Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Planting the Seed (Kära Vi'dreya)

[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]

It had been some time since the ancient Lord had met Darth Kyros. Quite how long was something which confused many people, but did not matter much to Darth Shadow. People came and went, but what mattered were goals and interests.
And so he had invited Lady Kyros to come to his flagship deep in space and discuss matters. There was much to decide....
Kyros had returned to the Galaxy; how long she had been away was a matter of perspective, owing to the fact that some had done more than others since Kära wasput on the back burner. Thus far only one had been made aware of her presence, her Apprentice Arthos, but some things did not escape the notice of some of the Galaxies older souls... Shadow, for example.

When Kyros gained a request to meet with the afamed Lord she was hard pressed to deny. As such she traversed the Galaxy to where Shadow had contacted from, ensuring that she used a smaller ship, one of the unmarked Blacklights. This vessel was small enough to dock upon Shadows vessel, and thus she ventured inside to meet with him. "My Lord" she began, inclining her head respectfully... All the while she wondered what he had in mind.
[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
“Ah, Lady Kyros. I see you have returned. Good, there is much to be done. I trust you are still committed to bringing Order to the galaxy, to exterminating the Jedi Order and establishing the true reign of the Sith once more?”
It was a rhetorical question. She wouldn’t be a Sith Lord if she didn’t agree with at least some of that!

“We have much to discuss. I trust you have heard of the utterly insipid showing of the ‘New Order’? Soon the Mandalorian savages will destroy them utterly. However, from that can come some gain. The forces of self-righteousness have gained ascendance in the galaxy, but they are not invincible. Only through cunning and skill will the Sith restore their rightful place. Will you aid me in this?”
Straight to the point and blunt as ever, it was almost as big a relief as dealing with the HRDs... But not quite. She stepped around the room in quiet contemplation, one hand caressing the back of a chair. "The New Order are faithless fools" she offered, with a small shrug of her shoulders, "Scavengers of the Empire, nothing more. Let the worthless crush the weak." By that Kyros had decided that she would do nothing about this New Order and instead focused upon the latter statements made by her mentor. "The Sith have lain dormant for too long; even in the peak of our former Empire we were lacking in true Sith and ideals. A mockery has been made of all we ought to stand for."

Inclining her head, she presented herself to him - willing to aid in his endeavours. Her time away had given her chance to contemplate her path and rethink the way in which she had gone about similar previously. "We need no name or banner under which to unite" she mused aloud, with a slow shrug of her slender shoulders. "As that which has been uttered, that which has been made tangible, can be destroyed. Yet that which lies within may live on for as long as it is an idea, for as long as it holds a purpose. Speak, My Lord, of the plan you have in mind, and let us see the rabble of this Galaxy set within its place. Let the Jedi fall and chaos ensue. Let true order reign through nature's imperfections."

Chaos was natural, nature's order incarnate as ironic as that might have been to admit.

[member="Darth Shadow"]
[member="Lady Kyros"]
This one is most in awe of the way the Lady Kyros’ three tags line up so well, and how crazy scary her new avatar is!

Darth Shadow nodded his head in agreement with her words.
“The ‘One Sith’ and their mysterious and invincible ‘dark lord’ are drawing attention to themselves. They will not be enough to defeat the Republic and others alone. However, they give us a breathing space. Now the New Order has rightfully crumbled, the rim regions are once again open. I suggest we do not move slowly or in the open at all. Rather, I suggest we use business, local rulers, anything to shield us from attention, gather the rim worlds under our banner and when the time is right we can make our own move.”
“I have put into place certain…movements which should help us clear away obstacles. Hopefully, a certain battering ram for instance will be turned against the One Sith and Republic both. Beyond that, we must wait, gather allies, arrange alliances. Your company provides perfect cover for us, as does the Tion Hegemony, if they can be brought about to our vision.”

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