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Sayal Duulheim [Alunrovaan]

Abridged Profile​
NAME: Sayal Duulheim
SPECIES: Pureblood Alunrovaan
AGE: 23
SEX: Female

LANGUAGES: Basic (10/10) Tinvaok (10/10) Binary (10/10) Vong (9/10) Huttese (7/10) High Galactic (7/10) Sith (6/10) Mando'a (6/10) Togruti (4/10)

HEIGHT: 5'4 ft
WEIGHT: 420 lbs
SKIN: Pale
HAIR: Platinum Blonde
EYES: Magenta
BODY: Slender
REFERENCE: Play-by | AnnaSophia Robb
- Enhanced Strength
- Dexterous
- Encyclopaedic Knowledge
- Analytical
- Abnormal 7/9 Intellects
- Numerically Comprehensive
- Strong-minded

- Inexperienced
- One-Track Mind
- Uncontrolled
- Logically Oriented
- Low-Endurance
- Rash
- Pain Intolerance
- Cancer
- Physically Fragile

- Ambitious / Fanatical
- Spontaneous / Impulsive
- Innovative / Unorthodox
- Inquisitive / Sceptical
- Faithful / Stubborn
- Understanding / Presumptuous
- Affectionate / Biased
- Flexible / Naive
- Empathetic / Volatile

- Mechanical Engineering (8/10)
- Pilot (3/10)
- Slicing (8/10)
- CQC Combat (0/10)
- Marksmanship (0/10)
- Diplomacy (-3/10)

- Force Sense (3/10)
- Psychometry (8/10)
- Force Empathy (5/10)
- Farsight (2/10)
- Precognition (4/10)
- Telepathy (2/10)
- Force Alter (1/10)
- Force Push/Pull (1/10)

Full-fledged Version to be added in future posts in due time.
NAME: Sayal Duulheim

Sayal is a conjoined result of "save" or "savior" (depending on translation manner), that being [Sav] in Tinvaok, and "mass", in Tinvaok being [Feyal]. Aside from the pun that is to correlate to the time of year she was made savior referencing 'Christ', and mass making it "Christmas", the meaning moreso relates to an alternative form of reference: Yule. Rearranged, or depending on spelling manner, one could write it out as "Yuel". Yuel Duulheim is a previous character of mine from a different time on a different site, simply for sake of the neat-o easter egg. ICly, Sayal was named as such in reference to a vision received by a close family member concerning Sayal's future. For the most part, she was to play a part in saving the masses of Negosvern, hence her name.

Duulheim is more accurately spelled "Du'ulheim", split apart becoming "Du'ul" and "Heim". Du'ul in Tinvaok means "Crown", Heim meaning "Forge", to form "Crown's Forge". This surname was taken after an event in Alunrovaan history. At one point, the royal family was overthrown in the past, and the primary factors in this occuring was a noble family that did not actually take the throne, but placed it upon another noble family. With the events transpiring the mutiny being revealed in later generations to come, the Duulheim family--while not legitimate royalty--were regarded and recognised as equal status. Upon the empiralisation of the Alunrovaan Queendom, while the royal family became the Imperial family, the Duulheim family informally became known as the royal family. Their influential position in Alua'an politics stayed strong since their actions that brought them fame, as they've consecutively bore figures of importance throughout Negosvern's lifetime. While their legal authority did not supersede the Imperial family towards the end of Negosvern's lifetime, they held equal if not superior influence over the masses.


Having escaped from Negosvern only a few years before the present and solely focusing on expanding her mind, Sayal has found no need to join a faction, particularly since she's yet to find an allegiance that serves her needs.

SPECIES: Alunrovaan
AGE: 23
SEX: Female

Sayal's connection to the force, as many other Alua'an, is strong enough to use it adeptly given the proper training. That being said, there are few ways she can actually apply and use the force as, alongside physical training, she neglected a lot of force training. At this point, she can only consciously use the force in terms of Force-Sense--a force category she was born talented at. For example, with psychometry--which plays a major factor in her advances in technology and studies--there are few items she can't extract information from.


Basic: With her talents as a polyglot and speed in learning on the go, it became a manner of time before Sayal grasped basic, what with it being the primary language of the galaxy, especially for interstellar travel. At this point, she has for the most part reached pinnacle fluency in terms of pronunciation, spelling, grammar, and even a wide array of vocabulary.

