Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebel Yell [ Popo ]

Or more like Refugee yell, but that was neither here nor there.

As promised, Danger Arceneau was quick to provide relief and refugee efforts for the Galactic Republic. Now while she wasn't able to personally come due to duties, the new Supreme Chancellor had slated a time for her to discuss matters a bit more privately.

It would be over a holo call transmission, but considering how quickly things were moving, time was of the essence.

Two slender fingers would pull the cigarra from her lips as her cerulean image would give a faint smile of greeting.

"Well... when you mentioned discussing matters after the Expo.. this certainly wasn't the situation I'd imagine.. Supreme Chancellor @Popo."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
"Nor I, honestly," the Hutt stated with a slow chuckle. "It kind of just... landed on me, so to speak."

Popo sipped at his goblet of Naboo wine. He still had a taste for the stuff and it still came out of his personal finances. The tax payers paid for other, more important things and, considering how the war with the One Sith was going, that money had to be put to proper work. That meant buying guns and tanks and training for troops, not wine for a Hutt connoisseur.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Miss Arceneau? Did you wish to discuss Tatooine in more detail? I doubt you called just to chat to an old Hutt," Popo said with a self-depreciating smile.

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
A wide smile would be shined on over to [member="Popo"], "Now don't be too hard on yourself Supreme Chancellor, " her keen eyes would take on an appraisal of the Hutt.

"Looks like you might be needing a spell or two to relax." she'd state. While she was more than ready to get down to the meat of the matter of this call, it ain't the sort of thing she'd do right off the bat. No, her keen eyes were more than taking note of that self-deprecating smile.

"I've won a few tickets in the Druckenwell Charity Fundraiser to a health spa on Koltos, complete with food, travel and amenities." an auburn brow would rise. "From the looks of you... I reckon you just might need the rest and relaxation more than me."


I'm Sexy and I Know It
"Unfortunately, rest and relaxation will have to wait until Coruscant lies in Republic hands once more," Popo said with a half smile. "I appreciate the offer, Miss Arceneau, but I like to lead from the front and if my troops aren't able to enjoy a spa day, it wouldn't be right for me to do so."

Popo smiled at the only woman who could make the big, old Hutt get the butterflies in his stomach and mentally cursed himself for the chance to go on a spa date with Danger.

"I truly do appreciate the offer though."

[member="Danger Arceneau"]
Danger would give a warm smile to [member="Popo"], and her hand would rise as if to shake his words off in a good natured tease. "Ain't no trouble. The times to relax are few and far in between, one must take advantage of them whenever one can."

Her hologram would be seen making herself comfortable in her chair, flicking ash from her cigarra off to the side into a small dish. "Well, I reckon since your time is short what with the way things be going, it's best we get to the meat of this discussion." she'd say with a slight cant of her head. It was true. With the war he was bound to be pressed for time and appointments.

"Got as many refugees off Coruscant off to the nearby worlds, most settling on Anaxes," a wry twist of her lips would show, "Although them naval types weren't none too happy about that." she'd say in mild amusement before she brought the cigarra to her lips to take a drag.

"Now the question is, what else you keen on utilizing Arceneau or the SSB for?" it was a known fact that while ATC would ship into the Republic if needed by contracts outside of it, it didn't personally have warehouses or trade stations like it did with the other half of the galaxy.

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