Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission: Never Hate Your Enemies. It Affects Your Judgement.
Mission Location: Vulpter
Mission Difficulty: Hard
Mission Objective: There is a rumour of Sith supporters in the lower factories. Find out if this is true, and arrest the supporters. (See if anyone is willing to PC this role).

This world was a cesspit, something she was glad she couldn't see. They had destroyed the beauty of the world with their greed and she could feel it down there. Or at least in her gut as the two padawans with her she had brought as a learning experience. She had gotten sloppy on Ossus, letting her own ignorance of the threat posed blind her to what was right in front of her. Vulpesen had been right after all the jedi were petty and becoming something not noticable which meant the best way to fix that would be to go back to the roots of the order.

To help people once again while she meditated and reached out expanding her senses to feel the ones on the ship. A small gift thanks to fighting with the grandmaster agaisnt the sith on Manaan, she had been heavily involved there as well and now as the ship came down. She secured a breathing mask to her face as she spoke. The lack of sight would actually make it better at least not seeing how much they destroyed the world. "Alright you two, come with me and be careful there is only so much we can do while searching."
Noriko had signed on for the mission, a small thing to come around and get more practice. That she was doing it with a jedi knight who had fought on Ossus and O'reen, defended Manaan and been working to be a combat expert helped her greatly. She was soemone to look up to or down as the case may be and Noriko stood a few inches taller. The goal of looking for sith supporters down among the people was a dangerous game. It could be many things in the end but she spoke. "Thank you for letting me come master Misarr. I know the Ike clan isn't looked favorably upon."

That she could admit that meant a few things, she knew Matsu was many things but her cousin had also done several other things. Like make several dozen research notes into the different aspects of the force and saber combat. She even had some things on artifacts that the jedi had chosen to ignore letting instead the Harlequin be left alone after they had retrieved it from Ossus. Stupidity for ditching Matsu's ship and her knowledge had let the other Ike's in the jedi learn what they needed as her small smirk came. Touching the saberstaff and remembering her master who had done some hard work. "I am ready for us to go master."
As she looked upon the world, Sai Fel felt sadness for it. Standing on the ship as they headed down in hr shiny red armor the former Imperial knight and Ronan Fels daughter breathed deeply. The order might be gone but she had her pride compared to some and had went to her jedi cousins, chosen to try and fight evil but she had been on empress Teta and saw evil from the sith spread to the jedi. The horak rifle she had found on the battlefield and that had protected her against the sith was still around. Her heavy blaster, her rifle and her imperial knights saber on her hip. All added to her comfort with the situation, letting herself exhalethe air in her lungs while she heard the others.

The mask for the pollution was needed and she spoke. "Yes thank you for having us, I know it must not have been easy after Teta with paranoia and suspicion." Well more she had heard of Ossus and all the dangerous things that had been going on while she moved forward towards the door with the others and brought her cloak up over her head. The jedi knight leading them a welcome leader for this they all had enough skills to find and root out darkside supporters here, she'd have to try and impress. Maybe even her armor would get sith supporters talking but she wasn't to worried about it. "So where should we begin?"
"Ah hell suck it up." Willa had come with them, mostly because she was bored and it was good to have a soldier with cuffs who wasn't going to be a target of the sith... Okay that was a lie with the mass conversions the jedi were going through she didn't trust them. That the ember of Vahl was involved only had her more annoyed since she didn't want to fight her own people. Frak it she held the machine pistol on her hip and her large anti material rifle on her back with its clip. She didn't plan on using it but just in case. She was going to have to find and get a shattergun rifle from those verpine for use that would work or a quiet snipe rifle. Lighter, dangerous and while she switched to holding the rifle in her hand.

"We're herer because the sith might be or influencing the people, dope it out, see if they are and we'll head home. You jedi need to get stronger and ready as this war progresses ause I'll incinerate any who turn." She kept a look upon her face while walking off in the direction letting the mask closed over her face. Walking out into the industrial world and looking at the people her Havoc squad armor gleaming and the emblem on her shoulder while some flames covered the rest. "Alright form up and master jedi I expect you to keep those kids in line." Her barking of orders was why Rohn trusted her and why she was mostly unofficial as the second in command of the squad.
Sarianna moved as she looked to the three of them, an Ike from an family she respected. She knew Matsu, had worked with her before, worked with her padawans, fought along side her and didn't believe she was wicked. Why? Because the only proof given was from ones who wanted her gone, she was laughing to herself and standing there with her blade at the ready on her hip while she stopped and looked over a railing taking it all in. The force reaching out as much as it could with her sensing and she spoke. "The force will guide us and see to our success. You should know that better then most, all three of you should being from your families."

Sarianna continued moving forward as the stairs came into view and her staff came out extending into a walking stick as she conserved her energies and tapped the ground sending small vibrations into the force to show her the area around herself. The people down below she could feel now with the force and some of them were resentful, some angry, some anxious it was all a swirl of emotions that had her trying to sift and prod to get information. Trying to decipher who was who with the others coming behind her. "This world is an extension and showing of the real problem. Much like worlds outside the Republic influence the underlying corruption creates a void that promises of freedom can fill."
Noriko looked at the master and gave a nod of her head to that at least and was grinning a little as she moved behind Sarianna. This world was to her just looking terrible but as she stood tall over the others and was listening to them speaking. Sarainna commented only on their families but no detail, that one of them was wearing Imperial knights armor and the other was a Havoc squad soldiers well this little motley crew did much to make her enjoy the moment. "Understood master." She was reaching out with her senses and searching for anything that was off.

The city to her brought a soreness to her stomach, it was sickening to believe they had let the world get like this and flicking her head back and forth quickly to look. The corruption of the world would have to be found and taken away or purged as she looked for steps or a lift to get down to the factories they were headed to. "We will just have to be careful and watch closely to ensure the evils don't get left behind to spread and continue plaguing the world."

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