Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rylon Merrock

Name: Rylon Merrock

Faction: One sith

Rank: Sith acolyte

Species: Near Human

Age: 17

Sex: Male

Height: "5'8"

Weight: 135 pounds

Eyes: Yellow

Hair: Shaggy black hair, blue tint

Skin: White, slight tan

Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths & Weaknesses:
[+] Cunning opponent- Rylon will often try to outsmart his enemy in a fight
[+] Charismatic
[-] Nihilistic
[-] Uncaring

Appearance: Shaggy black hair with a blue tint to it, Tired looking yellow eyes, average muscles, Slave brand mark on left side of face - he will usually part his hair to were the left side of his face is covered.

Biography: Rylon's childhood is mostly a mystery, all that he will tell to people is that he was born in the outer rim to a slave in a pirate crew. At a young age he discovered that he was force sensitive and began growing his powers in secret. Eventually he grew his powers to a level were he could escape, after which he wondered the galaxy. Until he was eventually discovered by the One sith and was taken in by them.

Force proficiency
- Force push - Apprentice
-Force lift - Apprentice
-Force pull - Apprentice

Lightsaber Proficiency
-Form I - Novice
-Form V - Novice



Kills: None


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