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Character Rashyid




Kir'ashyi'dirnu. Rashyid.
Affiliation: The Chiss Ascendancy.

The Grayson Imperium.
Homeworld: Naporar.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Occupation: Ozyly-esehembo. Sky-walker.

Intelligence Officer.
Languages Spoken: Cheunh, Galactic Basic, Huttese. Jawa. Sy Bisti. Minnisiat. Bocce.

Age: Late 20s, Early 30s.
Height: 2.2 m / 7' 2"
Weight: 101 kg / 223 lbs
Force Sensitive:
Force Alignment: Neutral.

(+) Third Sight -
In tradition, Chiss individuals born with the gift of force-sensitivity are enlisted into fleets as navigators and pilots with precognitive talent. Due to his force-sensitive nature, Rashyid was chosen as a navigator, specializing in guiding trader ships in and out of the Unknown Regions safely with the use of mere precognition. His ability to navigate freely through the anomalies surrounding the uncharted territories paved way to his entry in the naval branch of the Chiss Expeditionary Defense Fleet.

(+) Master of Tongues - Primed as a merchant at an unripe age, Rashyid was able to study the different trade languages used throughout the known galaxy, particularly Huttese, Jawa, Sy Bisti, Minnisiat and Bocce, familiarizing himself on their societal norms and traditions for trade purposes. He also took time to understand their ideals and beliefs on political and economical aspects, with the motive of persuasion.

(+) Adept Combatant - Local conscription and weapons training for able-bodied Chiss individuals, particularly from the age of majority, was deemed mandatory under the rightful authority of the Chiss Expeditionary Defense Fleet, The Military Education and Training Command offers the fresh conscripts a wide variety of firearms courses that ranged from minimalist blaster pistols, hi-powered designated marksman rifles, and other conventional battle weaponry. Newly-enlisted fleet recruits often are tasked to collectively study warfare strategies and maneuvers for them to utilize it effectively in tactical situations, which led to the soldiers' improvement on most areas of combat.

(--) Untapped Potential - Although being sown with the gift of force-sensitivity, Rashyid has yet to be formally trained in the ways of the Force. Despite his enhanced precognition and telepathy, he has not quite achieved mastery in manipulating his Force abilities with relative ease yet, and requires an instructor to do so.

(--) Slender Build - In spite of being tall in stature, in actuality, Rashyid may be described as frail and lanky for his size, due to his light weight. This particular weakness may eventually prove disadvantageous in close combat situations that require hand-to-hand and grappling technique, in which he deliberately avoids as much as possible.

(O) Precognition - With his senses being heavily influenced by the Force, Rashyid is able to acquire information from the foreseeable future through mere foresight. Guided by the gift, probable outcomes that have not happened yet appear in the form of visions, accompanied by vivid and fantastical imagery. Possessing this ability has enabled Rashyid to predict and forebode impending danger while navigating the Unknown Regions, and has proven advantageous in the battlefield, as it enabled the Chiss to anticipate even the slightest movement of his adversaries.

(O) Telepathy - Mental communication is mostly common between Chiss force-sensitives , particularly between fellow fleet navigators, in which they call the Second Sight. Although the Force power allowed two Chiss individuals to intertwine their minds, there is quite a risk of both users being lost in each other's minds, resulting in insanity.

(O) Darksight - While in similar fashion to basic precognition found among force-sensitives, Darksight is considered to be in the Dark Side spectrum due to its deceitful nature. Possessed by the Sorcerers of Rhand, members of the order utilize this ability to foresee impending events and deviously manipulate them to achieve the outcome they desire the most.
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