Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raise the Color's and Hoist the Sails!- ACT I [OPEN]

#1: Regal Dockyards: Approaching
[member="James Justice"]
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

The gunplay began no sooner had her father kicked open the door. Her father got under-cover, and then her 'uncle' did crazy acrobatics, the likes she'd never witnessed herself before. First his miraculous recovery, now this! What was this!? No matter, the sniper was dislodged, slammed into the wall near her father. Smirking, it was time to do her part! She was in the process of loading a rocket into the launcher, when she saw the bolt tag Brook.

Crestfallen, she stared as her sister slumped under her cover. Then the trademark, iconic Justice Rage surged through her, her Force Presence becoming suddenly palpable. Slamming the projectile into place, Jessica spun into the open door-way, face contorted in unbridled fury. "YOU BASTARDS! BURN!!!!" She screamed, the wood of the doorway literally cracking from the Force of her scream, as she took relatively wild aim at the relative center of the densest gathering of the pirates. The launcher kicked Jessica back a bit, to which she used said momentum to her advantage, tumbling out of line of site as a small barrage of fire was sent to her previous location. The Rocket, however, found it's mark, exploding at the far end of the large room, doing some structural damage at the far end, as well as obliterating several tables, chairs, and even a portion of a sofa. And the bodies. So many of them, sent tumbling through the air. A small number were lucky enough to just be rendered unconscious, though most of them, at least ten of them, ended up in a relatively gory mess.

The previous scene of carnage was censored for more milder audiences

She panted for a moment from her cover, before slinging the launcher back across her back. Drawing one of her blasters, she sought to close in on Brook. Main priority was to pull her sister back to safety, to examine the damage done. She just found her family. She wasn't ready to lose any of them yet!
#1: Regal Dockyards: Lobby

James fired a single round through the forehead of the thug that had been hurled to his feet. The armor-piercing round of the weapon in his hand shattered the skull, sending cauterized bits of brain splattering out the back and against the wall. As the lifeless body slumped James glanced around, checking his daughters, brother. Jess was fine, Brook was--

"BROOKIE!!" the spacer roared.

His fury, blasted from in a palpitate wave. He extended his hand, the Flamethrower leaped to his fingers.

Then the Darkside took control.


James leaped over his cover, sending a wave of flames ahead of him. Around him, through his eyes the darkside arced in purple beams of energy. Scorched bodies, burning to crisps fell to the floor. Eyes wide with unseeing rage, the spacer's finger squeezed down on the flame thrower's trigger, incinerating his foes, sending their screams of death into the air. Some fled, leaping from their cover and hiding spots--right into his flame. Their terror fueled his anger, his rage, his lust for blood, all incited by the need to protect. The urge to take care of his own. No matter what.

One Trandoshan, his leg charred to a crisp, fled as fast as he could from James' furry, down a hall. James discarded his empty weapon and sprinted after him. The Force flowed through James, making him stronger, faster, and in every way even more lethal and enraged. Grabbing the reptile by his shirt in the back of his shoulder blades, the spacer slammed its skull against the wall. It hit with a loud clunk and went limp.


James hurled the cranium once more into the wall. And again. And again. And again. Each time he could hear and feel the skull cracking, splintering, getting weaker. Then it shattered on the wall, the contents spewing out in a thick show, onto the floor and on the wall itself.

[member="Jessica Justice"]
[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

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