Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Salt in the Wounds

The situation hadn’t gotten any better since Kaili had tried to make contact with [member="Jyoti Nooran"] at the social gathering a few days ago. The embarrassment -- or well, anxiety really -- refused to let go and even though it had been stated otherwise Kaili was still pretty sure everyone around her were judging her for what she had done. Why had she chosen that time in particular to seek the jedi out? Why hadn’t she tried to find her under more personal circumstances?

As much as the apology could be considered accepted Kaili had still disappeared before anything else could really come of it that day. There had been something said about meeting in personal for what they were talking about at the time, and to that end Kaili had reached out once more to Master Nooran for a chance at discussing it and explaining herself even if it ran the risk of making her look like even more of an idiot.

Was she digging the hole deeper and deeper? So many questions rippled through Kaili’s mind as she struggled to make sense of why she even cared at this point. Maybe it was because she felt bad, or maybe it was because this other woman was a friend of Allyson’s. Or maybe it was just a little bit of both.

A hand ran itself across Kaili’s face as she waited at the meeting spot she had asked for. Her shoulders rose in a deep inhale and sunk with a slow exhale. She needed to focus. She needed to get this underway for better or worse and deal with the consequences later. She flicked her wrist-mounted holopad for a glance at what time it was before she took a seat on a nearby bench.

Why was it that this particular encounter worried her so? Kaili had apologized many times before, but this one apology made her uneasy. Maybe it was because she was acutely aware of the fact that she was the one at fault for this. Maybe it was because as a friend of Allyson’s and someone that clearly meant a lot to her, Kaili didn’t want to keep bad blood between herself and them.

The latter was most likely it. Had to be. That’s what Kaili told herself at least.

Her feet gently tapped against the floor with a nervous tick. Where was that Jedi Master?

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