Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Riva Quill


NAME: Riva Quill


RANK: Aspirant


AGE: 23

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.6m

WEIGHT: 59kg

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Caucasian



  • Bull-Headed - Stubborn to a fault, once Riva makes a decision she stands by it come Hell or high water. At times, she can be persuaded to do otherwise, but this is at best extremely difficult.
  • Fleet of Feet - Riva's size and build make her agile and quick. Years of living among the stars and in less savory areas of the galaxy have given her the ability to move and maneuver where others have trouble navigating. Where others see obstacles, she sees pathways forward.
  • Sincere Dedication - Brought up on the lower streets of Coruscant where survival walked arm in arm with petty crime, she raised herself on the stories told of heroic deeds across the galaxy. Jedi fighting against the Sith, righting the wrongdoing of the galaxy at large. With the desire to join her childhood heroes, she eventually left Coruscant to find her future with the Jedi even if it killed her.
  • Small and Slight - While her size benefits her greatly with agility and speed, it doesn't exactly lend well to excessive physical sturdiness or impressive feats of strength.
  • Unknown Abilities - Despite her desire to become a Jedi, her attempts failed as no one could detect any hint of Force ability upon her. In fact, at times it was declared that she could only be extremely weak in the Force by Jedi recruiters for reasons they never outwardly stated. With her physical abilities often declared "supernatural" or "Force touched" by those she was acquainted with, she determined that it must either be a fault on the recruiters or that she simply needed to unlock it within herself first.

Thin and slight with dark hair and eyes, Riva is easily picked out by her size by those who know her. She keeps her hair cut short for ease of maintenance and prefers darker clothing, usually spacer leathers or a simple ship's jumpsuit.

Born an orphan, Riva grew up within Coruscant's underworld. Initially surviving on the charity of others, she was forced to survive through petty crime as she grew older. She grew up on the stories of Jedi and their exploits told in various cantinas and bars until ultimately deciding to become one no matter the cost to herself. As a young teen, she falsified her age and signed on as a deckhand upon a merchant vessel, never once looking back.

Since then she's bounced around the galaxy making a name for herself as a competent spacer all the while searching for a Jedi group to take her in and help realize her dream. As time has gone on, however, her memories of home have become rather hazy, so much so that she even has trouble remembering something as basic as her original sector, much less the old pipeways and cantinas she frequented in her youth.






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