Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Setting up a safe sanctuary. (Solan Charr)

Aedan Miles sat on the bridge of the Haran'uliik-class frigate tapping the arm of his chair absently as they flew through space. They had left Legacy station silently making a single long jump before starting a zig zag trail across the galaxy his safe guard flotilla this time containing a pair of Dire-class patrol ships, a Facade-class and the Deliverance-class he had recently acquired. Finally they came out of hyperspace above Kesh the Kesh defensive fleet hailing him to request identification Aedan stood and nodded as his communications officer channeled him through. "This is Aedan Miles I believe my presence was requested here by Solan Charr. If you would direct my force to a holding area I will take a shuttle down with my personal escort." Finally the location came through Aedan directed his force to the indicated location as he made his way towards the hangar climbing into a shuttle. The squad and a half of fighters rested in the hangar and the squadron that was normally bombers had been replaced with shuttles to ferry his belongings and security down to his villa. Aedan sat back and waited as 6 cragmaloids filed in and sat in the shuttle waiting for the shuttle to take off.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

Solan meanwhile was laying on the sands of a beach, that of which rested on one of the few islands that the newest city of Mareth was being built on. A Great deal of the work had already been completed, but the last islands were all meant as villas and beach front homes for those of which could afford a place on the planet. Sure it was a bit of a luxury, but he wasn't going to have one so those that choose to settle there as their home or even as a vacation home... well it was their money and as far as he was concerned, it gave work to his people.

Aedan was a special case though... And that was why his shuttle would be directed to this spot. The Island with which Solan had chosen was slightly larger an apart from the rest of the island chain, allowing the man to build a haven of his choosing on the island. A place for the pirate king to lay low and safely hide out in if he so desired... assuming he desired it in the first place.
Aedan looked out the shuttle window as it flew down towards the island it had been directed to a pair of fighters flying escort for it chuckling Aedan leaned back half closing his eyes. Finally the ship touched down and the first being's off of it were 4 Cragmaloid soldiers who looked around though their helmets before moving aside Aedan calmly striding down it his usual self confident smirk back especially after his most recent batch of piracy. Nodding to Solan Aedan moved forward to join him the Cragmaloids spreading out to secure the area as Aedan chuckled. "Nice little Island you got here. So why did you call me out? Just a friendly visit or is there business you wish to discuss Solan?"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Solan Charr"]

Off in the distance, a shanty could be heard. The Cragmaloids would hear it clearly, and notice the direction was coming from the ocean that lay before them. The shanty was one of note to any amateur pirate or fanatic of such a lifestyle.

A small row boat began to appear on the horizon, in it, a black armor clad figure sat rowing and singing. It could be noticed the captain of this fine vessel was steering slightly off kilter. Almost like the boat was moving sideways.

As the boat drew nearer, the singing got louder and the image clearer. To the men before the shore, the armor would be known as well as the crest on the pauldron. The Wreckingball had arrived, inexplicably out of the blue.

Undoubtedly, the Cragmaloids would react as they'd been trained, assert their dominance and seek to apprehend the intruder, but that task would be as comical as it was sad to see.

Clearly drunk, even through the bucket, Nolan floundered in the arms of the guards to Aedan Miles. The shanty continuing to spew from his mouth, until he was righted on the sand and saw the two comrades before him.

"Heyyyy!!! S'guys doin in my pool??"
[member="Nolan Detta"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Solan's head watched as the shuttle came into sight, landing several dozen meters away and unloading the cragmaloids. He wasn't alone of course, his own shadow legionnaires set up in the bushes just in case as Aedan and him had been on opposing sides from time to time, but what he had to offer the old pirate was simple asylum, nothing grand or important. That didn't stop him from smiling though as the pirate spoke, the words drifting to his mind and sitting there while he returned his eyes to the sky and breathed in the clean air. Kesh was a place that was a marvel of beauty no matter where you look, even in the industrial sectors its people knew how to keep order and maintain the landscape to match the rest.

"Like it? I was thinking of giving the spot to an old friend who is in sore need of a summer vacation home... or a hideout when they decided that they've been pirating a bit too much and go get a billion credit bounty on their head. I'm happy i don't still go after those being i have this planet to worry about now. But you really should be more careful about who you betray in the future Aedan, else you won't have that head of yours."