Tinvaok: As her native language, it's only natural for Sayal to have absolute fluency in Tinvaok.

Binary: Her hobby and profession on Negosvern was advancing technology. After leaving, it's only natural that her interests stuck with her, leading to arduous research into the modern galaxy's robotics.

Vong: Her entire race's sworn enemy, it becomes a matter of course for Sayal to know Vong to some degree, and with her talents in empathy, she could feel more than most others how pained the people around her were as a result of the Yuuzhan Vong's brutality. With hatred and logistic interests, Sayal took it upon herself to study their language to perfection. While she comes close, leaving Negosvern automatically cut her off from any consistent source of gathering information to learn their language.

Huttese: Sayal escaped a planet outside of a galactic government's presence. For a long while, she held no proper identification, and through the canals of the underground of the galaxy, she successfully moved about the stars. In self interest of survival, Sayal picked up Huttese adeptly to cope more easily.

High Galactic: Her pride in being a Duulheim drew her towards learning High Galactic.

Sith: One of the only languages Sayal learned purely out of interest without much intention to use it. Gathering knowledge and information in general is enjoyable for her, and with the historical significance of the Sith in the galaxy, she felt interest in their culture and eventually grasped the language to some extent.

Mando'a: Similarly to learning Huttese, for interest in travel with logistic comfortability, Sayal took it upon herself to learn Mando'a.

Togruti: For reasons similar to both learning Huttese and Basic, as a relatively popular language as well as for the sake of comfortable travel, Sayal learned Togruti, but never put much time into it.

HEIGHT: 5'4 ft - As an Alunrovaan, Sayal naturally professes short stature.
WEIGHT: Considering their muscle density, it's no wonder Sayal weighs a lot. Putting into consideration her lineage and the cultural expectations of Negosvern--despite neglecting physical training--Sayal provides a particularly high weight of 420 lbs.
SKIN: Sayal's skin presents a porcelain white, taking after both her parents whose original skin-tone was extremely white as well. Selective areas are slightly pink, and sudden changes in skin colour are more easily noticeable, such as blushing, bruises, or repeated friction. With the use of coloured body lotion and sparse usage of foundation and other body-makeup, Sayal can cover most of her scarring and various contrasts of skin colour.
HAIR: In varying lighting Sayal's hair can go from a standard blonde to the point of looking dyed, to bordering a pale white. While its true colours lie towards the lighter shades--specifically platinum blonde, shading drastically changes almost her overall look. The assorted lighting only served to change how dark it looked, but it always shined an obnoxious bright yellow-esque hue. To hide the abnormal rapid growth of her hair as per racial qualities, Sayal typically braids her hair, and with the fortunate application of girl-magic, the length is drastically reduced from falling below her hips as its actual length to going no further than the ends of her shoulder-blades. Of course, it's tedious to do this every single time, as by no means is it time-friendly task. That said, namely when at home Sayal becomes lax in regards to her hair and undoes some of the girl-magic. Her bangs extend further, though she retains a similar style to her previous physical appearance. The cowlick stays standing with bangs split in the middle, and instead of tying off her braid at the bottom of the hairline, she wears it in a top-knot esque fashion and wraps the remaining braid-mass around the base of the ponytail. There are times where she just lets her hair bare out its full length, and for some odd reason Sayal's cowlick flattens during this time, though this isn't always the case. Out of convenience and desire to experiment, naturally Sayal will often wear all sorts of hair-styles, but the variety and infrequency makes it unnecessary to document.
EYES: Magenta.
BODY: Considering her lack of over-the-top physical activities, Sayal lacks bulging muscles (setting aside her racial qualities that force a slim figure), but as someone who still appreciated the fun in playing around--specifically in heavy duty activity in the labs, or as someone who more reluctantly underwent arduous physical training, Sayal failed to ignore a moderate level of exercise. As a result, she could be considered a minute level above average (still setting aside racial traits). At least enough to see some muscle tone in easily defined parts, such as the deltoids and thighs, moreso attributed by a lack of body fat thanks to high metabolism.

