Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Round 1: And For The Main Course....Ice and Snow (Sage Bane vs. Kiran Vess)

Location: Csilla
When the time came for the site of the duel between [member="Sage Bane"] and [member="Kiran Vess"] to be chosen, Darth Venefica only knew of one place so fitting for Lord Bane and Master Vess, Csilla. The planet was not chosen out of revenge for Lord Bane dragging her to this cold and miserable, ice and snow infected pit to bring the former Chiss world into the fold of the One Sith. No, she had chosen the planet because it was simply cold and miserable, with ice and snow infecting the planet.
One look at the planet, everything one learns in terms of freezing temperatures came to the forefront of the mind. One would be hard pressed to survive outdoors in the harsh, frozen tundra. And what little life there was, they had the advantage of centuries to adapt to the cold; unlike the two participants who had only one hour to prepare themselves mentally and physically for the horrific situation they now found themselves in.
Two shuttles streaked across the sky, each one carrying a combatant to their starting location. Here on Csilla, it wasn't just their opponent they had to concern themselves with, but surviving the climate as well. Improperly dressed and the least of their worries was their counterpart in this first round of the tournament. Overly dressed and they would find themselves weighed down with bulky clothing that would restrict their movements. Also, as an added bonus, the temperature on the planet was known to play tricks on lightsabers, causing them to flicker off and on at will; or simply not working at all.
As the two shuttles touched down in unison, miles apart from one another, the doors struggled to open displaying a small piece of what the two duelists had in store. When the doors finally opened enough to allow them passage out onto the surface, what warmth they clung to was quickly snatched from them; leaving the unbearable cold in it's wake.
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4. I'll be watching from a warm spot, drinking hot chocolate :)

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Kiran let out a huff.

He hated the cold. Not because he hated being cold, but because of the effect it had on fighting. Of course generally that wasn't a problem, or rather it wasn't a problem when one was properly prepared and had environment sealed armor, but apparently for some reason the Sith had decided that armor wasn't going to be allowed in this tournament. So instead, Kiran wore a simple bodysuit covered in a thick fur cloak and a scarf tied around his face. A pair of HUD-G goggles covered his eyes, not technically armor, and therefore skirting the rules, but he figured since Sith could use the force, he could use a heads up display.

It was only fair really.

The other two distinct things he had brought were simple, and actually followed the rules. One was his own Titan Tomahawk he'd carried since his day in Titan Industries, and the other was a simple Beskar Knife that a Mandalorian woman had kindly given him, or rather had stabbed into his second liver and left there.

Both weapons would suit him well in this fight, and as he made his way onto the Chiss homeworld he wondered what his opponent would bring.

Probably a lightsaber.

Or two.
The bright sunlight glinted off glacial sheets of ice, blinding Sage Bane even through his tinted goggles. The Sith Lord miserably trudged through the snow, swaddled up in cold weather gear, with a wampa parka draped over his shoulders. He looked like a fething polar bear. Too bad he didn’t feel like one. One would think with his Chiss blood, that the Sith Lord would be naturally accustomed to the harsh, frozen environment of Csilla, but no, he was freezing his choobies off.

Bane was back on the Chiss homeworld, a planet that he himself had lead the charge to conquer, to fight in the Battle of the Lords in the One Sith Tournament. The rules stipulated no armor and only two weapons allowed. As his weapons of choice, Sage brought his lightsaber, naturally, as well as his focus, The Hated Hand. Both items were snugly clipped to his gear belt. The alchemized wooden hand, replete with its india ink designs, was used to give more power to his Sith illusions. A mere bend of each finger could pour more realism into the waking dreams he unleashed on his enemy, living, breathing illusions that could maim, and even kill. Sage also had his amphistaff arm, now hidden in its banelith masquer. His Vong biot would undoubtedly come out to play in the battle. It always did.

The Hand of the Dark Lord lifted his gloved fists to his mouth and huffed, letting a blast of hot air warm his hands. He reached out with the Force, sending his energy flying through the frozen tundra on its wings of darkness, searching for another sign of life, hopefully the warm body of his mysterious opponent. Using his finely tuned Force sense, he hoped that he would soon catch a shimmer of a beating heart, one that pumped out new blood to stain across the snow.

[member="Kiran Vess"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
He had defaulted to training.

If there was one thing he knew about Sith, it was that they lacked subtlety. Oh sure, some of them were masters at the art of stealth and hiding, and some of them were unbeatable when it came to disappearing, but they weren't exactly subtle. Most of them were rather obvious about everything they did, though some of them tried. Even now he suspected that his opponent was waltzing through the snowdrifts looking for him.

Of course what he would find was a whole lot of nothing.

Kiran had, after walking a few meters from the dropsite, fallen into the snow and buried himself.

His white cloak would hide him almost entirely and in theory he would be difficult to detect. His training with Teras Kasi made his mind impossible to read with the force, and he thought that it would also make him harder to detect, though that was just speculation. If his speculation proved correct, his hope was that the Sith would find himself without an opponent, and as such give Kiran the chance to stab him in the back.

Not the greatest of tactics, but the only thing he could think of.
A howl went through the air, but it was merely the frozen winds. No sign of life came back to the Sith Lord, which told him that his opponent was very good at hiding. Sage disliked the hiders. His most devastating powers depended on the senses. Illusion, Mind Twist, Qâzoi Kyantuska. Sage was not a brute, and while he enjoyed hand-to-hand combat, he much preferred to touch a mind, and slither inside the cracks, infecting his opponent with a psychic malady.

Wiping a few crystal flakes from his goggles, he scanned the frozen plateau, looking for any sign of movement. Perhaps he should simply find his own hiding spot and, baiting himself as the trap, play the waiting game. In this climate however, standing still was courting hypothermia, so he decided against it. Pursing his lips, it occurred to the Sith Lord that he had his own sort of search party. He stopped and dropped his gaze to the form of his shadow falling across the snow. Shapes began to undulate out of his cast shadow as he summoned six Sith familiars, his Hadzuska Rowa. The fragile shadow wolves would not fight his battle for him, but they could provide some animal sight for the Sith Lord. Their black smoky bodies huffing as they snorted, he sent the six shadow wolves loping through the snow in all different directions. He would use their eyes as his as the search for his foe continued.

The wolves spread out far and wide, their inky bodies stark against the white blanket of Csilla snow. Sage hoped the sight of one of them would startle his opponent enough to attack it and unveil his or herself soon. It was really fecking cold out here.

[member="Kiran Vess"]

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