Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Quest to be the Hide 'Nd Seek Champion!

Hoth, one of the best known planets known to the galaxy for its lack of smoothies and Catinas. Suppose no one really likes to have ice beverages after all. La'kuus of a small planet bounced off her ship, decorated fondly with a large snowsuit, fit with boots, hidden white painted guns, goggles, scarves... Even a small service droid that helped keep her warm with a broken fan.

A tiny smile spread across her lips as she made travel out of the public transport ship and into the icy wastelands, heading for a nearby cave. This was very interesting, a vacation in the coldest planet she knew of. Who might she even meet on her journey?



[member="Kor-za Ma'an"]

[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]
Kitty was hudled up on the transport. How she had let La La lead her out her she did not know. It was freezing and even in the snowsuit the petite Felacatian shivered as she stepped out to join @La'kuus Quelin

"Do we...really have to *burr* be out here? Couldn't we....wait for...summer?" She asked, her teeth chattering something awful

@La'kuus Quelin
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

La La's head slowly turned around to look at Kitty. She smiled half-heartedly and folded her legs up. "You know, I'm going to play a game to get rid of all the coldness. It's called... hide and... GO SEEK!" She giggled at the last bit, biting her lower lip behind the scarf. "We can't team." She added quickly to remind Kitty that they had to be alone, at least for now.
@La'kuus Quelin

Kitty pouted at her and sat down on the ramp of the transport, tuckign her head against her knees "I'll count, so I can stay by the transport warmth a lil longer" She said, closing her eyes as she begann Counting "1....2....3.........." She heard footsteps and smiled, today might be fun after all
[member="Elizabeth Verdan"]

La La quickly ran off into the snowy wasteland. It was snowing pretty hard, so her footprints wouldn't be all that obvious. She ran until she found a good spot to settle, then just dug herself a small hole and sat in it. She could choose something better later on.
@La'kuus Quelin

Kitty slowly counted to a hundread before she set off. She felt cold and miserable truding through the cold, having absolutely no idea where her friend friend. She sniffed the air...No scent, she would simply have to trudge through the snow and ice till she found her

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