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Approved Tech Relovian Pistol

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Wirch Bicket

Prepare for my Arrival...
Intent: To create a standard pistol used by the Relovian Military Forces
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Durasteel Fist: Galactic Trade Section
Model: Blaster Pistol
Affiliation: Relovian Armed Forces, Open Market
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Aluminiam​

In legend the pistol was invented before the rifles, however there is little fact to support this theory. What is known is that this weapon will work in tighter quarters than its larger kin. It is often used by agents and diplomats for its ease of hiding. A favored weapon among officers, the Relovian Pistol is not as cumbersome as the Relovian Rifle and is lighter. It however is not a very far reaching weapon and is not recommended for long-range fire as the accuracy of the blaster is horrendous at longer shots.​
+ As with the Relovian Rifles, a Relovian Pistol utilizes the same powercells and gas canisters that most other weapons may use. It however fires all of its ammo in a single shot.
+ The Pistol can fire either a bullet or lasers, depending on the preference of the user.
+ The laser fire of this gun is considerably more powerful than most other pistols of its size.
- The Pistol is a short range fire weapon, anything beyond its maximum range is most likely safe from this weapon.
- After every bullet fired, the barrel of the gun must be cleaned to make sure that no powder builds up. If it were to build up the gun could possibly explode.
- The bullet firing mechanism within this weapon is not strong against most armors. It can only penetrate the weakest of armors.

Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Length: 0.3 m
Weight: 1 kg
Ammunition Type: Bullet, Gas Canister, Powercell
Ammunition Capacity: 1
Effective Range:
Optimum: 40m​
Maximum: 100m​
Optimum: 15m​
Maximum: 50m​
Rate of Fire: Well Trained troops should be able to pull off 10 round a minute using the gas canister and powercell, and 20 rounds a minute for bullets.​
As with the Rifle, the Pistol is dependent on the user to reload and fire each shot.​
Special Features:
Fire consists of bullets or blaster fire. The weapon can work even during EMP or in environs where electrical weaponry fails.​


Professor of Alchemy
This is basically the Rifle I went through with you before except miniaturized. I like it. Pending Approval.
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