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Approved Starship Px-0 Wasp Nest

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  • Manufacturer: Pixie tech / Saotome Foundry
  • Model: Px-0
  • Affiliation: Waspkiller unit / Unique
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: alusteel / cryasteel.
  • Classification: Assault Freighter
  • Length: 155 meters
  • Width: 200 meters.
  • Height: 200 meters.
  • Armament: Average Gatling rapid-fire turbolasers
  • Defenses: Average
  • Hangar: Average: 0
  • Maneuverability Rating: Moderate
  • Speed Rating: Moderate
  • Hyperdrive Class Average: 1
  • Heavy armor
  • advanced sensors
  • average weapons
  • average speed & maneuverability
  • Can not accommodate average sized beings
  • limited view to the left. cabin is centered to the left giving it a huge blindspot.
  • Blindspots: Most of its weapons are built forward facing and towards the front of the ship relying on its speed and protection from faster ships to cover it as it goes towards the enemy ship
  • Shield weakness are
  • Maintenance: While the shield casing and systems are easier to do and less complicated. Withing expensive and more complicated redundancies built in the wear and tear on the system makes working on it and keeping up to date on repairs important
  • Power Draw: With multilayered and reinforced shielding the power draw on the ships reactors is stronger, the increased power draw also means that the parts and need for repairs are higher increasing the overall cost
  • Particle shielding: A common draw back to using particle shielding is that in order for slugs from mass drivers or projectiles to fire it needs to drop for a moment.

Description: Designed for the more simple purpose of putting troopers on to the ground.
the ship is only 200 meters but is considered a flagship of the Waspkiller unit holding it's arsenal if vehicles and over 100 crew excluding the 13 members of the actual waspkiller unit.
the 4 wings ate the ships sheild generators activating the shields when activated in place.
Gna Grimwasp said:
Restricted Missions: if needed

Gna Grimwasp said:
Saotome Polymer:
This contains a restricted material in the way of Wintrium.
Wintrium: (Objective: With two or more other writers, perform a public skirmish to raid or steal Wintrium from the planet of Klatooine successfully ( Klatooine Legends) - OR - Write a story from the perspective of an NPC who witnesses the fallout of stealing Wintrium where angry Klatooines kill a player character account who has more than 500 posts and get them to verify it. )
This needs to be completed in order for this submission to be approved so long as Wintrium is in use. You may remove it from the submission if you would prefer to not do this restricted mission, but you cannot keep it without completing that objective.
[member="Gna Grimwasp"]

The hyperdrive in your special features is class 1, not class 2.

Please thoroughly review your linked systems and ensure they are consistent with this submission. If I find they are not on the next review I will be denying this submission.
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