Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quinn Byrne

Catherine Romanov

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster...
for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”

  • Name: Quinn Byrne
  • Titles: Junk Rat
  • Species: Human
  • Faction: The Galactic Alliance
  • Rank: Padawan
  • Homeworld: Tatooine
  • Class: N/A
  • Master: N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Force Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 20 Galactic Standard Years
  • Height: 170cm (5'6")
  • Weight: 55kg (121lbs)
  • Eye colour: Blueish-Gray
  • Hair colour: Amber
  • Complexion: Slightly-Tanned
  • Voice Sample: Triss - Witcher 3
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Languages: Galactic Basic
  • Occupation: Scavenger
  • Residence: None

Quinn's features are angular and delicate and highly distinctive. Her complexion is surprisingly fair coupled with a hint of golden undertones, a testament to the effectiveness of the desert garb she can often be seen in. Her eyes, which are by far her most striking feature is a gorgeous shade of sky blue and her thin lips which accentuates her small mouth a healthy pink. They rest easily on her face, supple and intuitive, ready to break into a smile or a scowl at a moment's notice.

Her hair, a lovely shade of amber extends down to chest level in its natural state, but she often wears it tied up in a ponytail or bun, either for comfort or to prevent any obstruction from getting in her way. She stands at one hundred and seventy centimetres tall, with an athletic and agile physique, weighing around fifty-five kilograms from her numerous daily escapades wandering about the sandy dunes and canyons of the planet.


Naturally curious and a hard worker, Quinn is always on the look out for new discoveries or just something new. She can also usually be seen hard at work at something else. There is a spark or two lit brightly within her, firing up her curiosity and determination that never fails to dim, especially in the face of challenges and adversity.

Highly fit and healthy, Quinn keeps her body in a great condition with a great supplement of exercises and activities. Her highly active and energetic lifestyle which includes a series of acrobatics manoeuvres during her time in the planet's many dunes and canyons is also one of the main contributors to her fitness and health.

With a distinct fondness for machinery and taking apart things and putting them back together again, this ability has proven to be immensely useful to her as a scavenger in her home world where she gears/machine parts from derelict ships and other craft. She does this to literally survive and acquire food and lives in an environment where keeping things running and knowing how to use them is necessary for survival.

Although she may or may not conscious of this yet, she is incredibly gifted in the force. Her sensitivity and connection to the force lies dormant within her simply waiting for the right opportunity and person to unlock its secrets and potentials. One of the abilities she has been using but unaware of its relation to the force is precognition or otherwise known as danger sense. Living in a dangerous and lawless world, and being alone, this has played a big part in keeping her alive while she is out and about doing whatever she wants to do.

She has a tendency to follow her own way and methods of doing things regardless of if the method she chooses is the most efficient one or not. This can often lead to her falling back in her tasks, and taking extra unnecessary time needed to complete a task. A real pain in the neck, but it is part and parcel of her personality.

Whenever she comes across a person of need, regardless of race, she will not hesitate to lift a finger to help, perhaps sometimes even more. If they are in danger, she will not hesitate to put herself in harm's way without any regard for her own safety. Needless to say, her kind heart often lands her into oodles of trouble.

While she may appear tough(on the inside and outside) and good at thinking on her feet, she's also completely in denial of how deeply wounded she is. She is clearly capable of leaving her terrible life, but she won't, because she can't accept that she was abandoned. She has a good heart and she is almost recklessly brave in the defense of others, but when she has to face her own pain... she is the little girl screaming in pain and fear. Although she has left the painful memories behind, she is still haunted by them every night when she falls into slumber.

Growing up in the lawless world of Jakku had made her out to be rather cynical of everyone else. When everyone is out for themselves, she has to adapt or perish. Being too trust and gullible of what just anyone says will earn you a one way ticket to your grave. The safest thing to do would be to question the motives of everyone you meet. Caution before danger.


A spunky and headstrong individual, while Quinn's appearance might make her seem soft and delicate, she is anything but that. Bold and daring, the intelligent young woman is adventurous and inquisitive. Her curious nature has led her to many a discovery over the years. Prone to being highly cynical, her aptitude in being to sense incoming danger have saved her neck many a time. Highly patient and perseverant, she is not one to make rash or impulsive decisions. Highly observant and a quick learner, she adapts and learns to new situations rather quickly.

