Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Send Her In. [ Morla ]

At what point does any flora devolve into a weed?

Do not all examples of natural greenery begin the same? Do they not all find their way into the fertile ground, feasting upon the nutrients therein? Do they not claw their way to the surface and devour the light of the Sun? What, then, creates the final distinction between a "good" plant and a weed? What causes the segregation of all green things? The answer is one rooted purely in the hands of mankind.

Weeds strangle potential.

While this concept began in the fields of primitive men who were forced to battle the flora that strangled crops, "weeds" can be more than vegetation. In fact, this very reality was the source of the Sith Lord's presence at an outpost of the First Order. Recent history had seen Darth Metus' decision to support the budding nation...and in particular, his expertise aligned him with the so-called Knights of Ren. Whilst it was a learning experience for both he and the aforementioned, the Sith was beginning to find his place within the rather unique Order.

And currently, that place demanded that he prune a metaphorical garden.

Few and far between were Masters within the Knighthood. Rarer still were those of his own caliber. For this reason was the Sith Lord summoned to the depths of the Outer Rim and escorted promptly to a rather cramped conference room. There did he sit at the head of a long table, eyeing the manilla folders which laid before him. The data within spoke of individual...problem...members of the Disciples. While the general population operated smoothly, there were some that simply threatened to derail the integrity of the program. As such, Metus was asked to review these cases and recommend courses of action to the proctor assigned to assist.

"Five. Five 'weeds' in a garden of how many?"

"Our last census put the Disciples just shy of two hundred. Although we have seen major momentum on the recruitment end since.."

"Five out of two hundred, not counting recent additions. What do you make of that number?"

"It's a fraction of the population. An outlier. Honestly it's not that ba-"

"Then why am I sitting here? Clearly the powers above believe the same as I; that even such a fraction is unacceptable. And look at these complaints. Four are just purely incompetent!"

"...And one has no concept of the words 'collateral damage."

"That sounds to me like a failure to mold. If one has such destructive tendencies, deploy them in the front lines. Use those norms!"

Clearly Metus was getting frustrated...and the proctor flustered.

"W-What do you recommend, m'Lord?"

"Expel the idiots. Eliminate them if you must. And implement stricter entrance policies to weed out incompetence before it becomes a Disciple."

"And the destructor?"

"Find her a suitable mentor. One who can properly hone her destructive tendencies."

"There...well, we wouldn't be having this conversation if a suitable mentor was available."

There was an audible sigh. Force choking was frowned upon, right?

"For the love of-" he began. "Send her in. I'll relieve you of this burden."

One didn't have to tell the proctor twice. With a hint of eagerness did he abandon the room and make the call...before scurrying off as far away from the Sith as he could.

[member="Morla Bicondova"]
Idiots utter idiots, they had her in a room with them. Glancing around the room she saw about six or so things she could use to kill these idiots with.

She knew why she was here. She had a habit of not caring about collateral damage. But sitting here and listening to the four others, her eye twitched slightly. They were absolutely karking stupid. How the heck did the even make it in?Someone was slacking on the recruitment department.

Giving the one person a glare that had approached her, she waited until the left before leaning back in her chair and propping her feet up on the table in front of her.

Closing her eyes to wait and see was happened it would come as no surprise when the door burst open and two Stormtroopwrs walked in. Cracking one eye open, she would glance around once before going back to her nap. Within seconds did the troopers open fire on those around her, leaving her unharmed before addressing her.

"You there, your presence is needed."

Thud!! The sound of her very dropping to the floor was soon followed by the scraping of her chair moving back. Glancing at the two before her, she'd soon allow her gaze to travel to the bodies on the floor.

"And I'm the one being brought in for not caring about collateral damage."She'd mutter under her breath before striding towards the door, not even dazed by what had just happened around her. Giving the Stormtroopers a disdainful look, she would wait for them to move so that she could edit this sad display of power from the higher ups.

"Someone Sure is taking out the trash."Morla, would finally state in a sickeningly sweet voice, soon making her way towards the area she had been summoned towards. Taking her sweet time to get there, Moral would soon come towards the room and breeze on in, not surprised in the least bit to find a Sith Lord waiting on the other side of the door.

"Oh.~They brought in the big guns."She'd state dryly, Gray hues staring straight at the being before her.
"You called?"

[member="Darth Metus"]
Patience was a Virtue.

The age-old saying was one that the Sith Lord had heard throughout his life. Hell, it was one that everyone had heard at one point or another. In the broadest sense, it was one of those mantras uttered to encourage the impatient to simply hold on for a little while longer. And frankly, Darth Metus found himself questioning the truth of the saying. He was a creature of the Darkness: a Sith born and branded by the fabled Dark Lord. So why should he ascribe to a Virtue? Was that not something a Jedi would be more concerned with?

