Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust

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Intent: To Provide an Invasion Reward for the One Sith who were at Manaan and honor the newest Hand who led the charge against the Republic in sinking Ahto City
Development Thread:
- Invasion of Manaan - Progenitor captured and killed
- Dominion of Sev-Tok - Crystal created and tested against locals.
Affiliation: One Sith
Modularity: Focusing crystal can be changed (would require a new submission)
Production: Semi-Unique (invasion reward)
- Alchemically Hardened Durasteel
- Synthetic Crystal
- Progenitor Scale
Size: Handheld
Length: .3m
Weight: 4kg
Ammunition Type: Darkside tainted crystal
Ammunition Capacity: Theoretically Infinite but can only fire one shot as a time and needs to be charged with energy and does not function on worlds without the force
Effective Range: 5m
Rate of Fire: Single Action (five second charge)
Special Features:
- Penetrating Shots
- Alchemically hardened
Darkside Aura - Saber Resistant
Description: Built with the scales of the progenitor as decoration on the hilt. The Sith's light blaster is a new version of an old model using saber crystals instead of mined crystals and with synthetic crystals created from mephite and other force crystals to allow force users to empower and charge it. The crystal has been altered with alchemy to be stronger and resonate with the force user who holds it. Able to take energy and convert it into power for the light blaster. The effect is a shot with less strength but the force user's own energy can become the ammunition for the gun with their focus and force energies. This provides a few disadvantages as the user would not be able to fire the gun on worlds like Myrkr, their need to focus the force for several seconds to fire off a shot. There are also a few benefits with rare crystal's possibly being able to be used but the effects are unknown, stronger force crystals such as Kyber and pontite to make the shots stronger.
Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)