Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Playing Among Friends

Golden grass, waves upon waves of beautiful lush prairies surrounded the small outcropping, which jettisoned out from the mainland, over a canyon many miles below. How the peice of land, large enough to support a small pond and local ecosystem, managed to seemingly float, held only in place by the connection to land - which was only the size of a small walkway. The stunning sight of such an impossible situation could make anyone pause, to take it all in. A single large tree covered the small pond with a casting shadow, while the surprisingly deep pool (enough that one need to genuinely kick to reach the bottom) remained calm always.

Yet at this point, as only found in a blue moon, it was not simply a still pond. This time it was a point for the God King of Val'hala to meditate and become one with the Force. Settled upon a breeze over the center of the water's body, the man suspended mid air with legs crossed and hands settled against the X of his calves. His face was mostly covered by the shade of his hood, yet his moustache and goatee could be noted (prim and trimmed), while the tail of his cloak trailed down around him giving the mirage that he was standing.

Generally the man would meditate on his own planet, where it was simpler. However, the Cresent Shallows was a Force effected location, in a way a Force Nexus, and yet nothing like it still. It provided no boost, extra aid, or otherwise. Yet it was potent, almost an effect in the air. It cleared the mind, raised the senses, allowed one to become their most calm self.

Or so it felt for Vokun, who had been at the preceding that allowed the impossible rock formations to hang suspended in the air. Was it real? A trick? It worked for him, that was all he knew. His mind never was clearer than where his cousin perished.

Hidden in darkness, glowing icey blue eyes slowly opened. At their height, he vanished with a crack like thunder. The pool finally shifted, signalling someone had once been present, cascading out in dwindling waves.

Not a moment later a cloaked man was spotted moving among the masses on Coruscant...

Akabane had an unpleasant experience on Coruscant not too long ago, one that earned him a visit to a doctor. Things were okay after he healed and he probably shouldn't have gone back, but he did. The one who hurt him so bad held him captive and apparently Akabane knew information about a criminal. Well... according to the bounty hunter. In reality, he was innocent but the man didn't believe him at all. It took some time but Akabane eventually got away. Fast forward a few days and here he was standing on the edge of a massive building.

He did this often, flying up to the top of buildings and resting up there. It made him feel safer compared to sleeping in his own bed. Many people have attempted to claim Akabane's life and one tried to kill him in his sleep. They failed, which was the reason for his caution. He also enjoyed high places because of the view. This spot gave him a decent view of the city, of course the city was all around. He didn't need to get high up to see that.

Then, he felt something. Another force user? An attacker? He couldn't be sure, but he prepared for the worst. Maybe the force was messing with him. That wasn't a chance he was willing take though, someone had attacked him here before.

As Vokun moved, voices spread like flames amongst kindling, bodies bumped against each other. This was the only place more amazing than his own world, the only planet to house a larger population or anything comparable to him. A smirk passed his lips, likely unnoticed by all around for the shade wrought free of his hood. His planet could decimate Coruscant, should he wish it. He was their God, and they would die for his will.

With a standing army of several billion at his command, Vokun couldn't help but smile at that.

Movement caught his eye.. No, that is a bad description. Rather, he felt movement through the Force. His original body from all those years ago showed its ugly face once more via his unnatural prowess through seeing into the Force. Which is what he did; stopping all together, he blinked a solid purposeful closure of the eyelids, when they opened a soft luminous glow came from within as he looked slowly around. There it was again, this time sending waves into his field of vision. Following the outward emanating rings, like a pond's stillness broken by a thrown rock, at the center he spotted a youth.
He had a presence in the Force, and Vokun had to ask himself how had the kid gotten to the top of such a building?

With that the ex-God of Shadows took off like a bullet. Racing through the bodies and masses, Vokun soon enough was in a much shorter distance to the building of his desire. Now he jumped. However this was the very obvious jump of a Master of the Force, and if one were intuitive enough they could probably guess that this sort of thing was not only commonplace but enjoyable. Soaring a dozen meters into the air, he slid into an open window like a bird landing majestically. Instead of now going through the inside of the tower, Vokun would turn and face the entrance he had taken. Immediately he was back through it, going up. He used open windows, jutting out ledges, anything to get a grip and move skyward.

In under a minute he had scaled the gargantuan thing, now resting on the tips of his toes against the lip of the roof while he crouched. From within the darkness of his cloak, a voice came out, "You thinking of jumping..?"

Akabane was laying down on his back, enjoying the soft breeze that ran across his face. Head supported by overlapped hands and one leg hanging off the edge. The unknown presence interrupted his relaxation so he got on his feet and stood at the edge. He wondered who the person was as they came closer. A man, or woman? Jedi, or sith? Stranger, or pursuer? Whatever the case, Akabane could care less as he knew nothing about this person yet. Judging a nameless person wasn't his style. Besides, there was zero enjoyment in having anxiety. Now he would wait.

