Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Revanites, A Saber's Due

"You're right... that was way too easy. I was expecting some sort of trap or a big group of bad guys to come out of the walls or out of the ground or something. Maybe even a big monster." he said as he watched Mister Sigma grasp the encased artifact in his hand. The job seemed all too easy. There had to be something else. If not, Al might find himself in the forests of Dantooine chasing down survivors for fun. He kind of felt bad that some of them had gotten away. They were going to experience their apocalypse if they survived and that thought troubled him.

Xzaien Xzaien

A sudden vibrato effect soon filled the ears of Quarnz. Something was happening as the temperature seemed to drop substantially within the last few seconds. Quarnz could sense a presence. An ancient, and foreboding presence which seemed to radiate from the Lightsaber in the Vong's hands. Soon Quarnz would be bombarded with a few visions. A flash of the Saber's past. Striking down a man with a Metal Jaw, killing of many Jedi. Alongside other horrible visions.

The Vong however, would not be affected at all. As he was force dead. Nevertheless a strange sound emanated from nearby. It sounded like footsteps. Utterly Alien footsteps. If Sigma turned around he would be presented with a sight of a unnamed Bounty Hunter. The man was rather tall, clad in blue armor and seemed to be a regular human. On the man's chest, were the words "The Blade" written in orange paint. He spoke.

"Thanks for dealing with these lunatics. I'll be taking the Saber off ya. No hard feelings, but I'll make sure to write a song about both your deaths. I was thinking something you can dance to."

Then if Sigma looked at this bounty-hunter's waist. This hunter had a massive rotary cannon, whose barrels were already starting to spin. A fight was unavoidable now.

Al'Taylor Quarnz Al'Taylor Quarnz Mister Sigma

Mister Sigma

"All right, here."

Sigma would ignite the lightsaber of the former Jedi, and threw it at the human. In the window it would present, the large Hunter hoped that Al'Taylor Quarnz Al'Taylor Quarnz would take advantage. That is if the lightsaber didn't attack first, hence him loading his rifle with his other arm.
The aura in the air shifted quite quickly. The temperature in the room dropped so quickly that it could be felt through the thick clothes he was wearing. Bud even shivered through his thick coat and whimpered quietly, backing away from the entrance of the room. Then, the visions came. Al'Taylor was almost constantly in a state of hallucination or alternate reality, but this one was different. It was the first serious thing he'd seen in a while. They didn't trouble him, they were just unfortunate. Visions of who had been struck down with the lightsaber, the acts committed, etc.. The other bounty hunter, Mister Sigma, felt nothing at first and it was obvious. He didn't shift until he saw the figure that was behind them.

When the silence was broken by the voice, Al'Taylor turned and faced him. Another bounty hunter that was here to steal the job. He had intentions of 'killing them'. He didn't believe in this. The man before them would face the apocalypse on his own, because the two would definitely kill him before he could do any harm.

Suddenly, the saber ignited and flew across the room, something that should stun the figure before them. Picking up on this, the masked man unholstered a powerful dueling pistol he found years earlier, took aim, and fired at the Bounty Hunter's chest. This weapon packed a single shot punch, so he dropped it and unholstered an old A-180 blaster and took aim in precaution.

"Take that!" he said, laughing as he fired.

Xzaien Xzaien

The ignited Light-Foil flew across the room, striking the would-be Bounty-Hunter in the chest. The impact would cause at least a piece of his armored breastplate to be cut into like a piece of Bothan Butter. The Bounty Hunter let out a yelp of anger, but not before he shouted in a type of blood rage. He charged forward indicating that he was just a few feet away from literally shoulder checking Sigma into next week, but fortunately for Sigma, Quarnz took a single shot at the Hunter with his Dueling pistol. Striking the Hunter just upside the chest, and causing the bolt to ricochet directly into the Hunter's visored helmet, shattering it with a mighty sound of transparasteel fragmenting.

The shot to the chest failed to penetrate the Bounty Hunter's armor, but the hit to the facemask casemate was quite a lucky series of events nonetheless. The Bounty Hunter was both now, blinded, in a blood rage, and now pressing hard on his Rotary Cannon's trigger.

It would be a mere few seconds before the Hunter's weapon fully spooled up and started unleashing a entire screen of reddish colored bolts. The bolts were highly innacurate, and were most likely being used to cover the Hunter's retreat to the door. He would be bumbling his way there, as both the recoil from his Rotary Cannon spat out beams of death almost everywhere.

Mister Sigma Al'Taylor Quarnz Al'Taylor Quarnz

Mister Sigma

The firing reminded him of greens during his countless battles on O'reen. It was sloppy, but it didn't need precision to kill people. Dropping down to a fallen rock for cover, he looked at his fellow Hunter with a plan. Al'Taylor Quarnz Al'Taylor Quarnz

"Flank him at both sides, I one way and you two the other."

Said as a order instead of a suggestion, he would've made the orange folk proud. Sigma immediately jumped to another cover, trying to gain distance as he fired at the opposition with all his might.

Xzaien Xzaien

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