Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Room of Jade

The construction cranes being around the hotel, while the construction of the third floor is underway, Varindar's memory of the old owners began to resurface: they had a variety of moneylaundering schemes to hide the revenues of their slaver operations. However, she could feel it from there: her brain began to flash with visions of someone trying to escape imperial entanglements, and she thought that someone could take refuge here on Trandosha, right next to the Silvers' capital. And... was that person really the sort of traveler looking to avoid imperial entanglements at any cost? She could sense that someone, which may or may not be [member="Jada Raxis"], was coming for the only vacancy left. That someone is about to enter the Crown Nebula Hotel's main entrance and heads to the front office; she stands ready to hand over the keys to the last room left, and also to flick the switch that replaces the Vacancy sign by a No vacancy one. She would just need to enter the name of the weary traveler in the room tracking system but the would-be guest would have to introduce itself.

"Welcome to the Crown Nebula Hotel, what can I do for you today?"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

And that traveler did appear. After a long mission to resettle some refugees from Rothana and find safe harbor for the Free Peoples Navy she had some relaxation time on her hands. And Jada wanted to learn most of all. Odd for a spacer to be on solid ground, and her legs felt the extra G forces crushing them with every step.

Damn Gravity Sucks!

She was clad in blue coveralls with a black shirt underneath and Shock boxer gloves. Her hair brown in a loose ponytail cascading down her back. No armor or space suit today, and no sword.

She approached the desk where the other woman was.

"Jada Raxis. Looking for a room. You got one I take it?"
"Yes, we have only one room left"

She could tell [member="Jada Raxis"] actually needed relaxation time since escaping Imperial entaglements was likely to be a harrowing experience, that which she would simply not be asking anything about, so as to ensure the protection of both her and the guest. But, if she still had some juice left, maybe Jada would get a lesson in or two. She might be wondering what lessons Jada would want, what Jada already knows. I might be a padawan, but Tana appreciated my style as a trainer, I can be a good master for a padawan, so long as I can translate the treatment of guests to the training of padawans, she thought, while checking against the room tracking system, and entering Jada's name in the entry of the Jade Vault, and handing her the keys to the Jade Vault. Which would feature green walls, ferns and other artwork that make the best use of shades of green. Just that the welcome package that she will find inside the room will contain stationery, bath products, ground caf, and popcorn bags. For four guests but that simply means it will last the guest longer.

"Your room will be the Jade Vault, on the second floor. Oh and I may be wondering if you wish to learn anything from me, I'm open to teach you provided I actually know it"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

Jada nodded.

"Yeah I mean, that was my intention coming here. How'd you guess?"

She threw her duffel on the bed.

"The room is more than adequate. Three questions. What is there to do here, what can you teach me and where do you keep the Caff?"
"There are bags of ground caf next to your room's coffee machine. As for things to do around here, if you fancy a swim, holo-on-demand... or perhaps a trip to the hunting preserves. Around the hotel I must say that there are nightclub-styled cantinas around here, and some of them host boxing or Teras Kasi matches, and often casinos are included in the largest cantinas capable of hosting boxing and/or Teras Kasi matches"

Now that the no-vacancy flag is activated in the room tracking system, the vacancy sign flickered to no vacancy once [member="Jada Raxis"] got her keys to the Jade Vault. In fact, Varindar even brought her to the room before Jada asked Just that, while she is steadily improving her precognition skill, she knew better than to intrude on Jada's mind to learn about what she knows and what she doesn't. But she knew precognition was, in fact, difficult to teach properly: reading the ley lines was difficult business. Maybe sticking to stuff like tutaminis and psychometry might be a better bet. She touched the sheets on the bed next to Jada's and realized that it was shuffled from another room earlier today. In fact, while the rooms' decorations were quite different from a room to another, the sheets can be interchangeably used between a bed to another so long as the housekeeping is mindful of the bed size compatibility. Just that psychometry would have to come before tutaminis if Jada was interested in learning both from her. Hopefully the training remote in the basement exercise center won't be used up by that point, she thought.

"Tutaminis and psychometry are two things that might interest you"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

"Teras Kasi Match Sounds Fun. It'd be unfair though. I'm pretty killer at hand to hand."

Jada moved across the room and opened a bag of caf, sticking her nose right in it an breathing the earthy smell.

