Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raknar Myles


NAME: Raknar Myles

FACTION: The Primeval

RANK: Cultural Advisor to [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

SPECIES: Half-Umbaran/Half-Human

AGE: 23

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6’2”


EYES: Pale blue

HAIR: Dark brown

SKIN: Extremely pale skin



Possesses Umbaran racial traits like seeing in ultraviolet and good night vision. He can occasionally read and subtly influence others.

He has a silver tongue and will resort to flattery or bribes to get what he wants.

Raknar is extremely deceptive and will never admit what he is really thinking or doing.

Expert in poisons and other toxic chemicals, which is his favored method of neutralizing a rival.

Raknar doesn’t know much about the galaxy outside of Umbara so as the cultural advisor to Anja Aj’Rou, he tends to fabricate any details he doesn’t know.

He is pompous and with an overinflated sense of self-importance.

He is sycophantic and cowardly.

Not physically strong.

Raknar is gaunt and pale like most Umbarans. He is half-human which explains his dark hair.

Raknar was born to a lower-caste family on Umbara, and from an early age, worked for a rich Umbaran merchant as his servant. The Umbaran merchant wanted to leave his earnings and estate to a son, but he only had daughters, so he paid off Raknar’s family to purchase the young Umbaran and pass him off as his own son.

Afraid to lose his newfound highborn status, Raknar excelled at moving upward in the intricate Umbaran caste system, using treachery, deception and assassination in order to secure his place as a nobleman appropriate for the Host Lord’s court.


It Will Take More Than Poison
A Cultural Conundrum

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