Once again, he viewed the beautiful city. It was nothing like Kro Var, though he didn't think ill of his birth planet. That was where he experienced a lot of important things. Loss being one of many, the death of father and mother, as well as his siblings. Losing his innocence came with time on that planet too. There, he killed a great amount and lost any innocent part that existed within himself. He didn't kill for pleasure, a command is the main reason for why he'd take a life. Akabane would disobey a kill order if he thought it was wrong though. A voice stopped his thinking.

The voice lacked a familiar sound, and asked if he was going to jump. He chuckled, "No. Sadly, I cannot die yet." he said this seriously with a bit of humor in his voice. It was true, there was things he had to do before he rested his eyes. Akabane kept his red eyes on the city in front of him, not looking back to see the newcomer. One hand was on his hip while the other arm rested to his side. The black coat he wore frequently blew in the wind like his medium length dark black hair. He stood still and waited for the man's next move. Akabane was hoping a conversation is the only thing that took place.

Vokun nodded, turning his back to the youth, mind you still only on the balls of his feet on the ledge of a miles tall tower, now, "I see that," He stated absent mindedly, his attentions only half on the present moment it seemed, "-in your future I mean." He added, and then as if to do as he believed the boy had intended (to jump), he stepped forward with his right foot. More a simple shuffle forward movement, he brought the other forward.

Vokun seemed to be unaware that the action he performed: much like a cartoon character of old, he had simply stepped off. Not by much, but it could be so... odd for others. To one so sure of his power, one who was master of death, had faced the strongest of the galaxy in ages past, disciple of the darkest of sorcery... It wasn't anything special.

Besides, within the breadth of a half second his bottom landed gently on the ledge, one leg immediately going to cross over the other as they dangled over.

"Sorry for that intrusion, it wasn't intentional. I can tell you, I am guided by the Force to this very moment, this precise location," He paused, checking first one pocket inside his cloak, then another before finally finding gold. Placing a cigarette in his teeth, he burned the tip with a thought then took a mighty drag.

"Have any idea, why I was drawn here?" Vokun asked, his eyes roaming the Coruscant skyline in boredom.

In my future? he thought while stroking his stubble. Akabane was the type of person who'd rather claim his own life than be killed by another man. The Jarvik clansmen were the ones who made him that way. Father and mother were different, they thought you shouldn't feel mortified if you're killed in battle by your enemy. Akabane's morals before the memory wipe and after conflicted with eachother. Sometimes one thinking would be more dominant than the other. An example, he decided when the time came he would die in the Jarvik way. "Maybe." it was possible.

Akabane's eyes didn't move even when he heard movement. He was getting closer. The man surprised him when he simply sat down on the ledge, legs over the edge. He felt relieved. Akabane glanced over and saw a cloaked man, reaching for a cigar box. Gold? Must be wealthy. he thought. He apologized for intruding but the force brought him here, specifically here. So he really is a user of the force. he confirmed that much but the man didn't seem to be looking for trouble. Akabane answered honestly since the man didn't keep anything from him. "Could it be that you sensed my presence?" he asked suggesting that to be the reason.

Vokun snapped a finger over his shoulder, "Bingo." At least the kid was smart enough to connect dots. The question then was, did the kid know of and therefore knowingly use the Force? Had he simply experienced it's uses? Or was he oblivious?

Reaching up he took the cigarette from his lips, blowing a large cloud out. Smoking was a terrible habit, he knew that, not that it changed anything. There had been a time, long ago and even in a different body and species all together, when he had become such a trouble that no amount of liquor could truly get him drunk. He had always been a type to do as he felt pleasurable.

Taking another long drag, he called back, "What do you know of the Force?" It was simple, and yet a difficult question. Little to no one untrained ever truly knew of the Force more than rumor or legend. But maybe the youth had managed to ascertain a decent breadth of knowledge. Would he answer truthfully?

Bingo, so he was right. It didn't take much thought to figure that much out. Akabane was only an apprentice but had training in feeling another force user's presence. Others could sense him too since he didn't know any force cloaking abilities. An example being Vokun finding him due to that. He probably should learn how to hide his presence in the force in case an enemy uses it to track him. The future will certainly increase the number of enemies he has, sith naturally had many of them.

Akabane remembered his new acquaintance was smoking, he stared at the cigar for a bit. He also smoked, though not quite as heavy as most people. The news of Aevan potentially being alive returned his usual calm self so he stopped depending on cigarettes... but one every now and then didn't hurt. He looked away a few seconds later. Smoking was a bad habit for sure, but every single person had their own fix. Some worse than others. Liquor was his, and it would hurt him some day like any other.

