Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Revisiting The Past (Past RP)

The Battle for Charros IV, Silver Jedi Order/ Galactic Empire.

So far in the battle both sides had been relatively evenly matched, with no decesive strikes having been made. Early skirmishing had favored neither side, with Dusaro having lost a planetary defense cannon and the Imperials loosing a Star Destroyer in the process, as well as some casualties from Silver Jedi artillery. The Artillery which had after scattering from the return fire from the Star Destroyers in atmosphere, had regrouped in a more spread out fashion and started to fire upon the approaching enemy Corvettes, using APHE bunker buster rounds. Not their usual targets to be sure, but corvettes relatively speaking were not going to be going anywhere fast, especially in atmosphere.

On the main battle front, Dusaro's forces had just rained down 3t6 thermobaric mortars from his thirty four Radmada mortar carriers. Firing down on the troopers and tanks that were coming to reinforce Androns vanguard that had landed in the LAATS, they aimed to disrupt the reinforcing forces that would be joining his vanguard. While this bombard began, Tango APCs sped out from the city and screamed for the rear flank of Androns advance force. Dropping off a total of one hundred and fifty Regulars, armed with 10MM slugthrowers and backed by Ranger Scout units, who would advance alongside the Regulars and guard their flanks as they did a charge into Androns and his vanguard. The handful of snipers would pick off any Heavy Weapons units that would try and halt their advance. In battle, the person who had the loudest bang stick was usually the one to win. It was not a certainty, but it certainly helped. So they did their best to keep Androns forces from using them. On the other side, the Tanks that had been fairly quiet and simply been waiting silently in the city would finally make themselves known. Poking out from their positions, they would begin firing with their mass drivers and 40MM vespa autorippers on the forward landing area where Androns vanguard had lodged themselves. A wall of 40MM death in front of them and a companies worth of soldiers crashing into their rear, Dusaro aimed to annihilate the Imperials vanguard or force them to withdraw back to their main forces, allowing the Silver Jedi to reorganize their front line and killing the momentum Andron had attempted to gain. Retreat would certainly be possible though potentially costly for Andron and his Novatroopers. A good smoke screen and a fast retreat would likely do the trick, though it would mean giving up their momentum.

Back at the Military base, it looked like Dusaro and those there were going to have to abandon it and fast if the Artillery did not manage to get the corvettes off them. The loss of higherup leadership communications even temporarily had the potential to be a very bad setback for them and then some. Inside the city itself, the planetary shield that had been protecting the city was about to be able to come back online, albeit at a small fraction of its true strength. The two renaming orbital cannons were blazing away, one at the flagship, firing at its command deck, aiming to give it something to think about while the other fired at the weaker shields of the carrier, attempting to take its shields down.

Light Combat Suit, Lightsaber, Verpine Shattergun, 3 Smoke Grenades, 3 Flash Bangs

SJ/Regulars(5850) SJ/Heavy Weapons(495) Ranger Scout Division(1200) Ranger Combat Medics (989) Ranger Scout Sniper(492) Infantry Total (8200)

Tanks/Support Craft Composition

Radmada Mortar Carrier (34 total,3 Squadrons of 12) KV-1 Bengal Main Battle Tank (26 total, 7 Squadrons of 4) KV-02 "Sabertooth" Mobile Artillery Platform (8 total, 4 Squadrons of 2) LLV-3 Contegori-class Mobile Shield Generator(3 total, 3 squadrons of 1) Tango APC (28 total, 2 squadrons of 14)

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