Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rix Sathora

"Who wants to live forever?"
Name: Rix Sathora

Age: 77

Sex: Male

Species: Morellian

Appearance: Lanky at 6'2" and 148 lbs, he has the same shaggy red hair as his brother, its color characteristic of his species. With dark green eyes and a pale complexion, he's rather unassuming. In his average street clothes the factor is only doubled, and he's oftentimes not given a second glance.

Orientation: Pansexual
  • Romantic orientation: Demiromantic

Force sensitive: No

Faction: N/A

Rank: Sniper, outlaw

+ Skilled sniper.
+ Talented street fighter.
+ Silver tongue.

- Self-medicator.
- Cynical attitude towards most.
- Not all that strong physically. (This won't be remedied at a later date.)

* Fluent in Smuggler's Cant.
* Family: younger brother Jalek Sathora.


An orphan on Taris right alongside his brother, the two were close during much of their childhood and early adolescence, as expected of most any siblings. So when one joined the Lower City Renegades the other followed, and rather unsurprisingly. The two of them took to gang life rather quickly, forming their own impromptu families of sorts. It was ther the two took to their own trades, his of a decidedly more deadly sort. They both remained behind the scenes during most operations, allowing them freedoms others couldn't experience. It was during one of those more boring outings that he had his first taste of illicit substances. While not likely a logical or reasonable thing to do, he had never been one to deny any opportunities for an enjoyable experience, and so he indulged. With his intolerance to most substances beyond your typical alcohol, and the other individual just as inhibited, his part in the operation was left to no one. Thankfully his presence wasn't needed, and it was something he didn't speak of afterwards.

Life among the swoop gang continued as was typical, which, given his company, didn't say too much. At first he didn't bother further with what drugs were available, not developing much of a dependence right away as some others among the group tended to do, and quite regularly. A decade or so before his brother did the same he left the group, for a time living as a spice dealer in order to merely make it from one day to another. It was through this profession he became better acquainted with his own product, though he quickly moved on to what could be called prescription medication, it being easier to obtain and not quite so detrimental to his health, or at least not at such a downhill rate. Still he continued in the job, if it could be called that, soon living reasonably given the others that inhabited the Lower City right alongside him. Selling was never a difficulty, and eventually he had eked out a steady income for himself, though still small in the grand scheme of things, it allowed him to get by rather well.

Even then he became bored, eventually dropping spice dealing altogether once he had amassed a fair amount of credits, making his way off-planet, though his own addiction of sorts still stuck stubbornly with him. Now on Coruscant, the veritable galactic hub, life came a shade easier than it had beforehand. His skills as a sniper were valued far more over his as a dealer, and it was through that talent he found considerably more employment. Never did he make his way above taking out your average targets, politicians that meant little on the galactic scale, or others that he would have once called friend at an earlier point in time. Still his addiction kept up, though at a more manageable rate. To a degree he possessed some level of self-control with it, enough so that he wasn't entirely dependent just yet. But for the moment, with his current employment, that was more than enough to allow him to get by. Then again, where he resided, it wasn't saying all that much.

Coruscant eventually became Nar Shaddaa, a step down from his former place of residence but a step up from his original homeworld of Taris. It became a happy medium between the two, just big enough to provide variety, and living beside those of a similar nature granted far more opportunity in fields he was experienced in. It wasn't necessarily an easy life, but given how he'd grown up and who had played a part in raising he and his brother, it was easy enough. It was there he touched base with his brother once again, the two meeting up and discussing what life had become. Through his younger sibling he caught wind of one [member="Cryax Bane"], a man whose reputation was far from shining. Later he learned of what had happened between the Chiss and his brother, and the eventual breakup. Though the crime lord of Coruscant may not have been aware of it, he did look out for blood. And he was interested in meeting the Chiss, if just to set things straight.

Roleplays (in roughly IC chronological order):

My Life for Hire

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