Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadda Silencing

The shadows were allies, concealing one for as long as necessary, giving no favor to any side, simply being there for those that knew how to use it. Still such a being only provided protection, no food, no a place to stay, Ay after quite some time laying low once again reaching out into the war torn galaxy she called home. Her directive, simply to keep on functioning, no more no less, such a task requiring sustenance, which in turn lead to a need for money, once again the cybernetic girl turning to contract bounty hunting and assassination.

It was easy, fast and paid well, most of the time, especially for more important targets, the down side? Such targets were often guarded and unlike other bounty hunters Ay knew her limits. As such it made logical sense to take on a joint contract with another hunter in order to even the odds, her apparent partner being a man going by the identity of [member="Anders O'Tor"].

An unknown entity, one she needed to meet before undertaking the assignment, the possibility of being back stabbed, partnered up with a 'rookie' and other factors were a constant issue when doing join contracts. Thankfully there was no real time limit for said mission, giving the Scarlet Wraith plenty of time to 'interview' her temporary partner... first things first the two needed to meet up, somewhere easy to find, but hidden enough to keep out of sight.

Fortunately Nar Shadda was swarming with underground bars and clubs, ideal for those wishing to escape from the lore, Ay soon coming to a place she deemed ideal. The establishments name being the 'Lusty Lekku', located off the main speeder way, concealed enough for many to not notice it, yet in close proximity to the targets current location, 'staging ground selected, proceeding with acquisition of seating'. A short message with the location would be sent to her 'partner', in the mean time she would simply wait.

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