Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scutu Hu


Basic Information

NAME: Scutu Hu
Faction: The Order of The Silver Jedi
Rank: Jedi Padawan
SpecIes: Quermian
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Height: 2.64 meters
Eyes: Red
Skin: Pasty White
Force Sensitive: Yes
Force Class: Consular, Jedi Researcher/Alchemist


Personailty | Traits

Scutu is a researcher and personifies the eccentric behaviors of the mad scientist. He has a habit of seeing most things as an object to be researched —Including himself. He despises perfection, as he believes that achieving such a state leaves him with absolutely nothing more to strive for — Namely imagination, knowledge, and improvements. He's a committed, and faithful individual. In every battle he'll use it as an experiment to test himself, and his opponent little by little. Before he will engage an opponent he will make extensive research on his possible opponents to tilt the chance of winning in his favor. Usually in times of great conflict he is usually seen reading in the archives or a library beforehand.


Scutu joined the Order at a very young age, when his sensitivity was discovered recruiters were dispatched to bring him into the order. While apprenticed the young Jedi spent over a month studying fauna and updating the outdated material found in the archives. As some point his curiousity saw him temporarily join the ranks of the Jal Shey. Their concepts of studying the force from an intellectual point of view intrigued the quermian who spent a much time under their wing before fully returning to the Order. He was able to update the archives on the pursuits of the Jal Shey as well. Though much older, he was still able to continue his training under numerous Masters.


Strength | Weaknesses

[+] Analytical Skills - He is able to visualize, articulate, and solve both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and make decisions that are sensible and based on available information. He's good at applying logical thinking to gathering and analyzing information, along with showing good aptitude for testing and designing solutions to problems and formulating a plan.

[+] Science - his real talents lie in his love of science and research. He has a niche for designing, building, and maintaining objects/devices/items for particular situations. It has become a big part of him, even being incorporated into his chosen lightsaber form: Niman.

[+] Ambidexterity/Contortion - He's equally adept in the use of all four of his arms, he has an option of choosing to face his opponents with any appendage, but most has to choose between right and left upper arms, as the lower two are hidden usually. He possess no spinal column, and is capable of contorting his body in ways few other species can match.

[-] Height/size - Due to his massive size, maneuverability can be extremely difficult, not only this has has the reach but the speed isn't there. He's physically slower than most others, so confined spaces isn't a good place for him to be.

[-] Combat - Though he has some skill in this area, it isn't his strong suit. He's focused so much more on scholarly pursuits that this area has been placed on the back burner. He's only dedicated himself to one form, Form VI: Niman. This form provides him with no advantages and no disadvantages, but the relaxed blade work wouldn't last long against a user of a more aggressive form.

[-] Anemia - He has a shortage of red blood cells. Due to the reduction in his bloods ability to carry oxygen to his muscles, they tire quicker than most sentients. This is why Niman is also a good form for him, as the relaxed blade work doesn't place any more pressure and stress on his body than there needs to be.


Powers | Abilities | Techniques

Lightsaber Forms
• Form VI: Niman

Force Powers
• Telekinesis
• Art of Small
• Animal Friendship


• Lightsaber

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