Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pilgrimage of the Wayfarer Episode 1: Where the Wind Blows

Cloud City. Tiland watched through the viewport as the shuttle descended to the landing platform before settling down with a hiss from the landing gear. The other passengers hurried up, grabbing their baggage and streamed from the ship. Tiland waited, pulling his robes closer to not get in their way. All he had was in his satchel and blanket roll. Nor was he in a hurry. In time, they emptied and Tiland pulled himself to his feet, clutching his staff and limped down the walkway as the service droids bustled about.

He slung the blanket roll over his shoulders and entered the landing platform, blinking in confusion at the sudden sunlight. It was beautiful here. That much was obvious. Sunlight streaked through the gases drifting around them and reflected off the city. Night was falling and shadows began to drape across the city of angels like the folds of a cloak. He strode across the platform when an urgent beeping caught his attention and he turned back.

One of the service droids raced across the now-empty platform towards him, clutching a datapad and waving it. Tiland knelt down to meet it at its level, and he held out his hand.

"What troubles you?" He asked, letting the staff rest against the ground. The droid beeped even more frantically and pushed the datapad at him. It wasn't his, but Tiland took it. It would be easy enough to find its owner. They should be returning for it soon enough, even. "I will return it, take no fear." The droid bobbed and then hurried back to the ship. Tiland pulled himself up, brushing off his leggings. He activated it, studying the device. Seemed easy enough.

No, that wasn't right. No password. Odd. He studied it more carefully, accessing files. Blueprints, databanks, security guards and what they would be bought for. A location. It appeared to be a bank? This was more serious than he thought. By all accounts, it looked like someone was going to try and rob a bank. He needed to inform security.

He pulled out his comlink, keying it to the emergency channel.

"Cloud City Security, state your emergency."

"I believe a bank will be robbed in the near future."

"Why is that?" The voice was sharper now, more suspicious, and critical.

"A datapad left in a shuttle details the plans."

"And how do we know you're not involved? How'd you get past the password."

"There was no password and I am a traveler, nothing more."

"Go home then. No more of your shenanigans here or we'll have you arrested for inciting panic."

The line went dead, leaving Tiland alone on the platform as night fell. Looked like he was on his own.
The beautiful atmospheric view that is given by what people call Cloud City was one of the most astounding ones that the world could offer. Through the mostly cloudy moist weather that served as a nice cool down from rides in large space shuttles, or just to take a break from the lower levels of work in many situations. Though all the advantages could be grasped onto for their duration, a certain tall person in a fluttering black cloak didn't choose to show any gratitude, but instead sit at one of the many tables scattered near the landing platforms, used for drinks, food, and casual gambling with others.

As of now, this long-masked being who's outfit gave a darker appearance to him, quietly looked around in a slow motion to new star-walkers in sight of who to play next, after a previous round of cards which resulted in a few trades, some good, some not so decent. Upon laying eyes on an elderly man, a mental competition came around in Ponds' mind. Would advanced knowledge on the game and their risks overrun an elderly man and his knowledge, or wisdom?

In challenge to this, the doctor kept a firm stare on the man from the bright blue of his glassy eyewear as credits of currency fell from a small pouch onto the table. About fifty to start off with. A single still glass of clear liquids, barely touched sat by the side. On the ground scattered tiny pieces of fabric that could easily be mistaken as a black winged creature's feathers, with it's old and worn smell barley blocked by the smell of fresh oils and flowers that came from the face of the creature looming in the protection of his mask.

[member="Tiland Kortun"]
[member="Jartani Ponds"]

Something prickled on the back of Tiland's neck, an awareness through the Force. Some sense that he was the focus of someone's attention. Tiland probed gently backwards with his mind, seeking purpose. It was different. Certainly nothing malevolent, but certainly appraising. He turned, leaning on his staff, eyes settling the dark-clad figure with the tattered clothes. Interesting. Perhaps it was best to find out what this figure wanted. He hefted his blanket roll higher on his shoulders and strode over with a slight limp, stopping in front of the table as a slight breeze rustled the tiny fragments into the air.

