Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Republic Clone & Droid Armies.

Flint Pherson

Republic Clone & Droid Armies.

I've been getting a few PM's about these this week from numerous folk. So I thought I'd clear it up in public.
  • Q: Will the Republic be making a new Clone Army?
  • A: Not at this time.
  • Q: Will the Republic be making a new Droid Army?
  • A: Not at this time.

Now I'll go into greater detail as to why.


In my humble opinion Clones are men just like the rest of us. Brainwashed, yes. Chemically Programmed, possibly. But I believe they are people with bodies and souls. They are very real men in the galaxy and in the Force. As such, the Republic will not be growing, breeding, or alchemical forming any living sentients for the singular purpose of dieing on a battlefield. (See: Sith Alchemy) ...Or as proxies for other men's cowardice towards sacrifice. So no. The Republic will not be growing other, living, breathing men to die in the place of it's citizens. We will fight for ourselves or die trying. We will win or lose with honor, dignity, and as free men.


In my humble opinion Droids are lifeless robots. The do not have souls, they do not have free-will. They are not creative and cannot think for themselves. Thus, I will not be giving any Droids any Military Commands. Or making any armies out of them.

Now. If your 'Droid' does have a soul? If your 'Droid' does have free-will, is creative, and can think for itself? I would argue that it is now, no longer a robot. It is no longer an 'Android'. (Definition: A robot with a human appearance.) No. Now it is a new race. A new species. So I would say: Welcome, Adam. Haha. Please fill out a new species Template in the Factory. I hope to see you in the Army soon.

In this light. The Republic does use Robots in it's Army. They are robots. They are support troopers. And they do not have souls, free-will, and are not creative outside of their programming.

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