Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remnants of the Republic

Location: Republic Flotilla, General Carrier
Late evening, day of the Invasion
Participants: @Aun Liss, [member="Kae Drama"].

At her workbench, Aun tinkered with one of her many R-X droids, pulling parts from various compatible machines to throw into the one palm-sized droid. Her goal, ultimately, was to create the perfect companion, with utility unmatched. A pair of standard R-X's that she'd patched up earlier sat in the corner amongst rifles, assorted armor parts, and even a couple spare droids, all hooked up to the massive power supply hookup that the hangar offered. They'd reach full charge soon, certainly, but she couldn't particularly care less. The digital display on her mask was purposefully blank, the whole of her concentration focused solely on the tip of a particularly tiny pair of tweezers, ones that held a delicate silver wire in place under the carefully enhanced eyes of the Deilokin. Scuttling on eight legs, one final R-X droid, the one Aun was currently assigned, rushed to her side to hold a tiny spare arm for the gutted droid on the table just so while Aun connected the first of a great many pre-prepared wires leading to tiny spare motors and eventually to the tiny motherboard housed in the center of the little droid.

Even with the exquisite climate control of the flotilla, and even perfect control over her workspace's climate (save the type I atmosphere), Aun found a bead of sweat trailing over her forehead, much to her annoyance. With her mask still essential, she couldn't move to wipe her brow with an arm. She hurried to secure at least one piece of the arm's frame to the body of the droid before the salty moisture dropped into her eye. Dropping the tool and relaxing her eyes, she took a deep breath in and held it before touching the sides of her mask, popping out the visor for an easy catch with an audible hiss. The tinted living glass in one hand, she dabbed at her forehead with the wrist of the other, relieved to feel the cool air on her bare face. It always struck her as odd, every time she viewed the world without the additional clutter of her visor HUD. Been living in these type I atmospheres too long, I guess. She thought with an internal sigh.

Reluctantly, Aun replaced the visor over her smooth, pale blue skin, as she idly thought about the childhood friends left behind on Deilos. She wouldn't be able to visit any time soon, not being so new to the Republic, but perhaps she could ask for leave sometime in the next two galactic standard months. It might be wishful thinking, but after the events of Coruscant, she'd been struck with the overwhelming desire to see that everyone was safe. Goodness, she hadn't been able to calm down once reaching the flotilla until she was able to secure a call with Fassin and see that he had made it off planet alive after the invasion.

"Liss!" Instantly, Aun recognized the voice of her superior officer. Spinning to face the approaching senior officer, she jumped to her feet, not wanting to be punished for slacking off, even if this was technically her down time.

"At ease," he began, the slight lift at the corner of his mouth confusing her for a moment, but thankfully the LED display hadn't quite booted just then. It flickered to life just after she was able to collect herself once more. "I have a project for you. This Shard is looking for a new outfit. See that it's temporarily housed in a MK until we can get it back to R&D or otherwise secure an advanced droid for it to pilot. It'll introduce herself, I'm sure, since I don't have a damn neural interface to communicate with it."

While not entirely sure that she was the best equipped to handle another alien considering her purely technical affinity, Aun did know for sure that she was the best at jerry-rigging droids to serve her own purposes. With a quick mental ping, she used her companion AI to search the databases for anything pertaining Shard preferences when it came to droid rigs. She accepted the casefile from her CO with a salute and assurances that she'd get the job done, but she couldn't so much as wait until he was out the door before she found herself rushing back to her workbench, carefully shifting aside the R-X's and generally clearing a space to spread out the numerous blueprints to what she could only assume would be her rescue mission for the living crystal. The Shard itself was to be about 40cm in length, but only a fraction of that in width, according the specs on the chest cavity of the droid housing. Having never personally met a Shard, only observing them in increasingly advanced droids from R&D from afar, Aun couldn't deny she was excited to handle one.

Having gathered all the info she could, she called for a team of droids to wheel in the sparking mess of the newest model fresh off the R&D press, noting with a hint of curiosity that though it had taken quite the hit, blowing the arms clean off their holdings by what looked like blaster fire at close range (though it could very well be an anti-tank missile judging from the size of the rig and the materials she could identify), and leaving lower limbs as little more than oil-leaking ribbons. The sight of the destruction triggered a brief flash of earlier that day, but she shook it off with a little effort. She could think about that later. There was someone inside this destroyed lump of junk, and it needed her help.