PERSONALITY: Sayal sometimes comes across as a drifting conscience naively stifling through her ideals in an unending dream; however, her thoughts towards all things never ceases, and instead buzzes in consideration for the realistically applicable. This manner of thinking eludes to a pensive and detached state of mind, as she's often conducting large scale, complex plans. Truthfully, Sayal is relaxed and friendly, mainly when around familiar and comforting faces, typically those sharing her interests. On the other hand, this manner of social conduct can be replaced by overwhelming skepticism when among strangers, and in case of those not well understood friendly banter quickly shifts to an aggressive approach to the conversation. In extreme cases, she may turn to combat when in difference between her and another's end goal or ideals. More specifically, if their intentions threatens her own.

"Thinking" is Sayal's governing trait, and by extension she is unlikely to properly comprehend others' emotions and their expressions, verbal or visual. In the eyes of her friends and allies, it's known that Sayal is anything but a bedrock of emotional support, setting aside a facade she might present under the circumstances. Similar people likely prefer a series of logical suggestions to the desired result on how to resolve the underlying issue--a perspective not always welcomed by the socially obliged. This disposition extends to most social conventions and goals, for example planning excursions or some other pre-engaged matters with emotionally sensitive context. Sayal is far more concerned with effective and efficient results.

Where logical input is insufficient, typically Sayal taps into her impulsive nature, among the array of quirks at disposal. Most everything she does in these situiations is a result of her instinctual, on-the-spot conjured theories, regardless of the situation. Flip the coin, and most circumstances of little strategic value from a conservative perspective will be handeled by basic, naturally thought out actions. In which case, the societal 'rational' is rarely considered.

WIth ultimate motivations taken out of the picture, the 'casual' Sayal's fades complexity, and who she is at her core is revealed. Sayal's open-mindedness--evidently excluding the sciences--is a trait reflecting her interests in all field: from culture to art, archeology to maths. In short, one can describe Sayal with the following: imaginitive, creative, stretchingly a 'seeker of cultural and educational experiences'. Her practical and straight-forward demeanor is only surface-level. AT the same time, alongside most of the youth, Sayal is prone to a quick shift in the emotional spectrum, from a joyful disposition to an ocean of negative feelings at the spur of a moment. Even the prodigal Sayal finds insecurities in her heart, and at her age, physical attraction isn't exempt.

If there's one thing Sayal is good at, it's coming up with a never-ending stream of innovations and ideas to keep things moving forward; this is evident in her ideal romances as well. To her, growth is key, and even before she's found a partner, the young girl imagines all the ways possible to spend with her future other-half, for both to share new experiences and grow in tandem. If her partner doesn't match up appropriately, this can be an overwhelming process. On the flipside, someone who shares her love of intellectual exploration--in short, a frighteningly well-tuned couple is born.

Even before her tens, Sayal's concept of a fruitful relationship included testing both of their limits to--ironically--fulfill their potential pushing boundaries and traditions in the spirit of open-mindednesss and spontaneity. To be together with Sayal is far from a boring experience, and the girl will certainly make use of mutual enthusiasm and creativity to delight her partner with 'something new'. That in mind, it's expected that Sayal's relationships move extremely fast.

As a basic level of introduction, Sayal intends to present herself respectfully as the natural stance to assume. On first contact, she speaks forth with the intent of viewing herself, and the subject, as equals. As with everything, there may be exceptions, but this is the standard. Even if she did possess information regarding a person she's yet to meet (for example if they were to be regarded with reverence or deemed the lowest of criminals), Sayal will hope to conduct herself without overstepping boundaries of intimacy or malice. That is, until something within her--or the subject--is sparked.

Her eccentric psyche has chiseled this characteristic into her, to the point of having a generally polite way of carrying herself in public to the best of her conscientious abilities. Sayal finds it shameful for someone to act without manners in a setting without some level of intimacy; therefore, she commits to doing just the opposite. Furthermore, when someone has actually done something worthy of acknowledgement, she won't simply have manners, but legitimately respect them, at the least holding them in relatively high-esteem. In regards to higher-ups, they naturally deserve respect, for reasons such as simply being "higher-up", as well as doing something deserving of that position. Given that, Sayal will give them respect; however, a situation may arise in which Sayal's personal opinion differs with their position. In this case, she will treat them politely, but express her disapproval subliminally.