The man asked what he knew about the force. He turned his head slightly, enough to glance at Vokun, and then his eyes looked directly down over the edge. "The basics I suppose. My teacher uses the dark and I follow." he fessed, being the honest young man that he usually was. "I do not believe I am a bad person for holding the title of sith. I mean, not evil at least. Anyone can be a bad person." he let out almost immediately after his answer.

A teacher. Thank god. It meant the youth did not need him as a person, rather for his knowledge. What then did the Force feel he needed to learn? During his studying days, Vokun had managed to amass pure mastery of Sith Sorcery, including other magic as well, plus his apex knowledge base of stealth. He had years under his belt, learning, using, twisting and combining White Current, Disciple teachings, even his own natural skills. Now through his own talents many new types of Force application had been developed, including his own Force Cloak, which combined them all plus technologies of the masses and more when the time called for it.

Stray thoughts from the youth touched his senses, and Vokun laughed internally. He could teach the youth to hide himself - plus even made jackets which would hide the Force Signature of anything they covered.

"A Sith is simply a man. Nothing more." Vokun called, taking another hit he then flicked the butt free of the air they breathed, "Not until he makes a decision to act, guiding beyond simply using emotion - do evil and you are evil. But if you do wrong for the right, it is a necessary waste sometimes." Taking a deep breath, Vokun slipped clean off the building.

This time Vokun was definitely doing more than necessary, blatantly showing off. Free falling for a time, he would close his eyes and relish the feeling. This feeling, that absolute freedom, it was why he had learned to use the Force to fly. Sure he couldn't fly forever, but it granted a much needed rush sometimes. However that wasn't what he was doing.

After a moment of plummeting, but before the boy could move to the ledge and check his status, his being in the Force ceased. Not entirely inhonesty, in reality he folded space once again, this time placing himself near the youth but behind him. At that instant however, where he vanished from sight, he also slammed his hold down on his Force Signature. Like that, only the greatest Force Hunters could sense him.

It was not as if he had removed the Force, or made himself Force Dead - instead imagine it like a water hose. When the water is on, it flows naturally. With his skills however he could narrow the stream until it was unnoticeable save by heavy study.

For a moment he hid, then he said, "You should care to learn from others, no one teacher knows it all. Even my old Master, Rest In Peace, sir, could only teach what he knew."

Vokun stated a sith was like any other man and nothing more than that. Akabane agreed, he became a sith to get stronger as most people would do. The reason for wanting the power wasn't so he could wreak havoc or anything similar to it. That's why he didn't think himself to be evil, it was as if he was gaining more strength for no real reason. Akabane loyalty rested with the Confederacy so he'd fight their battles but other than that, he didn't have an excuse to use his new powers. Especially due to the fact that he used wind shaping more than anything else. "Wrong for a right... I know a little about those things." he said before Vokun slipped, maybe?

This came as a shocker, the falling of the stranger that is. He did consider it might've been on purpose but he also thought chances of that was low. Akabane moved quickly to view the outcome of the leap. Yes, he was about to watch someone kill them self. Except... he didn't get to see it. In fact, his body disappeared along with his presence in the force. Akabane was now completely lost, what just happened? this was one of his first questions. The situation was a strange one. Then, he heard the man's voice behind him. What the...? he thought slowly turning around. Akabane didn't master his tracking abilities yet, so the man's location was unknown to him after he concealed his presence. Quite the spook.

He grinned, a man full of surprises. Akabane nodded when the man gave him some advise. "I serve one master but I'm fine with receiving training others too." he learned from a Jedi at some point, involving mental powers. "You seem to be exceptionally skilled, friend. You're knowledgeable too. I'm always interested in expanding my collection of abilities. Care to show me something useful?" he asked, hoping he'd say yes after that performance.



Well-Known Member
Vokun, Lord of the Fringe that tore apart Taloraan, God of Shadows, smiled... it was only an instance... yet immediately following, his eyes flared a bright orange and then it was like a hurricane erupted on the rooftop. Through the swirling winds, powerful enough to start making nearby unhinged objects whip into the forming tornado.

As this occurred within the breadth if a few moments, a growing mass of tendrils like smokey shadows began to erupt from in at a mass rate. Soon enough the shadows would touch the lad, and he would feel fear. All did in Waves of Darkness. Even Masters. The destruction was wild, his power over telekinesis, powerful to a molecular level, used to still air around him and raise or lower tepratures, was now ripping the bolted down machinery from the floor, hurtling them outward.

Then it ceased.

Eyes fading back to normal, for an instance while they did a spirit could be seen over his shoulder. His biggest battery if energy, "I have much to teach. What do you want to learn?"

[member="Akabane"] (Poodoo. Pretend this is signed in as Vokun. Still tag that one.)

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