Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Returns and LOA's

If you're going to be away for a considerable length of time, please let us know here - be sure to tag your Master/Students.​
You can also let people know when you're back and ready to begin roleplaying again.​
As explained on the wider board, I'm going to be absent for at least the next 24hrs. I'll definitely be back by tomorrow evening.

In the meantime, feel free to post in the New Hope thread without me. It is an open floor after all.

I shall make a response when I'm back home and able to access the internet.

[Member='Sargon Vynea'] [member='Jericho'] [member='Sobaan Palle'] [member='Stephanie Swail'] [member='Charlotte Homura'] [member='Cron Revik'] [member='Sam Quin']

Stephanie Swail

I'll be on a mini-LOA Monday/Tuesday doing some training at work so may be away both days, or if I can grab time and internet I'll pop on to see what's going on. :)

Stephanie Swail

Hi everyone,

As you may or may not know, I've been away for a while on a crashed and burnt muse LOA.

I'm making my return now with some changes, but hopefully can get back into action with Stephanie and the Je'dii.

Sorry for letting you down.

Thanks for your patience - hope I haven't missed too much!

[member="Asha Hex"] | [member="Jyn Sol"] | [member="Sargon Vynea"] | [member="Jericho"] | [member="Sobaan Palle"] | [member="Charlotte Homura"] | [member="Cron Revik"] | [member="Sam Quin"]
[member="Stephanie Swail"]

Welcome back! Glad to see you around again. I personally have been sick this week, so I haven't had chance to rally the troops. Feel free to respond to Sanctuary and/or The Broken World, and hopefully others will follow suit. As soon as I'm able to sit and focus on writing I'll be right there alongside you all again.

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