LIKES: Another side of Sayal prefers to explore things with her own hands and eyes, as opposed to just considering things "in theory". To match up to her pride in being an "engineer", the girl applies her senses to examine the world around her, at least on the inside considering the surroundings with a cool rationalism, and more frequently an air of spirited curioisity. Those of the same breed can be attributed to being "doers" so to speak; like Sayal, they move from event to event, "doing" tasks to complete useful appliances to the superfluous tools. In short, Sayal and her kin learn from the environment as they go. Well suited to her 'engineer' title, one of the things Sayal finds utmost joy in is getting her hands dirty in an attempt to pull mechanisms apart, and later put them back together--hopefully just a bit better than before. For the time being, whether bodies are not exempt is unknown. After all, Sayal si the type to explore her ideas and theories by applying them in her creations, subsequently troubleshooting through the trial and error stage for first-hand experiences. This is especially true in case she can't solve the predicament through thought alone. Of course, Sayal doesn't mind having others take interest in her projects, and at times even getting in her space. They just need to keep awareness to where her boundaries extend to. Those that inhibit her freedom and "wrongfully" interject in her principles find themselves having taken on more than they can chew.

Among the few things she enjoys, Sayal loves discerning patterns and spotting discrepancies in anything. In practice, this is generally applied to statements and expression. By extension, lying to her thus becomes a challenge. Ironically, her own words should be taken with a grain of salt. Not to say that Sayal is dishonest, but whether in her own interests or general precaution--or more often, her own confusing way of speech when engrossed in an event--Sayal frequents exaggeration, using others' emotions in relation to hers to gain what she wants. At least, she intends to do so. As has been the norm lately, more often than not Sayal's own true thoughts and feelings express themself more vividly than her sesrpentine attempts at controlling the flow of the situation.

Combining the two factors, Sayal may seem--and can very much be--unreliable. In reality, few are more skilled and capable of reaching a solid conclusion or gaining what she desires. People who share her personality aren't interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when they find an environment where their underlying motivations and potential can be expressed and grasped, there is no limit to the time and energy she will expend in developing an insightful and effective solution as she sees it.

In more casual occurrences, Sayal frequents the ultimate devil's advocate, proficient in the process of shredding arguments to let the metaphorical ribbon drift in the wind--even when contradicting herself or her own beliefs, for the sake of self-satisfaction in being right and another being wrong. One can even take out the strategic purpose and still find that she enjoys this process. Few love the process of mental sparring more than Sayal, as it gives her a chance to exercise her effortlessly quick wit, broad accumulated knowledge base, and capacity for connecting disparate ideas to prove her points, biased as they might be.

As with all those invested in the scholarly, Sayal finds the unknown ever so interesting. If something were to occur, and any relevant information pertaining to it was to be unknown, one would commonly find her obsessively entranced in a pursuit. As is a common philosophy to worldly fulfillment, the fun in obtaining satisfaction is the journey; the Pursuit of Happiness. When in reference to Sayal, there can be no better term—aside from substituting Happiness for Knowledge, as they are typically one in the same to her. Indeed, much of her entertainment comes from discovering the unknown for herself, and while the end result is simply outstanding, she has clearly learned to appreciate the trials taken to get as far as she did. Simply stated, Sayal is an infophile, and given that, supposedly, one can see a gleam in her eyes when facing the foreign.

DISLIKES: What Sayal dislikes 'specifically' isn't so crystal clear, but the qualifications to be someone she dislikes is evermore tangible. At that point, heir actions will cause her to lose respect for them, or in a less likely case, gain more respect from her. One's status and/or appearance usually has no bearing on her; as such, if she were to meet a king, they would be treated no different than a girl from a brothel.

Naturally, there are some exceptions to this standard, and sometimes someone's position or appearance does have an effect on her, hence the aforementioned "usually". Afterall, if someone walks into a pub with a sign hanging on their neck saying "I will break you if you come within a metre of me", Sayal, or anyone else for that matter, isn't going to find any benefit in interacting with them. But, in terms of giving someone a different level of respect upon first meet, usually this is done by relation to another person. For example, if she has a good friend, and she meets that good friend's brother, naturally she would having the expectation of the brother to be someone she could get along with, and therefore offers a bit more respect than usual. In contrast, if his hated nemesis's mentor comes along, Sayal isn't going to get all friendly with him/her.

