth Lonstalker


Formed 300 years ago by a group of like-minded Shistavanens who south a more harmonious relation with nature, and a more pack/ family first based life similar to that of Mandalorians and Wookiees. This group formed their own code, laws, and culture based on their goals and interpretation of the Resol'nare, and their own collective code of honor, the sought balance in all things as nature had a balance to it and sought to preserve this balance when and wherever possible, the started as and remained a nomadic culture for many centuries until small group settled on Kashyyyk on the edge of the shadow forest. A very Spiritual people, almost druid/shamanistic in their ways, the pack has a strict Hierarchy and system of laws they have taken and adapted bits form Mandolorian, and Wookiee culture and made it their own.
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Ylla Caeli'runa


The Codex is closed until the 7th of January and all subs must be posted in Pre-Codex until that date.
I'll be moving this to Pre-Codex for the time being.
Well-Known Member

Here is a list of things that must be resolved first before continue on to the submission itself:
  1. Image Credit: I am going to need a source for the image you used in section Organization Symbol listed here.
  2. Permissions: WIP's are not permissible in the live Codex area. If there are no permissions used, N/a is acceptable, otherwise, if you are still working on this submission I can go ahead and move this to the Pre-Codex for you to give you the time you need to work on it.
  3. Affiliation: Colrenth and SJC are going to need hyperlinks to their respective areas (Colrenth's bio, and SJC's faction home page).
  4. Organization Symbol: This should be in the form of an image and/or a description, rather than a hyperlink, and as discussed above, I will need the source for the image listed in the Image Credit section.
  5. Notable Assets: As indicated above, WIP's are not permissible in the live Codex area. If they have no notable assets, N/a is acceptable, but if you are still working on this submission I recommend a move to the Pre-Codex unless you have something in mind you can jot down easily enough now.
  6. Membership: What you have is mostly fine, but requires a bit more elaboration, specifically with the general size of the group. Here is the template field for ease of reference -
    • Membership: [ Approximately how many people are in your organization? What does it take to become a member of this organization? Is there an initiation or a ritual? Missions they have to carry out? Tasks to perform to prove their skill/worthiness? For families, is it easy to marry into the family or are there certain attributes the family leader looks for/do you need approval? For companies, how does one get hired? Include both IC and OOC if someone were interested in your organization how they would join. ]
  7. Curios: In the Codex you should stick to Wookiepedia for all Star Wars related material, as the Star Wars Fanon wiki page you linked for the Kyr'oya'kar is not acceptable canon for the Codex. You can still have the tooth of some wolf-like animal (in which case appropriately link it to its wookiepedia page if its a specific creature, or merely say it can be the fang of any animal) as a Curio, and call it by that name. If you do keep the name, make sure to post the link to this fanon page in the Links section above, to show where you gathered the inspiration for this aspect from.
  8. Rules: Mentioning the Earth is to be avoided in the Codex, I realize that Earth can also mean soil, but to better keep the the Codex standards some recommendations I have for you to replace the term "Earth" include: The Great Spirit, The Planet/Kashyyyk, The Forest, The Soil, etc..

Now, as for the submission content itself, it is a pretty neat idea, and I have a few suggestions you may feel free to disregard if they are not to your liking:
  1. Hierarchy: I recommend a list format personally, as I find lists more easily digestible. Something akin to this:
    [*] Gamma - The advisor to the Alpha, and spiritual leader
    [*] Alpha - The leader of the Pack
    [*] Luna - The female alpha
    [*] Beta - The 2nd in command to the Alphas
    [*] Sigma - An enforcer
    [*] Sentinel - An Alpha or Beta in training
    [*] Assassin - A member working in the shadows, like a spy
    [*] Lambda - The hunters of the Pack
    [*] Pup - A newblood to the Pack

    It also gives a sense of who is on top and the bottom more or less, even if it isn't strictly as simple as that (i.e. "are Assassins actually higher ranking than Lambda, or more or less the same?")
  2. Reputation: Just a small typo correction
    • Reputation: slow to trust and fear by those who don’t understand them, mildly kind to those who they trust
    • Bolded should be: feared
  3. Rules: A small typo correction, and a suggestion
    • Rules:
      1. Rise pups as members of the pack
      2. Display Pack markings
      3. Self-defense
      4. Bring no danger to the pack
      5. Speak our language
      6. The Alpha’s word is law
      7. The Earth is our Mother, care for Her.
      8. Honor all your relations.
      9. Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
      10. All life is sacred; treat all beings with respect.
      11. Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
      12. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
      13. Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each day.
      14. Speak the truth but only for the good of others.
      15. Follow the rhythms of nature.
      16. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks.
      17. Maintain nature’s balance
    • Bolded should be: Raise
    • General Suggestion: Think about combining, or trimming a few of these rules, as some of them are very similar or closely related. Some good candidates for combining or trimming would be:
      • Earth/Spirit/Nature related:
        • 7. The Earth is our Mother, care for Her.
        • 9. Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit.
        • 11. Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more.
        • 13. Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each day.
        • 15. Follow the rhythms of nature.
        • 16. Enjoy life’s journey, but leave no tracks.
        • 17. Maintain nature’s balance
      • Pack related:
        • 1. Raise pups as members of the pack
        • 2. Display Pack markings
        • 5. Speak our language
        • 8. Honor all your relations.
      • Danger/"Good of all" related:
        • 3. Self-defense
        • 4. Bring no danger to the pack
        • 12. Do what needs to be done for the good of all.
        • 14. Speak the truth but only for the good of others.
    • I'll leave that to you to decide, however.
  4. History: This is a General Suggestion, but it would greatly enhance your submission if you took a look at a few of the Chaos Timeline articles, to see what major galactic events may have had an effect on the Shadowstalker Pack. For example, when they formed 300 years ago, the galaxy was well into 100 years of the 400 Years Darkness following the Gulag Plague, or in more recent times, half the galaxy's population disappeared into the Netherworld during that crisis a few decades ago, and then some of them later returned upon its resolution. Since this is a more spiritual organization, I feel like the Netherworld event specifically would have a significant impact on them. Again, this is not a necessary change, it is a suggestion, so don't feel obligated to act on this.

[Tagging my handler John Locke John Locke ]
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