Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sitting within the Library of the First Order, i saw at a desk. Reading among the archives for what may be new things for me to learn. [member="Jaron Lesan"] had told me that I could learn more by visiting the Library and searching for things randomly, yet for a reason. I couldn't just randomly read some datapad and expect to learn more about the force. No. First I had to find things about the force, or even Lightsaber combat, then search from those for what sounds interesting. Then move from there. The good ol' process of elimination. It worked. So I used it.

Sifting through data about Telekinesis. Searching through hours worth of reading on how to become the "Center of the hurricane" for the Lightsaber arts. Even finding one about how to tame creatures. I grabbed that one and set it off to the side. Might need that one at some point. As well as the other two I mentioned. I looked up from my studies for a moment to see a man walk in. Asking for anything about the Dark Side of the force. And as much as I didn't want to admit it, I wanted to search for that as well. Standing up from the table, I walked over. Dressed in my normal First Order robes. I introduced myself.

"Do you mind if I join you? I'm Shawn, and I was actually looking for the same. Teaching upon which you search for."

The man looked me over. He was very likely a Knight of Ren. The Order that had co-existed with the Imperial Army, and Navy. His eyes very much judging of me. His voice wasn't of distaste, more so wonder.

"And why would you want to learn of such arts young one?"

I smiled. Letting my emotions become more apparent to him. I leaned against the counter. Pulling off my hood to reveal my face a little more.

"If I am to follow in the footsteps of Kylo, as well as become stronger within the force to procure his name across the galaxy, I need to know more within the force. Not just in combat itself. Don't you think that is worthy of any cause?"
​"A patriot to the cause? maybe. However, I do not teach any sniveling whelp."
"Whelp I may be, however, teach me small, and let my proof of skill be my testament of how I am not any other whelp like those around you Master."

He mulled it over. Nodding his head very little. However, he broke to my slight persuasion.

"If you are going to learn of these dark arts, then I sugguest you read up on Sith Runes, then come back to me. If you are going to use the dark, you may want to know what it means in the first place. Sith Alchemy, and Runes. Then come back. "
"Yes, M'lord."

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