The sound of a very familiar Mandalorian caused him to look past his chest and at te small boat, a bit confused but not quite answering him yet. He figured Aedan could do that.
Aedan sighed seeing who it was and gestured towards the shuttle muttering to the pair of cragmaloids. "Go get him to drink 3 cups of caf he should be fairly sober after that. Than I need to speak to him as to the offer of asylum and the Island I accept could use a new home away from home. Will have to hire an architect and one who has a military mind set sense it is the Pirate King's abode after all. I will need to see about getting a hangar set up maybe an underwater one in the ocean." Aedan looked around absently his violet eyes flashing as he did finally he nodded and looked back at Solan grinning lightly as the Cragmaloids dragged the drunk Nolan Detta off to the shuttle where a caf dispenser had been installed for just such an occasion. "Are there any special stipulations with taking this Island? No follow these rules and no forces kinda things? Also I will need a place assigned for my ships and forces to wait while here. I may buy a station to place in orbit as well sort of a refuel and resupply point as well as orbital defense. Only fair that sense I am making Kesh my home I am prepared to defend it as well."

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

"Yes several. Firstly, any forces you bring here will not exceed the confines of this island. I care not if they are your Redfangs, or simple pirates, but the Island is the only place in which you will be allowed to set up your forces. Using buildings to extend the Island is permitted but your men will not number more than five thousand, and all their members will be needed to be kept in sight at a moments notice. Furthermore, you will adhere to the policies of the nearby defense forces of the City of Mareth, for which your island falls under. This means you will not cause any problems and more importantly, you will not raid and/or break any Keshiri Laws... that means pirating my trade partners as well. Any ships you bring here will not exceed a total length of three kilometers, to ensure that you cant make off with anything, and your station will be separated from the Aurora shipyards and my own defense fleet... Sorry Aedan, but you are still a Pirate King... can't trust you with too much."

His eyes moved past Aedan and looked at the foliage behind him. "And im sure you wont mind if i keep an eye on your people, though not as intimately as i am at the moment?"
Aedan chuckles having already sense Solan's forces hiding in the foliage he made a point of letting them know he knew they were there but using the force to pull the pistol form the holster of one catching it by the barrel he held it up calmly. "Solan you of all people should know I don't rob my friends. Most of the time I just ask for or even buy what I want. Besides you have a whole planet I wouldn't fight you here if anywhere I would fight you in space. So now than moving on the number of troops I can agree to but what about non-combtants? IE The families and such of Clan Akaata are they allowed here? What about non military ships like freighters and the like?" Aedan crossed his arms calmly and waited this was the best part of it all negotiating to see how far he could get Solan to budge before finally agreeing. Everything was within his expectations so far although the appearance of Detta while useful was unexpected.

[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Nolan Detta"]
[member="Aedan Miles"]

"Any freighters are subject to the same tariffs and inspection of goods just as every other ship that arrives in our system is. I know its a pain in the ass, but I have a very clear policy on contraband and even more so on the use of slavery. I am not accusing you of such mind you, but it remains the fact that the system in in place to ensure that scourge never touches this planet until the day that I die." He paused and his eyes fell for a second as he stared at his hand, tightening it and gripping at the sand before nodding to the first part of Aedan's question. "As for the families and your clan, they are allowed on the planet but i will be stationing a naval base nearby to ensure that it is only the families of your soldiers that show up... im sorry for the caution Aedan but i cant trust many these days after the events of the past. Try not to hold that against me for putting you in a bind after offering to protect you and your clan."
Aedan thought for a moment tilting his head before he shrugged lightly it was to be expected after all finally he nodded and held his hand out to Solan. "Sounds like a deal I will send out the word to the clan and prepare a defensive force to station here. Also if you know of any good complex designers who like a challenge have them get a hold of me." Aedan turned back towards the ship calling out loudly. ​"Hey Detta you sober yet you nuisance of a Mandalorian?"

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Nolan Detta"]
Rolling over, realizing he was inside a ship, gravity set in and he fell off the bunk and slammed into the deck. CLANG.

Dragging himself to his feet, Nolan wandered out of the shuttle and tinted his visor to full as the light hit his eyes. He slowly made his way done the ramp and over to [member="Aedan Miles"] and [member="Solan Charr"]. As he passed the Cragmaloids he patted one on the shoulder...

"Thanks for the lift boys." He moved on and slowly took off his helmet. Squinting against the bright sunlight for a moment before he looked around.

"No need to yell Aedan, my hearing is fine. Hey Solan, long time." He pulled a canine from his belt and swished water around his mouth to get the taste of leftover booze and cotton mouth out.

"Ahh, better. So, why am I here?"

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