Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Place of Refuge

Makari only shrugged at her words. He honestly had no reason to believe her.

He laid back down and closed his eyes to steal a bit of sleep. “Let’s have a good dream,” he told himself. He twisted and turned until he was comfortable, and after a while he quickly nodded off.

When he awoke, he awoke with a slight panic. Rather than a good dream, he had a terrible nightmare. Oh, it wasn’t the usual things that scared children and haunted adults. It was something very simple and something very mundane. It was responsibility.

The worst kind.

Makari stared at his hand and his clothes, and wondered why he had a dream of himself wearing the robes of a Jedi and wielding a lightsaber? And it wasn’t just that. He saw himself in battle doing things that he couldn’t possibly be capable of doing, but he did them, and he did so much more. It was a frightening dream. Not because of the Sith he killed, but because somewhere deep inside of him, he felt like it was less of a dream, and more of a premonition. Like he was seeing things that were already set in stone for his life. Stuff like that made him uncomfortable. He didn’t like the notion of fate.

While he started packing up his things, his eyes were slightly blurry. If the woman was still in the hut, he wasn’t sure yet. Regardless, he said,

“Well, thanks for the room and board. I’m sure you don’t get many visitors out here, so I suspect you like your peace and quiet. I’ll leave you too it then.”

There was more he wanted to say, but fear held his tongue. He wasn't quite so sure he wanted to find out if he was really a force user or not. The implications would have given him a headache.

Tinkering and the soft sound of metal parts being adjusted filled the room, just barely covering the roar of the everlasting orange flames. After a moment of silence, and staring, Kiara rose from her spot with her metal staff conveniently to her side. Without waiting, she opened the door and held out her hand. "I want my ring back," She explained, seeming not to truly care one way or another if this man did end up leaving.
Who would want to stay with a hermit anyways...
[member="Makari Valeal"]
Makari forgot that the ring was on his finger. He looked at it with a blank expression and he felt like there was a mystery behind it. But what did it matter? Would the woman tell him about it? Probably not. He pulled it off his finger and started to toss it to her, but curiosity had stayed his hand.

His eyes were on the ring when he said, “Let me guess…..if I ask you what this ring is for, you’re going to ignore that question too, right?”

He thought she would. Nah, it was probably a certainty. He tried to think of all the things she would want him to wear the ring for, but he honestly came up with nothing. It was a mystery that would nag at him, he knew. It was the same with the force user business. But how could he get answers from a person who didn’t want to open up?

He couldn’t.

That was why he leaned in the doorway while he waited for an answer. If she made it clear she didn’t want to open up, then there was nothing left to say. He would give her the ring back and be on his way.


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