Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Quin Dogen

Quinvee Dogen


Corin Karis

Aliases:Big G
Title(s):Dr. Dogen
Class(es):Jedi History Scholar
Birthplace:Coronet City, Corellia
Age:Late 30s
Rank(s):Doctor of Galactic History
Faction(s):New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
Corellian Confederation
Church of the Force
Residences:Coruscant Jedi Temple
The Saber
Language(s):Galactic Basic
Too Many Others
Occupation:Jedi Volunteer[Scholar]
Force Sensitive:No
Force Alignment:Light
Character Alignment:Lawful Good
228.6 cm
Weight:460 lbs
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Green
Skin Color:Green
Distinctive features:Mirialan Mastery Tats
Covered in Tats

Combat Training

Other Skills
  • Research
  • Cooking
  • Piloting
  • Drinking
  • Smashball
  • Caf Tasting
Kills: N/A

Alwaays Late
▲ Unnatural Strength
▲Very Smart
▲ Many Languages
▼ Ankle Injury
▼ Needs Glasses
▼ Allergies

Life of Dogen:

Born and raised on Corellia, Quin grew up in a very traditional Mirialan household. His parents and siblings were very religious with his older brother and sister actually joining the Jedi Order of the Republic at a very young age. From youth it was apparent that Quin would be quite tall, rare for Mirialan's who typically shared the average height of humans. He was picked on in his youth and thus became incredibly studios, entombing himself in his family's religious texts and spending long hours in the Green Jedi temple libraries. He eventually was picked up by his school's Smashball team and took the abnormally tall boy under his wing. While he wasn't good at the game at first, his mere size alone allowed him to tower over the competition and as the years went on Quin became just as serious about Smashball as his own studies. The violence of the game however put him at odds with his more conservative parents, but they generally said nothing as his grades were quite good and he kept up with his own religious studies.

In his later years of secondary school he was quickly scouted by Corellia University and went to the school on a Smashball scholarship essentially free, the remainder of which was paid for via scholarships awarded for his work in Theology and his siblings' status as a Green Jedi and Jedi Knights of the Republic. At university he bulked up an incredible amount earning him his nickname Big G and broke several records in his sport. Being a college student and an athlete the wars that were fought on distant worlds rarely mattered to him with the worst atrocities he saw being inflicted during the Omni Crisis. He would go on to play for the Corellian Juggernauts after university but when the Sith Empire returned as the One Sith and sacked Coruscant, his brother was killed defending the Jedi Temple. Distracted during his second season he incurred a serious injury to his ankle he was forced to quit the sport after only two seasons on the team. He continued to be a face in the sports and body-building world but also went back to school and obtained his Doctorate and obtained his mastery facial tattoos, most of which were covered by his beard.

Quin was off-world when Corellia was split asunder and while his immediate family was safe, his grandparents both perished in the aftermath of the event. Though nonreligious himself, he spends most of his time traveling the galaxy's libraries and exploring the secrets of the Force. After the Silver Jedi invaded Mirial and wiped out a vast majority of the capitol city's population Quin held an ever burning distaste for the Silver Jedi and their own "Guardians of Light".

Family & Connections
  • Raqui Dogen - Father
  • Bari Dogen - Mother
  • Loct Dogen - Older Brother
  • Geta Dogen - Older Sister
  • Grandparents - Deceased
  • Extended Family - Deceased

Quin was a massive man and green skinned like most of his species. He kept his green-black hair up in a bun and his long, thick beard well kept. On top of his racial tattoos on his chin and hands he also had a myriad of tattoos on his body, making most of his bulk an incredibly intricate canvas.

Skills & Training

Quinvee trained his body to the peak of his limits. His body mutation/defect made him abnormally large and strong for his species and he put it to great use, becoming one of the top Smashball players on Corellia. Despite his injury, he still retains much of his tactical thinking and skill in the sport, allowing him to barrel past a variety of obstacles. He continues to train physically as well, keeping him strong even with his bookish ways.

He is also skilled in at least reading dozens of languages and speaking many as well. He has a strong understanding of "Classic" Republic and "Classic" Imperial history. His understanding of the Old Republic and High Republic eras are more shaky than he'd like, but it is still strong enough to teach and discuss the nuances of mythical events such as the destruction of the Brotherhood of the Sith or the Fall of Revan. His specialty is in the history of Jedi and their everlasting battle with the Sith. He has an interest in Jedi legends but doesn't consider them to be fact. (ie The Ones, Abeloth, etc) and considers them wild exaggerations of great displays of power by very mortal Jedi and Sith, though the very tangible effects of the Netherworld has shaken this belief.


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