"Greetings, traveler," Tiland said slowly, leaning against his staff, "I appear to have caught your attention for some reason. What might be, may I ask?"

It was not going to be dangerous as far as he could tell. Relatively speaking, at least. Not compared to what he must do now to stop a bank robbery. No, that would be dangerous. These people were desperate and hardened. They would need compassion to see the truth of the universe and the necessity of another option.
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

The dark clothed being sat silent for a moment, almost as if processing the question in his mind. The old man smelt better than he could have expected, and a lot could be told from just a person's smell if you knew where to sense it. He rattled the coins gently on the table, then spoke from the muffled beak at his mouth a few words to explain himself.

"All new star-walkers coming to this planet are usually here for adventure and tours. It seems like something changed your mind after you've arrived, unlike all those others that just ran off. What would you say to a few rounds of game? I bet credits, and you can bet the same or tales of your adventures." Clasping both hands together neatly at his lap, the doctor stared firmly at the man.

It did seem strange that someone so worn looking would still be outside. He supposed, even if he did lose, he could still be happy one way.
[member="Jartani Ponds"]

Tiland leaned on his staff, studying the figure. The eyes were gadgets, by the looks of it, although what purpose the whole ensembles offered was beyond his knowing. But then, perhaps it was not so strange. Many considered his own fashion choices strange. The offer was tempting, to be sure, but there was a urgency growing. It pulled at him desperately. There was a crisis to be averted.

Then something else fluttered through him. A sense of the importance of the current moment. Something important would happen in these moments as threads intersected. Perhaps it would be the first step in preventing the crime from happening.

He did find it amusing that the figure had assumed something changed his mind from adventure, although he was not one for tours. He had gone from one adventure to the next and that was, for the most part, how his life played out.

Tiland leaned his staff against the table and sat down, delicately lacing his fingers together on the tabletop as he studied the cards.

"Would you care for some tea?" He asked after a moment of forcing down the hunger that raked his insides. Regardless of the answer, he pulled a large thermos from his satchel as well as a packet of herbs, which placed in a bag. Then came two mugs from his blanket roll. One he filled with still steaming water and dipped a bag of tea into. "And I am afraid I can gamble no credits, so you must settle for my stories."
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

The creature took a few moments to process, before a small excitement flowed through him and out. Stories were just as good as credits, as credits were good for travels. No matter the cost of the gambling, an elder would be interesting to play against. "Fifty credits, first round. I'm interested in the story that had you trade your touring for something else. If you feel uncomfortable with that, I can settle for less."

A bit late to say no to the tea, the creature simply took the water and poured it into one of the many pouches around it's waist, before putting the near empty glass back on the table and a staff of his own against, on the same side.

One of the robotics came over soon just for a few rounds of the game, a fair one at that. As it began to shuffle the cards, the stranger counted the credits and placed them in the center of the table.
[member="Jartani Ponds"]

Tiland sat silently, observing his new companion as the figure processed for several moments. He took a sip of his tea, savoring its rich flavor and feeling its herbal effects of calming the mind and easing bodily tension. He gave a small smile at the wager. That was simple enough.

"Sounds like a deal fairly set," He said after a moment, "That I can give you free of charge, if you are wonder in such a way." It was urgent the word got out about the planned robbery. It had to be stopped before innocents suffered losses that they needed for their livelihood. While certainly not something that posed grave danger like the Sith, it still brought harm to sentients and he would strive to prevent that from happening. They even both carried staffs, Tiland noticed. That was very nice. Not many carried such things anymore, which he thought a shame.

Tiland looked over and nodded as a droid joined them for the game. Tiland palmed his own hands and slid them over to his side of the table. It had been a while since he played cards, but he suspected he'd be able to pick it up again soon enough.
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

The creature gently lifted his beak at the mention of a free story. As the droid started to serve out cards, it tilted it's head forward toward the old man, and he himself picked the cards up from the table's surface. "I think an opportune time for a free story would be during the first round before things get at risk, hm?" The bird creature almost had a small sarcastic tone at the end of his sentence then.

