Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Phriked up

[SIZE=10pt]Entering the atmosphere of sekalus a unmarked silver sanctum shuttle made its way through the atmosphere. Inside the cockpit Nikias just flicked off the com of the ship after talking to the port authorities and making it known as to why he was making his way to the planet and what he wanted. Its natural resources were what made sekalus the prime location that Nikias had picked for his and joza’s little adventure. Sighing in relief Nikias was just happy they hadn’t been ordered to leave the planet immediately or forced to land with the authorities. He did not wish to waste time with them over something so simple as acquiring some phrik. If he wasn’t exiled Nikias would’ve contacted members of the makrosian work force to accompany them to the planet to aid in joza and his gatherings. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“we have been accepted with open arms I’m going to put us down.” Nikias said activating the com for joza to hear him. While not the best pilot in the galaxy or even a great one Nikias was good enough to pilot the ship between two pillars of stone where he brought it in for a landing. Lowering the ramp Nikias made his way through the living area of the shuttle and waited for his ally before Walking down the ramp. Nikias stepped off the ship immediately feeling his body assaulted by the heat of the planet’s dessert. Having to land in the area of the planet called the ilet dunes Nikias and joza were on the hunt for phrik. Both of them had their own plans for the metal[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]and while Nikias had his own putting the makrosian ingenuity to work as he thought of many different types of armors he could potentially build for himself. he had no clue what joza was thinking about using hers for. many companies on the planet sekalus had already claimed the mines for themselves and constantly worked them, though from what the port authorities and guides said was that the inlet dunes was the best place to find a phrik mine that had yet to be claimed due to just how dangerous it was to travel through the lands there. before them spires of stone reached high into the sky while in the distance formations of stones could be seen. "Ever seen a place like this?" Nikias asked as he squinted his eyes against the intense sunlight. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt][member="Joza Perl"][/SIZE]
Shielding her eyes with her hand, Joza also squinted as she peered out onto the surface of Sekalus. “Can’t say that I have.” She responded after a few moments, a bit of irritation leaking through her voice at the initial feel of the planet’s oppressive heat. Unfortunately, this was the area richest in phrik so they’d simply have to deal with the unwelcoming environment. The Zeltron had tied up her red tress before leaving the more comfortable atmosphere of the ship, but it didn’t do too much aside from getting the hair off of her neck. Overheating was still a possibility, so the pair had made sure to bring water on their journey. Though the area was known to be dangerous, the duo was used to battling their way to their objectives—the heat would likely be their greatest enemy. Or a dragon, who knows.

“We should avoid overexerting ourselves. Don’t want to die of heat exhaustion.” She began to move forward, glancing over at the Hellyni. Though he was an apprentice, he’d proven his skill in combat and his cunning nature made him a good partner—she didn’t have to worry about him. Though she technically held rank above [member="Nikias"], she saw him as a friend and ally.

“Are you sure this is the best place to find phrik…?” Joza tried, though she knew that the more temperate environments had little to offer or were already claimed. The Knight had begun to perspire shortly after stepping from the safety of the shuttle, sweat beading at her forehead and her face beginning to oil up beneath the thick makeup she wore. She’d applied it with a heavier hand this morning in order to cover up the new discolorations on her face and neck. Should have brought along some blotting powder.
[SIZE=10pt]"I must say that it’s not the most inviting of places, but the easiest place we could go to mine without causing trouble for the Silver Sanctum and ourselves." Nikias said as he looked around for anything that could possibly be used as shade for them. Strapped around his bare body was the mining lasers that they would be using to mine the phrik once they found their own mine. Nikias even thought that if they found one they'd simply leave it unmarked and return to claim it for themselves at a later date. Nikias didn't carry the equipment because he didn't think Joza could handle it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but because he knew that she was the better close quarters combat out of the two of them[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and she'd need to be free to move fluidly in combat. Nikias himself was more the type to stand back and utilize the force to keep the enemies at bay so he could afford to be weighed down. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Is the heat just a bit too much for you to handle?" Nikias joked as he looked back at Joza seeing her hair tied up. No matter how many times he looked at her[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]Nikias was always stunned by her beauty. How even in the middle of a dessert she could still look better than most women. It either took alot of dedication or came naturally. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"While I may not be used to desserts I am used to having to stay on battlefields. we should be fine as long as we move fast. Shall I carry you again? You really seemed to enjoy it last time." Nikias said as he made with way across the dried[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] cracked stone. Thankfully this was one of the desserts filled with a mix of stone and sand. it made their job easier since they wouldn’t have to spend hours trudging through only sand. Seeing a large flat stone off to the right Nikias reached out with his left hand[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]and slowly the stone dislodged itself from the ground. It was easily large enough to act as an umbrella and with a slight wave of his hand Nikias summoned the stone to float over his head where it cast a large shadow. Instantly he felt the temperature drop. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"You can join me." The prince offered.[/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
“I’m fine. She insisted with an almost indignant tone, taking out a cloth shortly after and dabbing at the sweat and oil on her face, smearing some of her makeup in the process. Her eyeliner had already begun to smudge, and though she couldn’t see it herself, she could tell. “I’d rather be on fething Hoth.” She mumbled, tucking the handkerchief back into her robes. “How are you fairing, Captain Shirtless?” Though she teased him with words, her tone was rather mild and casual. Joza didn’t try to hide the glance she gave him, after all he was carrying the mining laser with him. That, and she had to admire his bare chest. The man was certainly built, and pretty attractive too.