Sayal has the occasional “what is life” rant. With her high level of intellect, it’s understandable that she might have some level of explanation for things not defined by natural laws of logic and the like. Now, this isn't to say she will always throw out a piece of perspective that invokes a lot of thought, as she frequently takes the more casual, simple approach to things; but there still comes the occasion that the girl might just spew out something heart-felt and deep. Especially when trying to prove a point, explain her point-of-view or try to get others to understand something. Even justifying something can lead to some philosophy of hers, or a concept she can agree with.

While not as a whole, Sayal usually jumps to a negative conclusion when judging people. While she will give someone the benefit of the doubt, she would more easily believe someone to have darker motives over being good-hearted. In her poverty-ridden life amongst the less fortunate, assessing someone could not be done through actions alone, as quite a lot of people had always worn a mask over their faces. As a result, Sayal developed the skill to 'read' people, though much of the information extracted from these readings were only speculation and assumptions.

A bit of legitimate deduction is used in accordance with their background, circumstances, appearance and actions, but without knowing someone on a personal level much of this information is relatively superficial, and privy to interpretation. This is where Sayal's cynical characteristic comes in. What seems to be a preferred interpretation of information she comes across is things of the more negative spectrum.

This makes any strict, organised entity a difficult thing to join, as most will fail to cater to her interests. Of course, if they did it would be a different story, but the very unifying concept of organised entities infrequently yield to her preferences. It certainly isn't because she isn't smart, and if not for the lacking rationale to her, she could do well, but the regimented, lecturing approach of formal guidelines is just so far from the hands-on learning that Sayal not only enjoys, but is accustomed to. It takes a great deal of maturity to see this process as a necessary means to an end, something that creates more exciting opportunities: a trait profusely lacked.

MOTIVATIONS: Something rather apparent when one becomes acquainted with Sayal is her aspirations. The girl tries to always reach higher and grasp things beyond her, inherently making her capable of an astonishing rate of growth when the circumstances allow. Whether natural or force, her ambitious side has made her a rather capable learner, being able to catch onto things quickly. This trait goes hand-in-hand with his job as an informant.

In a way, one can consider Sayal to be a 'big dreamer'. She has a plenty of goals, whether they are small milestones or ones that reach way up high into the realm of the impossible, all of them are sights set before her. For example, her desire to find something which can entertain her, whatever it may be. Despite ranging from small to big, this goal can only be temporarily achieved, and is therefore never-ending. Or another goal of hers, overcoming the traumas of her past While not having as much of a clear path to achievement, thus vaguer milestones, there is a definitive and tangible goal at the end.

In such a case as the provided examples, Sayal might attempt to grasp both, using them as a catalyst for each other. While trying to forget past trauma, there's almost an expectancy of being entertained along the way, and in an attempt to discover something entertaining, a shard of memories may be lost.

When Sayal is particularly excited, the conversation can border on incoherence as she might try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of her latest idea. Often times, Sayal will opt to simply move on from a topic before it's ever understood what she was trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms. The reverse can also be true when people explain their thought processes to her, in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available; this is how the Sayal's mind works, and her kind has little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming her gears without logical basis.

FEARS: One thing that really holds Sayal back is her restless and pervasive fear of failure. Sayal is so prone to reassessing her own thoughts and theories, worrying that she’s missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that she might become stagnate, lost in an intangible world where her thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as one of the greatest challenges she is likely to face, but the intellectual gifts --big and small--bestowed on the world when she does makes it worth the fight, arrogant as it may be.

Enhanced Strength - Good genes have granted Sayal a great deal of strength, far stronger than a variety of Alunrovaan out there. Of course, with her disabilities it's not as if she can freely wield it,

Mechanical Engineering - As the genius that brought the hyperdrive to Negosvern, Sayal has always proven uncanny talent in the subject. Traversing the stars has only served to increase her overall knowledge, particularly in the field of technology. Of course there are limits, particularly in what Sayal has access to in studying or having a hands-on opportunity to use. While she hasn't quite mastered the field, Sayal may still claim to be a cut above the rest.