"Don't get good Caf in the Rim. Tell me about Psychometery and Tutaminis?"
"You might be highly skilled in Teras Kasi, just that Trandoshans usually rely on brute force in unarmed martial arts" she replied to Jada after she mentioned Teras Kasi, taking her statement at face value. "Let's start with psychometry: it is about reading into objects' pasts. Very useful for tracking and policing. Be mindful of keeping your emotions in check if something heavily charged with emotions happened to that item's user"

Of course, she would be letting [member="Jada Raxis"] drink a cup of that caf using the ground caf from the bag next to the caf machine before the lesson gets started, feeling that, perhaps, psychometry and/or tutaminis would be a demanding lesson. And also grateful for the caf she drank, which the Dathomirian could tell that she I'll make sure she's getting her money's worth, from that one night in the hotel, and actually teach Jada those two items, Varindar thought, while determining which object around the room to use to train Jada in psychometry. Something that she could readily cross-check against, which, in her mind, was part of best practices when teaching psychometry. Maybe the last guest sleeping in that room and if there was anything about that guest that could be gleaned from reading into the history of the key, or what other equipment could be used for that purpose, while at the same time not intruding too much into the last guest's intimacy. So, in fact, it left her with one choice: the key to this very room. As she hands back the key to Jada, she provides an additional explanation about psychometry:

"The reason why you have to actually touch the item to read an item's Force-history is because the Force-histories of the items are made by tactile imprints left behind by their users. Try touching the key and tell me who last slept in this room before you"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

Well this is weird.

Jada reached for the key and grabbed it, then smirked. She took a sip of Caf and leaned up against the bar built along the outer edge of the room. She closed her eyes, breathed deep and let go.

She felt her gut lurch and her mind tumble into the void. Into space and beyond. She guessed what some folks called the force. To each their own.

Something hazy took shape in her minds eye. But it was unclear.

"How do I sharpen the image?" She asked, feeling like a fish out of water here.

Damn Gravity. Still killing my legs.
"Sharpening the image? Maybe your legs being killed might be blurring your mental eye; maybe it's just the caf that hasn't taken full effect"

As she sharpens the image, she will realize that key moments in an object's history are stored in there, and that she can watch them like holovids. Perhaps Jada would be more adept at the physical powers, she thought, realizing that maybe tutaminis could be easier to teach. Oftentimes people seemed to be more adept at more material uses of the Force than in the mental, and it was often due to differences in how the FUs' minds operated. Just that blurry Force-vision is something that is pretty common at early stages of learning, and that, with caf, she had to be mindful of the time it took for it to kick in. How Varindar stayed calm in the face of Jada struggling in her learning was perhaps because her memories of learning psychometry from a hoverchair-bound spellweaver were so recent and fresh. She could feel that [member="Jada Raxis"] was a little raw and would readily learn stuff from people that are just a little further along in the learning curve. But sometimes blurry mental eyes may mean that their proverbial mental eye apertures are too small. Enlarging it may require more Force-energy...

"You might be seeing video clips of significant events in the life's object, and often the most recent or most significant ones first, once your mental eye widens"

Jada Raxis

-Take me out, to the Black-
[member="Varindar Asyt"]

"Hmmm ok."

She sat down on the bed, clutching the key and breathed deep. Now she was deeper into the void, and pulling energy between herself and the key, removing the barriers between the physical and the beyond. The images began to sharpen.

Robes, a beard. She thought she saw the glint of lightsaber jingling from a utility belt. It was too fluid to really pin down, but it was there. Like a dot in the corner of her eye, but if she focused too hard, the dot slipped away.

"This key was handled by a Jedi. Perhaps a master?"

She kept breathing, keeping her rhythmic cycle up.

"I guess I gotta focus wider, and not so specific?"
"I know that wide mental focusing is key here, especially since the relevant memories might be a dot in one's mental field of vision"

A bearded Jedi Master was the last person sleeping in the Jade Vault? Probably some veteran of Kashyyyk or Charros, she thought, while she couldn't remember every guest's name. But that was what the room tracking system was for. Most of the time, there was at most one or two vacancies in this hotel, if there actually were vacancies to begin with: she had a string of several no-vacancy nights. But, as [member="Jada Raxis"]' skill in psychometry increased, she will find that she can get a better resolution on the memories, that is, make out the spots in more and finer detail - often using psychometry for policing required looking specific bits of information out of an item's memories, even though that's pretty much all she knew about using psychometry for policing purposes. Varindar was, in fact, doing the best job she had with the limited knowledge she had of the topic. She was by no means an expert, but now she has an idea of how it feels to be a high school teacher here on Trandosha, where, by accounts of the high school's swimming team in the Ta'jar era, the teachers were squeezed by the questions some of the betters asked.

"Psychometry is really a sequential process, where you need a wide focus at the onset, and only when you have the spot containing the memories locked on then you can start narrowing it down to the extent it is possible without losing track of the memories"

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