Carefully, Aun climbed up the metal frame that held the body until she rested just below the chest level. The LED eyes upon her visor blinked to reflect her biological pair, which studied the extensive damage with a clinical air. She didn't have the mock-muscle carbon fibers required to forge new limbs, or even the authority to order new ones. And the crisp smell of burning artificial flesh was simply not acceptable. It all had to go.
<You're not even going to greet me before you poke around my innards?> Kae asked through text directly to Aun.

Kae knew the Deilokin engineer was only trying to help, but it was still an unsettling experience to be straddled without warning. She felt anxious about the whole ordeal of now rendered immobile amongst strangers, almost powerless to do anything on her own. The fear of a situation like this occurring was the reason for her traveling with another Shard, but they had become separated during the invasion of Coruscant. Now she she had no idea where Nyx was, even after making inquires with all the ship AIs in the flotillas. Hindsight was always a perfect 20/20, but still, how could the Republic have been so complacent as to allow an entire enemy fleet to overtake their capital planet? Again? The short memory spans of the organics seemed to make them susceptible to acting in cycles without realizing.

<I conducted self diagnostic before I had your commander collect you. However, before we proceed, I must inform you that you are working with highly classified technology owned by the Oraxan government. What you see, and what data I share remains between us.>
Initially, Aun hadn't caught sight of the text in the corner of her HUD, having mentally switched to a more work-friendly interface. It wasn't until she moved her hand to hover over the Shard's chest that she noticed the small, blinking text in the corner. Withdrawing her hand, the white, ancient pixel eyes widened upon her visor.

"I apologize. Droid AIs are used to this sort of thing. It has been a long while since one has wanted to converse while I worked. I wasn't even certain that you were awake, after all that trauma. This... Is my first time working with your kind." While she spoke aloud, she had her words transcribed and sent along the now-open channel of communication. She wasn't entirely sure if the Shard's audio receptors were damaged, though considering the sight of her, it was very likely. Aun forced herself to look at the droid eyes of the Shard's current body, fighting the urge to let her eyes drift back to the chest cavity that held the crystal itself.

<Orax?> Sensing the shift in the nature of their conversation, Aun didn't speak this next part aloud. The ship itself was built with a number of ways to spy upon its occupants, whether intentional or not. Despite her years of service, the engineer hadn't been granted the privilege of a secure workshop, as often the most clever minds were the ones to watch most closely. Pinging her AI, Aun opened up a heavily encrypted line and plugged the Shard into the chat directly. It would cause a fraction of a delay in their communication, but it was much better than leaving their words out in the open.

<So long as none of this information is of a danger to the Republic, you have my word that I will not disclose anything it is that you do not want. So, with this encrypted line open, I'll introduce myself! Aun Liss, though I think you know that, having spoken with my commander and so forth... Do you have a name? Are you a female? Male? Both? Genderless?> Sensing her line of questioning to be a bit bombarding, she reluctantly reined herself in with a little frown. <Or maybe you might tell me how to proceed, so we may talk as I work on getting you ship-shape!>
<Nice to meet you, Aun Liss. I'm Kae Drama, "Female"> she replied, answering some of Aun's questions through the encrypted line. She also shared a photo of her current appearance before being damaged. <I assure you that I possess no information that would harm the Republic, though I'm sure moles and spies among us. There's no other way to explain how Coruscant was blindsided by invasion.>

Kae wasn't bothered by the Deilokin's questions, all too familiar to her when it came to discussing her race. In fact, she was always happy to educate foreigners about the Shard. But now, she needed to focus on repairing her body. Although she wanted to believe that Aun was being truthful, she would still limit what she shared of her schematics just in case. The cyborg started feeding Aun her diagnostic report, and provided a brief summary. A turbolaser blast to the hull of her shuttle had resulted in an explosion that had severed most of her right forearm and right leg up to the thigh. Molten shrapnel had been embedded into her frame, which had cooled and fused to the chassis. Shock from blast had damaged her sensor suite and power supply. Her modified Ooglith covering (her "skin") had suffered a lost of over 30% of its flesh, and third degree burns. What remained of her life support system for the Ooglith was quickly failing, and it would probably die within the hour. It was probably better that way, so the modifications wouldn't be discovered. The only good news is that the Gungrir armor she had managed to slip on before the retreat had probably save her from taking any damage to her containment drum. The chassis was always replaceable, but the core was not - that was Kae.

