Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round 1: Of All Places....Why Here? (Darth Ophidia vs. The White Wolf

Location: Eclipse (Surface)
The planet of Eclipse was a world teetering on being categorized as a dead world. Much of the planet was unknown in terms of life and long dead civilizations. When people spoke of Eclipse, the only true topic was that of the space station that slowly revolved around the planet in which it guarded. Debates, both heated and civil, had raged across the Dark Lord's Council whether or not to spend the credits to send another exploration and expedition team to the planet. In the end, the subject was dropped until someone was foolish enough to revive the debate again.
However, two things were certain about the planet. It was treacherous and unforgiving. If the cold of night didn't claim you, the lack of breathable air would surely strangle you. But the day was not without it's deadly tendrils. Unlike it's counterpart, night, the day side of the planet reached temperatures that soared into boiling temperatures, threatening to melt the flesh of bone. And again, there was the lack of breathable air.
If the planet's temperature wasn't horrible enough, the landscape itself was littered with unstable mountains, avalanche friendly canyons, bacteria filled rivers, hills with sink holes just ready to gulp the unwary, and the occasional geyser that spewed from their mouths molten lava when the mood moved them.
Eclipse was ripe pickings to host an OS Tournament.
The two competitors would be dropped off a good distance from one another. One would find themselves starting in the mountain region, where quakes and instability of the land would be their first test. The other would have the misfortune of being dropped off by the largest and winding river, where bacteria was known to play havoc on unexposed skin, and forced to discover a way across the shoulder deep water. Both participants were given breathing masks and a small oxygen tank with enough supply to last no more than 36 hours. And for amusement, the time they were dispatched put them less than two hours until nightfall.
[member="Darth Ophidia"] l [member="The White Wolf"]​
1. Official Rules
3. Eclipse is a Type II Atmosphere. Breathing Masks/Oxygen Tanks are required​
4. Tag me in every post.​
Darth Ophidia was dropped in the mountainous region. A treacherous area, where one had to keep a steady footing and a cautious step in order to pass. She was dropped off at a relatively safe spot, but anywhere she headed from there on would be a potential slippery slope of loose, ashen soil. The heat was scorching, and the air toxic. The night would be as cold as death's embrace. The Rattataki was equipped with a rebreather and her robes. Immediately upon being equipped with the mask and oxygen tank, she started infusing it with a portion of her own Force energy, making it much more difficult to steal away.

If anything, the view from the mountainous region was splendid. The wind pulled on her skirts as she looked out over the dark valleys and winding rivers of toxic water. She stood there for a few minutes before she felt a quake underneath her feet. This area was known for its' instability, and she was nearly thrown off a cliff already. She had to be cautious in where she stepped.

Gingerly, but not too slow, the Rattataki begun her trek down the mountainside through treacherous, winding paths. She had a weapon on each hip: A lightsabre on her right, and a vibrodagger on her left. despite the durable robes she wore, she felt naked without her wristblade, but the rules were clear: Only two melee weapons were allowed.

[member="Darth Venefica"] [member="The White Wolf"]

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