Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scythe Zervos

Scythe Zervos

Scythe Zervos


NAME: Scythe Zervos
FACTION: Currently none, headed for CIS space
SPECIES: Mirialan
AGE: 29
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'1"
WEIGHT: 156.5 lbs
EYES: Gray
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Emeraldish Green
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yep. Doesn't know it.
LANGUAGES: Basic, Huttese, and Tracva


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Natural Scout: Literally created/designed as a scout and recon specialist, so while not the best at the nuances of strategy, she doesn't exactly stumble through fights, and...well, she's pretty good with the whole stealth thing. (Strength)
Enhanced: Stronger, faster, and more agile then normal Mirialan. Not ridiculously so, just as an Olympic athlete is above average, because of her training and the genetic tinkering. Also very healthy. (Strength)
Training: Trained as a soldier from the age of four. Scythe's particular training included slicing and piloting, both of which she is quite good at - not a goddess, but good. (Strength)

Unshakably Loyal: Once she makes a friend, she will throw her life away for theirs without a second thought. This isn't a weakness...well, until she's manipulated or it actually kills her. (Neutral Quality)

Childhood: No experience as a normal person, so good luck blending in, even if you got rid of that armor. (Weakness)
Funny Person: Really doesn't take a hell of a lot seriously, up to the point where she'll laugh it off until she gets hurt. There will always be those few things you don't joke about, but Scythe has very few of them. It makes it hard for her to exercise self-discipline without some outside reinforcement - and honestly, if somebody's always joking, it's rather hard to take them completely seriously. (Weakness)
Past Injuries: Scythe's past injuries sometimes come back to haunt her. Specifically, her lost arm - it's taking some getting used to. Also, during her time with Virolke's mercenaries, Scythe injured her back, making it much harder for her to pull of the gymnastics that Shell and Markus know her for. (Weakness)

Scythe has emeraldish-green skin, black hair, and gray eyes, like all of her sisters. She has tattoos on her chin, forehead, and cheeks, as well as on her hands. She wears her armor on a daily basis, but when required, she wears tan trousers and white shirt instead.

Scythe was born T:B3:SCT - one of twenty-one clones that grew up on Alpha Base. Three died in the growth tanks. The survivors were divided into "squads" of three - Nova Squad, Viper Squad, Blackstar Squad (Scythe's unit), Panther Squad, Hurricane Squad and Tracer Squad. The other two clones in her unit were B1 and B3, later named Shell and Hotshot respectively.

For the first four years of her life, Scythe knew no semblance of affection, only the engineered loyalty of her sisters. When she turned four, a Mirialan named Adlar Ungolfen arrived on Alpha Base, the space station where Scythe lived. For three years, he taught them, named them, and essentially gave them personalities, until, when Scythe was seven, he vanished and was replaced by the Sarge, a huge, brutal male humanoid, who trained them for the next seven years. Scythe grew quickly to loathe and fear him.

Her emotions were magnified tenfold when Bluejay and Scythe, working together, discovered that the Sarge was responsible, through sabotage, for the deaths of squads Viper, and more recently, Hurricane. At that point, Bluejay ceased looking for reasons to hate the Sarge, but Scythe kept digging. She discovered that Nova Squad - Bluejay's squad - were the favorites of Darzhi and the Sarge. Suspecting that her squad was in danger, Scythe informed Shell, and together, they convinced Hotshot to devise an escape attempt. This was where Adlar saved their lives from beyond the grave.

Adlar had hidden the comm frequencies for his group of mercenaries in the system. Scythe sliced it and managed to piece together enough information to contact Virolke, Adlar's second-in-command, who was now in charge. A few minutes of explanation and Virolke was all to ready to help Blackstar squad escape Alpha Base. The escape itself was a very risky scenario involving the Fire Room, a trapdoor, and a carefully made loop sequence. But it worked. Blackstar squad was free, at eleven years old.

After spending five years with Aldar's mercenary group - or more accurately, Virolke's mercenary group - Shell decided it was time for them to move on, into the larger galaxy. Scythe was reluctant to go - she had started dating the son of two of the mercenaries (Mila and Gokan Zervos), a Kiffar named Markus Zervos. Markus told her that he could come with her. While she initially rejected the idea - out of pure and simple reflex - she eventually agreed to it.

So Blackstar squad - and Markus - traveled the stars for many years. At one point during that time, Markus and Scythe were married, and they all took the last name 'Zervos'. No kids, however.

But fate was not about to let them rest. Roughly a year ago, a massive explosion killed Hotshot, injured Markus, and cost Scythe her left arm. While waiting for Markus and Scythe to heal, Shell began to hear rumors about a Mirialan clone rising to prominence in the Confederacy. A little digging revealed some truth to the rumor, but the Mirialan dropped out of the public eye quickly. Intrigued, Scythe (complete with a new arm), Markus, and Shell decided to continue their search for the mysterious clone. That search has led them to CIS space, where they have no idea what's in store for them.

HWK-290; Blackstar
(Waiting for 50 posts to submit her arm to the factory)





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