Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sai-Shin Tox

"There must be both dark and light. I will do what I must to keep the balance, as the balance is what holds all life. There is no good without evil, but evil must not be allowed to flourish. There is passion, yet peace; serenity, yet emotion; chaos, yet order. I am a wielder of the flame; a champion of balance. I am a guardian of life. I am a Gray Jedi."

Name: Sai-shin
Afiliation: Grey jedi
Rank: Ex padawan and ex apprentice turned nomad
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Weight: 200 lbs
Age: looks around 32, unconfirmed
Eye color: (Half-blind) Hazel
Hair: (usually wears hood) black, short dreads
Skin: Albino
Ablities: Force cloak and force stealth, force push, Force Teleport, Force Drain. Is similar to Darth Nihlus as he uses force energy to sustain himself.
Weaknesses: Dark side energy of immense amounts, force corrupt, any lightning ability.
Appearance: He wears a vest with many pouches and white lightly amored pants. Over that a long white robe is worn along with his orange metal mask that covers everything below his eyes.
Weilds a 8 foot long Double bladed lightsaber with four 4-inch blades potruding from the sides of both emmiters. Lightsaber blades each 3 foot long blade, the left purple with a silver hilt, the right side white with a black hilt.
Past: Was trained by Plo Koon, after 4 years he fled the academy for more knowlegde of the force and was taken in by Darth Maul in sith Beliefs and the way of the double bladed lightsaber. After years of being an apprentice Sai-shin left the empire by fleeing in the aftermath of a small war when he relealized how flawed both the beliefs of the jedi and sith were as they biased the force believing one kind to be better or more true, but Shin learned that they were simply only teachings corrupt versions of the true force, thus he was able to be granted a clear mind and much stronger force abilities, although still huanted by the hundreds he'd killed during the battle. He now wonders, attempting to cause balance everywhere he goes and doesn't hesitate to remove any sith or jedi who opposes him in the area unless they agree to realizing the "true" force. He dreams of opening a new "Grey" academy to teach both light and dark, representing the forces true nature.

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