Pilot - Using a product of yours and creating said product are two entirely different things. Having escaped from Negosvern, Sayal professes some level of ability in driving, but is extremely inexperienced, especially without the availability of opportunities to allow this skill of hers to flourish.

Slicing - Hacking is really just using your knowledge of establishing security, and using the flaws to be seen in these securities to get by. Having programmed quite a bit on Negosvern, and after studying continuously after Negosvern, it's only natural that Sayal thrives on this subject.

Diplomacy - Sayal certainly has the capacity to be an able ambassador, but her emotions and impulses keep her starkly inadequate for diplomatic situations. Even without her empathic abilities through the force, she is easily able to connect with other people, and understand underlying meanings behind their words and expressions, and yet she has a difficult time feigning anything. If anything, Sayal proves at times straight-forward, especially when provoked, thus leading her to be particularly unsuited.


Force Sense - Having neglected her force training, the only reason Sayal has some moderate ability in force sense is purely a result of her affinity for it. At times able to control and sense things through the force, and other times inadvertently gaining large chunks of knowledge, sometimes on subjects she doesn't have any clue about, Sayal is a worthy ally, or frightening adversary in situations off the battlefield.

Psychometry - By far her best subject in the Force to the extent of being able to control it extremely well

- Force Sense (3/10)
- Psychometry (8/10)
- Force Empathy (5/10)
- Farsight (2/10)
- Precognition (4/10)
- Telepathy (2/10)
- Force Alter (1/10)
- Force Push/Pull (1/10)

Born to royalty, Sayal Duulheim came to be known as a the prime genius that defined the scientific revolution of the latest generation of Alunrovaan society. As one of the many products of inbreeding for the sake of purity--though the expansion of siblings to siblings as the tree grew made legitimate incest a rare occurrence--as one might expect, Sayal was subject to some abnormalities from birth. Namely, some physical regression that enabled the body to cope with an Alua'an muscle structure. That being said, while capable of exerting as much strength as the next Alua'an over, harm to her body was a common side effect to a certain extent. In turn, this placed her position of influence in a warrior-based society fairly low; this only held true in her younger years.

The older Sayal grew, the more apparent her intellect and culturally-defying interest in the sciences became. Of course, interest was just interest, and wouldn't typically hold much impact on the actual decisions a member of royalty would have to make. What made Sayal an exception was her particular talent in the field of research and study, as well as her intellect. Naturally, Sayal has been confronted with combat at some point considering the culture of the Alua'an, and what slowly broke down the disposition of inferiority stapled on the physically inhibited Sayal was her professed tactical actions. Replacing the necessity in physical exertion to win a fight, the girl relied on words, understanding of the world--and people--around her, and used them to put her in a marginally advantageous position. At least enough to win over each time.

Her talents, interests, and competency in combat quickly restored a level of influence expected of a royal, which made her holing up in available research centres and laboratories acceptable. In fact, considering the wide array of improvements shown in the progress of research--namely interstellar travel, a subject of interest sparked since the foreigners landed on Negosvern and told tales of more hospitable lands across the stars--and innovative concepts being introduced into standard procedures, her presence soon became demanded. While on a galactic scale it may not be worthy of applause, to the technologically underdeveloped Alua'an, Sayal's successful creation of Negosvern's first native hyperdrive immediately earned her a mark on Alunrovaan history forever to come. Or so goes what was falsely anticipated.

Before the hyperdrive could even be properly tested, let alone installed and commercially used, the calamity known as the Yuuzhan Vong came to Negosvern. The prodigal genius alongside countless other scientists and engineers swiftly changed gears, from peaceful efforts to progress space travel to war-time machines and weaponry. It didn't take too long for the enemy to escalate from purging the life on Negosvern into destroying the entire planet altogether. With little disregard towards the reliability in her creation's functionality, Sayal and her people hastily installed prototype hyperdrives into unsuitable ships, hoping for the best in this escape. Despite the danger in uncertainty, the definitive destruction of their planet altogether--and the Alunrovaan along with it should they choose to stay--seemed an even less desirable option.

As the remnants of the Alua'an spread across the galaxy, Sayal sought out a place of refuge to steel and temper herself. Reluctant since childhood to train her body--though not altogether neglect it and her physical health--the girl stuck to progression her knowledge of the galaxy, at times hoping to find any information regarding remaining members of the Alua'an.

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