“Maybe on the way back…” She answered idly as if he hadn’t been joking, her tone fading a she shielded her eyes to peer into the distance again. “I think you enjoyed it more than my drunk, nearly passed out self did.” She tilted her head to give him a flicker of a smirk, clearly enjoying the banter. Though she couldn’t recall most of the end of that night as she’d been close to falling asleep, Joza did remember how he’d carried her back to the temple.

“Hm?” A curious noise vibrated in her throat as she observed [member="Nikias"] reach out with one hand and maneuver one of the flatter slabs of stone above him to shield him from the sun’s oppressive heat. She made no protest to his offer, quickly joining him beneath the much needed shade cast by the rock. “Thank you,” She sounded legitimately grateful for his offer, glancing up at the stone once more. “I don’t think I could do that without struggling and possibly falling over. You’re getting stronger, Nik.” A light smirk settled onto her lips as she spoke, observing the man’s growing skill in telekinesis.
[SIZE=10pt]"Of course you would Miss snowman. You're melting all over the place." Nikias said joking about Joza's abundance of makeup that proved absolutely useless in the dessert parts of the planet. "Maybe next time you'll listen to me when it comes to the makeup." Nikias joked shooting his own jab at Joza. He had talked to her many times about her makeup and how he thought she didn't need it nor did she have to hide her true self around him. Soon enough it would be visible anyways. "Though you know being shirtless is certainly better than wearing those uncomfortable robes they give us at the temple. I couldn't bring myself to wear them... And they're so bland." Around Joza[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias could drop the regal demeanor and just joke around with her. It was enjoyable and was one of the best parts about his spending time with her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Pssh! Hmm,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] If I remember right you were the one feeling me up and resting your head on my chest. Miss high tolerance." Nikias said poking fun at her. While he did certainly enjoy his time with Joza that night[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it wasn't because of her touching him. It was because he had grown to know her and she had trusted Nikias enough to let her guard down around him. The fact that Nik hadn't seen her do it toften said alot of things about their relationship. Unlike other males Nikias' eyes did not spend their time roving Joza's body instead he was sure to always look her in those magnificent green eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Moving over so there was room for Joza[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias looked up at the stone with her. "Yes[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], I have gotten better[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but still not to the point of many other jedi. I am still lacking in other aspects of the force[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] and the gap is becoming wider the more time passes." Nikias said. Joza was well aware of his deficiencies with the force. "I actually just got out the hospital not long ago due to an encounter with a Sith Lord." Nikias said though he was sure Joza had heard about him having to be dug out from beneath the rubble his arm and leg completely crushed. It had taken many bacta treatments for Nik to heal and even more time for his limbs to completely recover.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Now beginning to walk Nik focused partially on the rock and kept it afloat. Thanks to his training beneath Xander Carrik he had learned to more easily multitask with his telekinesis. In the distance Nikias saw a large cave the mouth wide and almost inviting. While out in the distance to the far east he heard a howl that echoed across the dessert. "Guess thats why people don't come out here often.”[/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
“Don’t remind me. Should have invested in that heat proof setting spray…” The Zeltron would grumble before shooting back a retort of her own. “Please, I wouldn’t expect a man to understand such things.” She waved her hand as if to dismiss him with roll of her eyes. Though typically cordial, she found it easier to be her usual snippy self around him. Thankfully he tended not to get offended by her comments, and even shot back with a few of his own. Who knew that a Prince could be so sassy?

“Ugh, don’t get me started on those scratchy things. Not cute at all.” She briefly reflected on her early days as a Padawan and how eager she was to wear her Jedi robes, despite them being so…blah. She’d been a different person then, wide-eyed and anxious and trying to fit in. Now she’d grown into them—rather out of them. The more days passed, the less she felt like a true Jedi. Thankfully, many light sided Jedi chose not to wear the robes as well.

