Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Playing with Castles

Prag City

Darth Noxia had plans. Big plans. Her current office in one of the largest military bases in mountainous fortress world of Prakith wasn't cutting it. It was just a dingy room and ill-suited for her needs. She wanted something bigger, a lot larger for what she had in mind. The blonde Sith then hastily got to work, retrieving a large designing datapad from one of the shelves and started sketching out the plans and design for such a structure with a stylus.

She was multi-talented and tended to play an active role in her personal creations. Greta had been personally involved in her personal armour, her personal ship and her personal lightsaber was not an exception as well. Several hours later, the initial designs were done and she was ready to get an expert's take on it. Searching through her contacts in her personal datapad, she found the frequency number for a particular One Sith architect that she loved the work of.

Several meetings later, where drafts and came and went, the final design and layout was ready. The massive structure was to be her stronghold and she would spare no expense at getting it done as nicely as she could. The location of the proposed castle would be constructed in the mountain ranges overlooking the humongous plateau that Prak City was on.

Eight months later, the mammoth size of work that had gone into excavating the colossal hole required for the construction of the stronghold, could begin. Noxia would be flying over to the construction site as soon as she done attending the boring meeting she was currently in. Slipping out her datapad discreetly from her pocket, she would begin entering a message to her close friend and former apprentice [member="Enoch Zambrano"].

Going to inspect the progress of the construction. Coming? XOXO
Wouldn't miss it for the world, dearest.
One the way now,
Enoch yawned as he walked out of the spaceport, a small bag hung over his shoulder. The boy had slept the entire ride to Prakith, letting his small fighter do the piloting. Needless to say his legs were cramped, and he walked with a slight limp from the numbness in his right leg. He stood just outside the massive blast doors of a the spaceport for a few minutes, staring out at the rocky terrain of Prak City. The bag slung over his shoulder was mostly spare clothes, figuring Greta would want him to stay a while to help with the construction. Bringing a fist up to his mouth to yawn one last time, he moved out.

As the Knight walked through the streets in his pure black outfit, people tending to stray away. Ever since the invasion, they knew what a Sith looked like, and felt like, and knew very well to stay away from them. Enoch took his time walking towards the construction site, languidly looking around as he did so. A little ways in the distance, he could see a cleared out area, marked off, and in a rather strategic location. Must be the one.

So, he kept walking towards it. Eventually when he reached it, some of the construction workers tried to tell him he wasn't allowed on the site. Enoch changed their minds with some very tactful negotiations, in which he may have given one man a rather solid punch, and flashed the rest of them his proboscises. Normally, he would've just killed them, but he knew how Noxia liked him to keep his hands off the minds of her people. Not to mention her own mind. Maybe when she dies, she'll let me?

[member="Darth Noxia"]
Greta grinned to herself as she read the return message by Enoch. He was coming. That was great. She was to have some company after all. If he was good,she might even allocate some space for him in the fortress as well. At the size she had drawn up, it was more than big enough to accommodate the both of them.

One air speeder ride later, Darth Noxia was at the construction site, overseeing the workers as they went about their task laying the foundations as well as the necessary framework that would follow, setting up the skeleton of the massive structure that was to be her stronghold. The site was a hive of activity as construction workers and labourers milled among an army of engineers and architects as they discussed with one another over large planning datapads and flimsiplast layout sheets.

As the workers went about their task, Greta took the time to admire the surrounding environments, and what a view it was. She had certainly chose an excellent location. Built into the range of mountains overlooking Prak City, the glimpse of the city landscape was just simply beautiful.

The location of the fortress also made it an ideal defendable position with the only ground entrance to the stronghold through a narrow ravine, after a treacherous steep climb up the base of the mountain. The only viable mode of transport to-and-fro the capital was by air-speeders,cloud cars or ships.

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
After his little encounter, Enoch hopped aboard one of the other shuttles. He tried to let himself enjoy the ride as much as possible. Seeing Greta was always fun for him, but building her palace, that might not be so fun. As he stepped out into the construction zone, his orange eyes gazed around. There. Enoch spotted her from about a hundred feet away. As he started walking in her direction, he waved at her, a large smile across his face. The sight of her was a warm sight indeed. He'd been rather...odd, lately. The thought of it sent a shiver through his spine. Something in his gut told him what was wrong, but every other part of his body was desperate to refuse it. A visible shudder went through his body, and he quickly shook his head before looking back to Noxia.

"Greetings, Madam. I was told you required my assistance. Enoch Zambrano, at your service." He spoke with a fake pompous accent, bowing down to kiss the back of her hand.

[member="Darth Noxia"]
Greta returned his smile at the sight of a beaming Enoch, giving him a quick wave at the same time. It was rare to see him smiling this, like he was genuinely happy about seeing her. She did not know if that was the case, but that was what it looked like to her. Thinking about it, she was glad to have met him.

Despite several occasions where she had to fend off his eating advances, Greta found that he added spice to her life, a good kick to add some excitement as well. She had been mostly alone for the entirety of her adult life so far, and Enoch provided the much-needed companionship. Strange as it may sound, a Sith still needed company. Especially, a lonely one like her.

The construction was going well, and the construction machinery and droids had mostly arrived. It started to move into full swing as the labourers and their supervisors toiled away at their job.

Turning her attention away from the site, Greta glanced at Enoch as he begin to speak. "Greetings, Madam. I was told you required my assistance. Enoch Zambrano, at your service." Stifling a chortle at his impression of a pompous accent, the blonde replied to him effortlessly in the accent he tried so hard to imitate. "Greetings to you, Good Sir. Your assistance is indeed required. You can call me Greta. Pleased to meet you."

Remnants of a snigger escaped her mouth before she managed to cut them off.

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]
Enoch chuckled as he noticed his laugh, cutting his off as soon as she did. Quickly, he rose from his bow, moving to embrace her. His hug was rough, but short. As he stepped back, he readjusted his backpack, pulling at one of the straps to bring it farther up his back.

"So, tell me, why am I here? Looks like you've gotten everything under control...maybe you just wanted to see me?" Enoch looked at the construction scene as he spoke, before giving her a slight glance and a wink with his last words. The project was coming along rather steadily, so far. No doubt it would be a suitable fortress for Greta. Enoch had a feeling he'd be getting to know Prakith very well, very soon. His former master and current friend would no doubt summon him here multiple times.

[member="Darth Noxia"]
Greta smiled as the younger Sith embraced her. The two of them had grown close over the period of time they have spent together, and she very much welcomed the company he provided. She noticed the backpack he carried and wondered why it was so. Was he planning on going anywhere? Perhaps he was planning to stay in the city instead.

The blonde Sith grinned at the thought of that. So very un-Sith like, but very much her. Enoch being around did indeed lift her spirits. The young man spoke, asking for his purpose here. "So, tell me, why am I here? Looks like you've gotten everything under control...maybe you just wanted to see me?"

Greta gave him a quick glance before giving him a reply. "I just thought you'd like to see how the progress of the fortress was coming along. Oh, and you're right indeed, I did want to see you and your company would be very much appreciated." The blonde returned the wink with a playful smile. Construction was moving along extremely well, and there didn't seem to be any problems whatsoever. It was glad to know that the project was in competent hands, that way unnecessary killing would not have to done.

[member="Enoch Zambrano"]

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