Highly passionate for her beliefs and what she may be interested in, once she sets her mind on something, she will try her utmost to ensure that she gets what she wants, in whichever way possible. While she may not show it, she is still haunted by the memory of her parents abandoning her several years back. To this day, she remains in a state of denial, continuing to believe the fact that her parents would come back for her if she waited long enough for them. Afraid of missing them, she sits at the same spot every morning, gazing out into the morning sky, but there is nothing, no approaching ships could be seen. It's been years, and they've not came back. She has let go somewhat, leaving the dusty sand bowl of a planet behind, but a part of it still remains within her, not entirely forgotten.


For as long as she could remember, Quinn had been on Tatooine. The young girl lived with her parents in Mos Eisley, the biggest town in the dusty, sandy planet. From a young age, she displayed an interest in all things mechanical, especially pieces of salvage and the scraps of junk metals that were crucial to their livelihood. Her parents were poor, and the young girl didn't had any toys, or friends that she could play with. All she had was the junk scraps of metal, dissembled pieces of assorted machinery, and sand. Endless amounts of it.

It was not surprising that when she grew old enough, she actively plan an important role in hunting and scavenging for scraps and whatever parts of metal she could find to supplement her family's income. They would often take the family's speeder (which they had painstakingly saved for numerous years before purchasing it) to the various areas of Tatooine where junkyards and other assorted scraps of metal parts could be found. She has found out long ago that following the Jawas tend to yield great results. However, the native Tusken raiders posed an active threat on a vast majority of the living beings in the desert, and fighting them off was most than often a necessity.

In a lawless place like Tatooine, everyone has to learn to defend themselves or perish. In one of her trips wandering around the junkyard, she found a metal staff-like weapon next to a dead scavenger. Bringing it home with her, she trained herself in the use of it with the help of her father. He informed her that it was a common scavenger weapon. A simple and yet effective one."These was what us scavengers who can't afford blasters use. Not everyone can afford even one of these though." He commented about how lucky she was, to find one intact. Weapons were expensive in the desert world, but then everything was. The endless dunes and canyons of Tatooine were not a nice place, and her hometown of Mos Eisley was no matter, its nickname being the Armpit of the Galaxy.

There was a wide variety of traders and merchants in Mos Eisley, and scrap metal and other assorted parts were always required for one thing or another. To compete with the Jawas and other scavengers, she usually lowered her prices to make her loot for attractive to potential buyers. That tactic seemed to work out great for her, and she slowly buy surely established a core set of buyers over the years. Crime rate in the desert town was high, and she always had to be on the lookout for thieves and hostile thugs who thought she was a easy target.

Growing up, Quinn only had her parents. There was hardly anyone else that she was close to, or had the opportunity to be close to. Nevertheless, it was safe to say that they were really close. During her eighteenth year, something happened that would change her life forever. She woke up one morning to find her parents gone. Everything was where they left it, except for the fact that both her parent's belongings were gone. All she found was a note that had been left for her. Those were the last words and messages her parents left for her.

Dear Quinn,

It pains our heart to have to write you this, but this was a decision that we have made together, your mother and I. You know how I have always been talking and searching for a way to dig ourselves out of this hole in this forsaken planet, and improving the quality of our lives? Well, I've found just that. An opportunity has presented itself, and I took it. We took it. The only condition was that I could only bring one other person aboard. Do not worry, we will come back for you as soon as we able to. I'm sorry, but this was the only way.

Quinn felt betrayed. Abandoned. She thought they were close. The three of them. How could they just simply leave her here just like that? She ran out of the small house that was home, gazing upwards at the morning sky, just in time to see a ship heading upwards in the distance. Fighting back tears of anguish, she refused to believe the fact that her parents had abandoned her. They were coming back she told herself, yet a big part of her willed them to come back as well, muttering the words "Come back..please..don't leave me here..alone.."

Years have passed, and they never came back. Yet she never lost hope, unable to accept the fact that she may have very well been abandoned. She drove herself harder than ever, determine to lose herself into her work, the only she had left of her old live. She continued to persevere. Eventually, she managed to hitch a ride from one of the merchants leaving Tatooine. It took almost all of what she had got saved up, but it was worth it, to leave that dusty planet and her painful memories behind.

She was a survivor, and she intended to keep it that way.

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