Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Random Lyrics Moment 2

We're halfway theerrrreeee
Livin' on a prayyyerrr!
Take my hand, we'll make it I sweeaarrr
Livin' on a praaaayyeerrrr!"

~Bon Jovi, "Living on a Prayer"


Little Darling
"Taaakkke oooon meeeeee
take on me!
Taaaaaaakke meeeeee oooooon!
take on me!
Iiiiiii'llll beeee goooone,
In a day or, TWOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

~A-HA, "Take On Me"
"All I know's that to me
You look like you're having fun
Open up your loving arms
Watch out here I come

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round, round, round"

- Dead or Alive, "You Spin me Right Round (Like a Record)"
"WOAH-oh Black Betty
Bam ba lam
WOAH-oh Black Betty
Bam ba lam
Black Betty had a child
Bam ba lam
Damn thing gone wild
Bam ba lam
Said it weren't none of mine
Bam ba lam
Damn thing gone blind
Bam ba lam
Said OH! Black Betty
Bam ba lam
WOAH-oh Black Betty
Bam ba lam"

~Ram Jam, "Black Betty"

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