Hey, I wasn’t feeling you up!” She growled, almost gawking at him before settling down. “I demand a rematch. Now that my body is more accustomed to alcohol, you don’t stand a chance.” Her second liver was certainly put to work during her last stay on Zeltros.

When the conversation turned to more serious matters, Joza nodded her head slowly. “I’ve heard. Quite brave of you to stand up to a Sith Lord…I’ve been on Bespin, so I only heard recently.” She chose not to comment on his defeat as she glanced over at him to ensure that he was indeed fully healed before shaking her head. “Nik, you need to stop comparing yourself to others. Maybe you’ll never have the same capabilities as most Jedi, but that’s all the more reason to focus on your strengths.” She was confident that he’d be able to compensate in his own way from what she’d seen.

As they neared the cave, Joza’s eyes lit up at having finally found their target. Her small victory was short lived, as the smile fell from her face after hearing a howl drift from the not so far desert. “We’ll be fine,” She assured, unclipping one of her saber hilts but not igniting it. “As long as that wasn’t a Sith Lord…then again, you can never be too sure with them.” She mused, though her eyes flickered as she sharpened her senses.

[SIZE=10pt]"Or instead of wasting credits on it you should just let everyone see the real you." Nikias said knowing as always that the subject he was touching on was a sensitive subject with Joza. Though this time it was more jokingly[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] he knew that she'd stop covering herself in make up when she was ready. Nik had faith that day would be coming soon. "You don't realize just how much make up we had to wear during my father’s parties." Nikias chided with a grin. Ever since joining the Silver Sanctum he'd been happier[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] even being able to go so far and joke about his past. He was a far cry from the serious prince that had once started out in the Sactum. At least around those he knew.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"I don't know certain jedi could pull off the look." Giving Joza a small jab of his elbow he winked at the Zeltron. "Plus you're a knight[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], you can do almost anything you want within reason." [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Oh you weren't? If I remember correctly,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] you were the one resting your head and hand on my chest." Chuckling Nikias could barely get the words out."Though whenever we go to Zeltros I'll be sure to show you how to really drink." Nikias offered though not knowing whether the offer she had made back then had been serious or not. He truly did want to see the homeworld that was supposedly so much like his own.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Nodding his head Nikias recognized the name Bespin but didn't realize Joza had been all the way across the galaxy. "What were you doing on Bespin?" Nikias asked as they reached the mouth of the cave. Casting a glance in to the dark Nikias waved his hand and the flat stone levitated to the ground next to the entrance. "Let’s hope not[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] I don't want to be buried beneath another building." Taking out a glow rod and activating it Nikias stared ahead. [/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
“This is the real me, Nik.” Joza pointed to her face and rolled her eyes. “I just like making my skin tone look more even and luminous, what’s so wrong about that?” Her irritation turned into mild amusement at his next quip. “Wait, you’ve worn makeup before? That…I’d like to see that.” She grinned, a short chuckle escaping her lips as she imagined [member="Nikias"] all dolled up.

Joza shook her head at his comment about her head and hands on his chest. Truthfully, she didn’t remember if she had done such a thing—but wouldn’t put it past her inebriated self. Arching a challenging eyebrow at the Prince, a smirk curled her lips. “Oh? It won’t go like last time, I assure you. I wasn’t lying about the two livers thing…I’ll drink you under the table.”

“Oh…” She frowned visibly, blowing a stray tuft of hair from her vision as she recalled the events on Bespin and Cloud Nine. “Visiting someone.” She shrugged. She wasn’t lying, but she’d tried to block out her memories since making a big decision on Cloud Nine. Inevitably, they crept up on her in moments like this.

