Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Restricted Mission Requirements For Unique Canon Items

As of today restricted missions will no longer be required for canon items.

Provided the item is not already claimed, and you have not exceeded your limit of five canon items per writer, you may submit and claim canon items. This is in effort to entirely remove development threads from the factory and irritate the purists and those clinging to old times make things simpler and less restrictive. As always, standard factory rules still apply to canon items, and you will still need to post your claim to the canon items thread and have it validated before receiving ownership of said items.

Canon items will still also be required to state in bold, at the bottom of the submission, that it is a canon item.

Enjoy, but try not to hoard for the sake of hoarding...

[member="Captain Larraq"] I believe this would fall under the more overarching aspect of the board rules where none of the canon characters may be used. Given that R2's hard drive / memory banks are essentially his 'person' I'd have to say no. The question about using R2 has been brought up a fair number of times over the years and the consensus has always been that he can't be used in any capacity.

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