Folding cards up, the blue eyes, (thankfully not very reflective) scanned the cards, as more attention came to the man and his story. He could probably settle for saving it for a tale to tell other strangers.
[member="Jartani Ponds"]

Tiland nodded and settled in his seat, studying his own cards and carefully keeping his telepathy confined to his own mind. Yes, it made cheating easy enough, but that was not something he wished to do at this point. No, this would be an honest game if there was anything he could do about it. He set his cards down on the table for a moment and then pulled out the recovered datapad and set it on the table, activating its displays.

"My story is simple. I am a wandering healer and upon my arrival I came upon this datapad detailing plans to rob a bank here on Cloud City. I contact authorities but they did not believe me." Then he stopped, a new thought striking him. "It is possible they have been bought out by these criminals."

He gave a sad smile. "Hardly the tale you wanted, but as a recompense, I shall wager the tale of my involvement in the destruction of the Sith temple on Coruscaunt with Galactic Alliance." That should be worth more than this story. At the moment, anyways.
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

At a few key mentions, he lifted his head, even took some time to look at the datapad the old man had in store. "My, that's more of a story than I heard all day. I never knew other healers roamed about looking for justice." The Doctor suddenly whipped his cane straight onto the ground and stood up, sliding the credits to the victor. He wasn't sure if he won or not, but that didn't exactly matter to him right now.

"Well then my good sir, let's go about catching this line of villainy shall we?" To replace the sarcastic tone with a sudden adventurous type wasn't easy for the Doctor before the man, but from what he had heard so far, it was well worth losing character for.
[member="Jartani Ponds"]

Tiland gave a surprised start at the sudden enthusiasm for assisting him and the story, which was hardly worth telling at this point. He nodded to the droid as the other healer stood, snapping his cane against the ground. Now that was something he could get behind. Tiland grabbed his staff and heaved himself to his feet and tightened his blanket roll.

"Oh, there are a few wayfarers of our kind," Tiland said after a moment, brushing at his beard as he tried to think of the others he had met. "And I most certainly agree with you." There was a change in voice as well, which Tiland greatly respected. So someone else was always looking for such a thing as well. But they needed a plan to approach this. They couldn't just blunder around looking for robbers, and certainly not if parts of the security forces had been bought off. There was only one thing to do. He had to trust the Force, wherever it would guide him.

He gestured towards the buildings. He needed a quieter place than the landing pad. There were too many distractions going on for him to really focus and connect with the Force. Then he started walking, staff clacking along beside him until he entered the main building area before slipping into a quieter side corridor. This would have to do.

He knelt on the floor, head bowed, and staff across his knees. With his eyes closed he took several deep breaths, and let himself sink into the Force, feeling its tendrils seep into him and then flow through his entire body, tying him to the rest of the universe.
[member="Tiland Kortun"]

As far as the masked Doctor could tell, this old man who just happened to be coming across the landing platform he was playing on meant good ways. Especially with the bonus attributes of his healing properties. Just a small vision in his mind, he could see the both of them working together on the field, helping injured make a recovery.

They say the Doctor's heart grew .3 inches, then went back -.3 inches repeatedly that day. Rapidly, at that.

Soft clicks of twin boots and the tapping of the cane and staff made the travel sound almost like a song. Arriving to their destination, Ponds let out three more clicks as he adjusted himself and sat the cane in front of him, supporting onto it with both hands. It seemed the new friend was right onto their business. Meditation was one of the better ways to start off a mission, based off what he learned.

Only his mind could waver on what the man was thinking. Perhaps just a spiritual cleanse, a hint of what life is for, or maybe a new weapon construct to allow them to be invisible for a short amount of time. No matter the thoughts, Ponds kept quiet to let the old man explore.

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