Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Razz Michaels

Razz Michaels

NAME: Razz Michaels
RANK: None
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 feet
WEIGHT: 200 pounds
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Jet black short
SKIN: Caucasian
FORCE SENSITIVE: yes, but dose not know it
Voice: Joshua Graham (Fallout New Vegas)

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Businesman: Razz is a great businesman he learned from a young age

+ Smooth Talker: Razz is a smooth talker which helps him get out of bad situations

+ Merciful Fighter: Razz doesn't kill unless he thinks it is nessisary for the job.

+ Perceptive: Razz is not easily fooled by people

+ Strong Fighter: Razz is great at hand to hand combat, he can fight better than most.

-/+ Fearless: Razz is not scared like others, this could hurt him because he can take things too far.

-Hateful: Razz hates most Force Users yet he doesn't realize that he is one.

-Limped: Razz got hurt in a fight and his leg got badly injured, now he has a limp.

-A Burned Man: Razz was in a major ship crash, now he has to wear bandages on his face and under his armour. This is negative because he has to replace the bandages everyday and it hurts like hell.

-Horrible Shot: Razz did not learn to shoot as well as he can fistfight.

(As in picture) Razz is tall, and pretty buff for a 29 year old

When Razz was young his father was a businesman. His father taught him everything he knew, so Raszz could be the best of the best. As for his mother and sister, they died from a major ship accident. The ship was going to Tatooine, somthing went wrong with the controls and the ship crashed, his mother and sister passed away and his father was badly injured. The crash left Razz in pain, the ship caught on fire where Razz was, causing him to burn. As for his knee, him and his brother practiced together, when a man tried to mug his brother, Razz had to jump in. The mugger shot his leg causing him to limp, Razz wasn't finished with the mugger, even thoughbhe was shot in the leg he didnt give up, he ended up beating the mugger to death. His brother was thankful but later double crossed Razz to the police, Razz got taken away for a few months. When he got out he was 15 years old, he found his brother, the brother tried to kill him as soon as Razz got back but Razz intended it and beat the brother to death with his bear hands. A few years of being a criminal on Tatooine made him board with the planet so he left to Coruscant. There he would do a bit more jobs before he was respected among many, he became a crime lord shortly after.

FAMILY: Dad (deceased)
Mom (deceased)
Brother: (Deceased)
Nephew: [member="Aaron Kidd"] (alive)
Sister: (deceased)
SHIP:Besh-type personal starfighter

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