Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reylan Abraxis



NAME: Reylan Abraxis
FACTION: Silver Sanctum
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 26
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 186cm
WEIGHT: 85kg
EYES: Deep Blue
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Caucasian; slight tan


(+) Tough as Nails - Reylan possesses extraordinary endurance and a high pain threshold.
(+) Steely Resolve - It is almost impossible to break Reylan's spirit, unless aided in some way by the force.
(+) Survivalist - Faced with any environment, Reylan will likely conquer it.

(-/+) Reckless - This results in less accurate attacks but more powerful ones. Also means Reylan disregards personal safety and the safety of others more often than not.

(-) Single Minded - Rarely able to see the bigger picture, or focus on more than one thing at a time.
(-) Haunting Nightmares - Most nights, Reylan dreams of his father and his father's death. This results in sleepless nights and mild fatigue.
(-) Unsociable - A minor flaw that resulted from interacting with only one other human being for the majority of his life.

Athletic build with untidy, medium/long length light brown hair that is casually swept back. Possesses a rough beard and deep set, blue, eyes. Rugged facial appearance. Wears a set of dark brown robes that seem a little worse for wear as well as occasionally donning a durasteel mask with ornamental engravings.

Born on an uncharted planet on the edges of known space, Reylan grew up with only his father for company. His mother had died a few hours after childbirth due to complications with delivery which could have likely been rectified had there been a medical facility or even someone with medical expertise nearby. Unfortunately, his father had neither the means of transport nor the medical knowledge required to save his mother's life. With his mother out of the picture, Reylan was raised by his father, a Jedi Knight in exile, on a planet with absolutely no urbanisation or sentient life whatsoever. Illuminated by each night's campfire, Reylan listened in awe as his father recounted stories of his adventures and the galaxy that laid in waiting beyond the planet's atmosphere.

Despite there being little in the way of technology on their planet, Reylan's father educated him rather well in both language and mathematics, even going as far as to teach him rudimentary force powers. That was up until the day slavers visited his planet. Despite being a Jedi, his father was old and weak, and was no match for the slavers. Onlooking from cover, the sight of his father being captured drove Reylan into a blind fury and he leapt out, rushing straight towards the nearest slaver with the intent to kill. Unfortunately, Reylan proved to be no match for multiple stun weapons and fell just as his father had, inflicting absolutely no damage to the band of kidnappers.

He awoke in a cell with a few others, his father nowhere in sight. Upon questioning the others, one of which was an alien, something Reylan had never seen before, he learned that the slavers were so desperate for food that they were eating prisoners. His father had been selected randomly just minutes beforehand. Rage once again took over Reylan's body and he threw the cell doors open using the force. Luck and fury drove Reylan to a successful victory over the guards, and he continued his destructive rampage throughout the ship before finding his father, bloody and mutilated, in the ship's kitchen. With his dying breath, he instructed Reylan to seek out the Jedi and succeed where he had failed. Reylan could only nod as his father passed away.

With the ship now in Reylan's control, he landed back at the planet, secured his father's Jedi possessions from their camp and evicted the surviving slavers to fend for themselves on his unforgiving homeworld. Donning his father's robes, mask and lightsaber, Reylan blasted off towards known space in search of Jedi to train him.

Rugged freighter of unknown origin.




Gemlight - To be completed.
Ache in the Heart - To be completed.

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