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Work In Progress Scion Series Advanced Battlecruiser A-Type

  • Intent: To create a warship for the market.

  • Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards
  • Affiliation: Scion Mobile Shipyards
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Production: Mass Produced
  • Material: Durasteel, starship components.
  • Classification: Warship
  • Length: 2000 meters
  • Width: 500 meters
  • Height: 721 meters
  • Armament: Very High (High with SLAM engaged)
Composite Beam Incendiary Laser (2, Mounted on sides, main weapons)

Rapid Fire Pulse Cannons (Turbo Laser Grade (400, 100 in front, 150 on sides)

Orbital Auto Cannon (Miniaturized, integrated into underside of hull, turreted) (1) Secondary Weapon

Point Defense Continuous Beam Ion Lasers (700)

Interdictor Field Generator (1)

  • Defenses: Very High (High with SLAM Engaged)
Triple Layer Armor

Heavy Deflector Shield

Back Up Thermal Shield

Heavy Ion Shield

Targeting Jammers

  • Hangar Space: Base (2)
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 0 squadrons
    • Support Craft: 2 squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Average (High with Slam Drive Engaged)
  • Speed Rating: Average (High with SLAM Drive Engaged)
  • Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast 0.5 (Chiss Hyperdrive.), Average (2.0, Back Up),

Crew Compliment (1000)

  • Battle Cruiser Communications Array
  • Battle Cruiser Deflector Shield Generator
  • Micro Jump Hyperdrive (Chiss Design)
  • Standard Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • HAPU (Power Plant)
  • Back up Solar Ionization Reactor (Miniaturized)
  • Solar Collectors
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • SLAM (Battle Cruiser Grade)
  • Advanced Long Range Composite Beam Incendiary Lasers capable of severe energy and kinetic damage to armor and simply overwhelming shielding from ranges four times that of a standard Turbolaser
  • Extensive secondary weapons equally good for attacks on capital ships or general bombardment
  • Interdiction Design, capable of Pulling Ships out of Hyper Space by generating an interdiction field the size of a moon
  • Immense Defenses
  • Much faster than normal Battle Cruisers in this size category, especially with SLAM engaged
  • Multiple Molecular Furnace Sections
  • Why Won't You Die: Super Strong Conformal Shielding Systems render it a tank in space, able to withstand withering amounts of fire from a nice sized group of other capital ships, with a back up Thermal Shield that kicks in in case the first two are depleted, which is fifty percent the strength of its main shield. It also lasts incredibly long times in Drydock with no maintenance, due to its immense Engineering
  • Checkpoint: Posseses an Interdiction field Generator capable of pulling ships out of hyperspace, generating a gravity swell the size of a moon
  • Speedy: Much faster than most Battle Cruisers in this size category, allowing it to potentially run circles around large battle ships, adding to the deadly threat it poses, especially with it's SLAM engaged, adding increased speed and agility almost unheard of in a Battle Cruiser of this Size, which can make it very difficult to
  • Sniper: It has two Composite Beam Laser Weapon Systems mounted on the sides of the vessel. Both of these beams have incredible range, four times that of an ordinary Turbolaser, and capable of firing up to 4 times in a row (21 seconds between each firing) before it needs 7 minutes to cool down. It's extreme precision means it can attack from longer than normal ranges and be mostly safe from typical ranges of retaliation, and Turbolaser Grade Pulse Cannons (Whose Projectiles travel 3 times faster than typical Turbolaser bolts, making them very difficult to evade), with Continuous Beam point defense laser cannons, making it extremely hazardous for starfighters to approach. It possesses one orbital Auto Cannon for heavy bombardment of a large target, whether on a planet or against a ship, with the same range as it's Composite Laser Weapons.
  • Self Reliance: Multiple Molecular Furnace Facilities that can produce repair parts, armor, weapons, and clothes from raw materials, and a HAPU plant ensures it can operate for potentially years without ever seeing a Drydock. It also has a back up, miniaturized Solar Ionization Reactor that passively collects power from nearby stars, which can take up to four weeks to charge fully, but can keep the ship running on minimal functions (Life Support, scanners, engines, Hyperdrive and essential facilities) for a period of three months, more than enough time for it to limp to Drydock. Legions of repair Droids can restore power to engines, Hyperdrive, and life support in a matter of 42 hours, so long as sufficient resources are available
  • Capital Ship Hunter: It's Composite Beam Lasers inflict terrible Incendiary damage, capable of destroying or at least crippling a heavy Cruiser in Three to Four Hits, potentially overwhelming shields and can inflict potentially severe damage on Star Destroyer hulls in four to six hits with it taking up to twelve or even fourteen hits to inflict even minor damage on Battle Cruiser Hulls of similar or greater size (In the latter case, it's more useful to try and destroy Battle Cruiser weapons than the battle cruiser itself ) It's Orbital Auto Cannon can inflict terrible, potentially Crippling damage on a Destroyer in one to two hits and significant damage on Battle Cruisers in 3 to four hits

No Star Fighters: The price for it's increased speed and agility over other battle cruisers is a complete lack of starfighter hangars, with only support Vessels for embarking/disembarking troops and loading supplies
Positioning: The Composite Beam Lasers are in a fixed position, requiring the ship to occasionally adjust in tedious, slow ways to line up a shot, meaning it tries to stay away from the thickest fighting as often as possible
Fire Rates: The Pulse Cannon Turbolasers inflict heavy damage, and travel 3 times faster than normal Turbolaser bolts, but each cannon requires a minute thirty seconds between firing, leading to less salvos with these weapons save critical moments. It's Orbital Auto Cannon can only fire once every 14 minutes
Rail Guns: Rail Gun Weapons can do heavy damage to the hull, and chew through shields
Plasma Torpedoes: Plasma Torpedoes can reduce the shields very quickly
Main Weapon, Large Target: The Composite Beam Lasers are the largest weapon and present the largest, most easy to hit target on it
Interdiction Limits: Can only keep it's interdiction field active 7 hours before it needs that same amount of time to recharge, and cannot fire it's Turbolasers or Auto Cannon while Active
Maintenance issues: The Composite Beam Lasers are a tricky, delicate system, and requires the most repairs of any part of the vessel
SLAM Limits: Can only keep it's slam function going for several minutes, and needs 42 to recharge the system. Also, it's defense and armament capability decrease to high with the device on, only the primary deflector over the hull itself active, and only able to use it's composite beam lasers
Needs Large targets: Due to the way its targeting systems have been calibrated, it's unlikely to hit anything smaller than 700 meters


The Subjugator Class Heavy Cruiser was a concept many Ancient and modern CIS Ship Engineers dreamed of making more practical, seeing ships like The Malevolence as devastating, but ultimately not seeing the Forest for the trees. Various Scientists would explore variants that didn't rely on the vessel being essentially a Mobile, Fleet Destroying Super Weapon, and this ship was born of such a Concept that was known as Subjugator Beta, trying to take all that made the Subjugator what it was and instead turning it into a long range precision weapon, a sort of "Sniping Battle Cruiser", picking off priority Capital Ships from ranges beyond typical retaliation, barring closing in on the dangerous vessel, which carries it's own risks, or precision Orbital attack on a hardened Planetary target, or attempting to weaken Planetary Shields.

House Io pilfered many technologies and blue prints from the fall of the CIS. Working from incomplete records, Scion Mobile Shipyards created a mass produced version of the Sniper battle cruiser concept, meant to be deployed from long ranges
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