Obviously Metus had some time on his hands, for sending in the "troublemaker" was taking quite awhile.

For some reason, the Sith Lord ran through this train of thought for several minutes. That is, until the sole survivor of his judgment decided to saunter through the door. According to her file, she was a creature who left a path of destruction in her wake. She did not care if scorched earth was all that remained. She did not consider the quiet approach. This led the Knights of Ren to label her as a problem: a force of nature that had no qualms about collateral damage. Yet Metus, in his "infinite wisdom", saw this as simply power in need of guidance.

So, as the woman walked in, he asked himself the big question. Would he formally apprentice her? Or would he simply mentor her until a suitable Knight showed up? Honestly, that depended upon how the conversation went.

When [member="Morla Bicondova"] entered, the Sith Lord continued to think until she spoke. This was not the typical greeting he was accustomed to; not that he was the sort to demand ridiculous heaps of reverence due to his station. Surprised ever so slightly by her...snark...Darth Metus lofted a brow from behind his masque. "Big guns. Huh. That's a new one." he began. "Have a seat." Metus gestured at the chair directly adjacent to the woman before placing a hand upon her file. With but a flick of the wrist, it was sent sliding down until it came to rest within her reach.

"This is why you're here. I received a report regarding your mission trends. The Knights are concerned that you do not show enough restraint when it comes to collateral damage." He said, rather flatly. "Although personally, I think whoever wrote that complaint was the same fool who let the four idiots into the Disciples in the first place. Your file clearly states that you do your job, explosively well."

He paused, taking a moment to rub his temples.

"So what it boils down to is, the Knights would feel much more comfortable if you had a Master in your life. Now, of course, they didn't have any good fits on hand...which brings us to why I'm here. I volunteered."

Another temple rub. Add in a sigh.

"I'm surrounded by idiots this week and find myself needing caf. Do you want some caf? I need some karking caf."
"I am aware why I am here. " Was all she stated before moving to take a seat . Reaching out, she caught the file with a finger and glanced at it her lips twitching in amusement at the 'complaint' what a poorly written complaint it was.

"What this looks like is an attempt to divert attention from the poor judgement made on the matter of the four corpses in the other room. But, I'll roll with this.~"

Leaning back in her chair, she would cross her arms over her chest and turn her attention on him fully her brow rising slowly as she began speaking in measured tones.

"Collateral damage really is a loose term in this day and age. Do I get my missions done?Yes, by any means necessary. Would failure be preferred?Because, I can avoid explosions and return back a failure. Perhaps If they hopped off Thier high horse and actually looked into things they would see that not everything is black and white. When abolsolute finese is required it is achieved. I apologize if the higher ups find my actions a cause for getting thier panties in a twist. "

Shrugging slightly, she began absently picking at a loose thread in her pants before smirking at his final statement. "No, thank you. "

She finally stated before heaving a soft soft, her annoyance at this situation apparent. I have learned that it is normally is the idiots in the position of power."

Another shrug was given followed by a short after thought."I will work in my achieving my end goal in an explosive manner."

[member="Darth Metus"]
He could respect that.

As one who watched the life and times of a certain Mandalorian, the Sith Lord could easily appreciate the necessity of getting the job done. He knew that even the best-made plans could crumble at a moment's notice; and as such improvisation would sometimes yield a bigger mess than initially estimated. However, even though he understood her actions and appreciated her current record, Darth Metus also understood where the idiots were coming from.

Yes, it was a bit much to put [member="Morla Bicondova"] on the potential chopping block because of it, but the reasoning was somewhat solid. As it stood at present, the First Order was not a premier Galactic power. They did not hold tangible control over a vast sum of worlds; and as such a certain degree of anonymity was required in their current missions. If they were a great nation, it wouldn't matter if she blew up every building from here to Coruscant.

But they weren't. Hence the current situation.

Rising momentarily, Darth Metus stepped away from the table so that he might procure himself a cup of caf. In the meantime, he addressed Morla in the same tone as before.

"I am accustomed to working with...bigger nations. Nations that have tangible territory and mammoth holdings. In those places, it wouldn't matter at all if you explosively solved every problem. In fact, it would be encouraged."

He paused so that he might properly pour the caf.

"So I get why the report was made. They're concerned about drawing attention from bigger fish before we've had the chance to break out onto the world stage. Do I agree with how they are handling it? No. But I get where they are coming from."

He turned, facing the woman.

"So here's what it boils down to. I appreciate your mindset. I've lived your mindset, actually. As such, I have no qualms about taking you on as my apprentice. However, the question is, are you willing to follow my instructions without question?"

He lifted his masque and took a sip. It was terrible caf, but it had caffeine.

"I know, loaded question."

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