<I'll require removal from the chassis, and the use of temporary unit so that I can attempt repairs. The composition of my internals is similar to an oragnic humanoid, so it is possible to substitute my lost limbs for prosthetics. While your carrier AI has been helpful, it won't share a droid listing for fear of revealing force strength. Could you help me find a suitable replacement? I require at least a Class 2 repair droid capable of extensive fabrication work.>
<You were very, very pretty, Kae!> A smile lit the display on her visor, complete with crinkled eyes. It didn't falter when the Shard suggested there were spies or moles within the Republic; she had often thought about this, but had never looked into it. She could place a copy of her search program somewhere useful to sift through unencrypted transmissions, but she very much doubted that such a low-tech solution with no security clearance would be able to go far. In addition, she didn't want to seem suspicious to the chain of command, not when she was finally all trained up and ready to go despite the escape shuttle mishap in departing from Coruscant. Behind the visor, her actual eyes flicked over the information Kae provided with an increasing frown upon her lips, blocked from the display. From what she could gather, with such an mock-organic model, she was better suited for the med bay than Aun's workspace. Every aspect of her attempted to give the Shard the organic body that Aun could only guess that living crystal would crave.

<Ah, I have a couple here that we could use, actually! I think our best bet will be the MK. You wouldn't fit in an R-X! MK... Kae... Perfect fit! Relax here. I'll just be in the corner preparing your temporary droid. You won't be able to see me, but I'm here, promise!> Hopping off the frame that held the damaged Shard, Aun landed nimbly on the balls of her feet and crossed to the charging pad in the corner. <Are you doing alright for power right now? I'll only be a few minutes.>

Thinking about it, she supposed that it would be incredibly scary if the world just suddenly went dark altogether, as it likely would for Kae should the entirety of her sensory suite lose power. Even incredibly damaged as it was, the Shard could still gather a limited picture of the world around her from what was left. Then again, would such things matter if you'd been a crystal all your life? But she couldn't judge; Aun didn't know how long Kae had been hooked up to environmental sensors. Maybe it was just the norm for her now, and it was indeed as scary as the Deilokin thought it was. While mulling over the thought, she opened up the maintenance droid's chest cavity and began to expose a number of wires that she would hook up to Kae's containment drum to feed her power and allow her to control the droid's movement directly. In doing so, she cleared a space to house it that she would judge to be about the right size, if she had to guess.
<I was pretty? I still am> she quipped, following up with another picture of her true crystalline form. <Yes, a MK will suffice. The chassis will die soon, but I have enough reserve power to keep my container unit on until the transfer is complete, assuming it only takes an hour or two.>

As Kae waited for Aun, she shut down her chassis's system completely to reserve power for her container. With no sensors to observe her surroundings, she began intercepting signals from the room's camera and non visual sensors. As she was only passively observing the sensors, the ship AI wouldn't pick up on what she was doing. She examined the MK unit along with Aun - it appeared suitable for her needs - but she didn't say anything to alert Aun that she was watching.

<I've shut off my chassis, which included my external sensor suite. Would you be kind enough to share a feed with me?>
Kae earned a short laugh from Aun there, with a genuine smile. Raw, uncut crystal did have a certain beauty to it, but it wasn't the sort that Aun could identify a humanoid beauty to. Instead, it would be the subject of little more than greed if someone sought to covet a jewel. There were several important people in the galaxy that wore Shards like jewelry, however cruel the fashion statement might be.

With the question of power answered, she returned to her work, further optimizing the MK for something that it most certainly wasn't meant for. There was a great deal to rearrange within the chest cavity to keep the Shard comfortable, but it occurred to her then that the droid's AI might not take so kindly to Kae's presence. While it would be a waste to completely trash the AI, and likely damaging should she just deny it access to its own functions, it took Aun only a few moments to back up any data stored within the droid (save any essential processes) to an external server dedicated to her workshop and wipe it clear. After all, it could be seen as an act of hostility, she supposed, if she forced the Shard to meld with another AI in her temporary housing.

<Hmm? Oh, yes, that's quite fine. My visor feed should do you just fine! But Kae, about earlier… You said that you had my commander collect me. As in me, only? How did you hear of me??>

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