“Like you said, we should work quickly.” Joza insisted as the pair entered the cave, darkness descending around them aside from the glow rod. She still held the hilt of her blade, prepared to lash out at anything hostile that may appear before them being the less weighed down of the two. Though she sensed no immediate hostile presences, the Jedi was aware enough to tread carefully.
[SIZE=10pt]"I never said there was anything wrong with any of that... Now did I? I have no room to judge as yes I have worn makeup,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but never to cover what happened to me." Nikias said sensing the irritation in Joza's voice. This was one of the very few things that neither of them could agree upon. Even with both their cultures being so similar[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] Nikias still hadn't let the fact of Joza covering her scar drop. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]As they delved deeper into the cave Nikias spent his time examining the walls[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] testing their stability and other such things to ensure no problems would pop up once they started mining. "So... Visiting someone on Bespin? Anything interesting happen[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] I heard that the planet was in First Order space if I remember correctly." Nikias said as he passed the glowstick over the wall and catching a sharp glint of silver. "Hmm." Kneeling Nikias examined the ore and held up his datapad comparing it to the phrikite ore. It certainly matched what they were looking for but just a single ore wasn't enough. Of course they could always possibly find a vein of it[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] the likelihood of something like that happening though was far and few between. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Well I found a single piece,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] anything on your side?" Nik asked as he stood up feeling the stuffy atmosphere of the cave. In some ways it was worse than it had been outside and completely muggy. Catching another glint of silver in the upper parts of his vision Nikias looked up. The light from the datapad cast a glow on the roof and looking up Nikias' mouth fell agape. "Welp I think we just struck the mother load... Shame I didn't bring a grappling hook. I can lift you though." Nikias said motioning to the ceiling. [/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
“Why can’t you respect my decision?” This time she sent a sharp glare toward the Prince, clearly irritated. “I will do as I please.” She added in with a grunt, her expression fading into something a little more thoughtful as she tried to recall the events on Bespin. As annoyed as she was at him pressing the issue of her makeup, they’d clashed over it so many times that getting exasperated was just a formality at this point. He was stubborn, and so was she. Thankfully they got along in other areas.

“One of my friends from Zeltros got a pass to one of the resorts there and ended up coercing me to go during my last visit home.” She shrugged, stretching her arms over her head languidly. It was the truth. Not the whole truth, but still. He didn’t need to know about her lover’s spat. That was something more private.

Glancing along the side of the cave, Joza shook her head as nothing caught her eye. “Huh?” Turning towards the Hellyni in confusion, she followed his gaze up to the ceiling. “Woah…” Her surprised expression mirrored his own as she nodded dumbly, momentarily caught up in seeing such a large deposit of phrik. “So like…hold me up with your mind or your hands?”

[SIZE=10pt]Deciding to drop the conversation about the make-up Nikias knew that he wouldn't get Joza to stand with him on the matter. They were complete polar opposites and it was surprising how one small thing could put such a heavy strain on their relationship. Though while Nik did let it drop this time he would possibly bring it up again in the future if they accompanied each other again. "Oh already can't wait for my hands to be on you huh?" Nikias asked as he moved to Joza their bodies mere centimeters apart. "But no[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] we'll have to save that for another time." Nikias said looking up to examine the ceiling and the ore that sat above them lodged in the ceiling. Joza would have to mine around the ore cutting into the stone then letting it drop to the ground so they could gather it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Handing Joza the Mining laser Nikias took a few steps back and raised both of his hands as though cradling a child. "Don't resist." Nikias warned as an invisible energy would wrap itself around Joza and slowly she would find herself being lifted higher and higher into the air by his telekinetic grip. The grip was focused mainly on her waist and back so she could still move and do the mining. "Be sure not to melt all over me." Nikias said immediately having to dodge a drop of Joza's make up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"So anything interesting happen on Bespin? Is it anything like your world?" [/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
Noting his closeness and somewhat suggestive words, Joza arched a brow in both curiosity and warning. “Easy there, Princeling. Usually that only happens when I use my pheromones.” She was well aware that her pleasure inducing pheromones had no effect on the Hellyni man. “We’re here to mine some phrik, not fool around.” She chuckled good-naturedly, shaking her head once.

Good thing he’d warned her beforehand. Her first instinct was to fight the unnatural telekinetic grip on her body, but she relaxed and allowed him to life her closer to the ceiling. “It’s not my fault it’s a thousand degrees inside this cave. I thought it would be cooler.” Sweat beaded along her hairline and dripped down her face, and she had to reach up to wipe some from her brow before it dripped into her eyes. Of course, it also took her makeup with it—all the layers of liquid foundation and setting powder she had so carefully applied this morning.

“Eh, not particularly.” She skirted around the memories of the fight with her ex-lover, trying to focus on the time she’d spent with her friends. Activating the laser, Joza edged around one of the larger deposits of phrik. “It’s similar in some ways. I mean, we pretty much stayed inside Cloud Nine the entire time. We did a spa day, and that was nice. Zeltros is a little more wild, though.” Thank the Force that Nik couldn’t read minds, or else he’d see what else she was thinking of.

[SIZE=10pt][member="Joza Perl"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"You thought a cave,[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] in the middle of the dessert would be cooler?"[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Nikias asked raising an eyebrow at the woman that he held in the air with his telekinesis. Most of his attention was of course on holding Joza up as if he let her fall to the cave floor he could only what would happen to her. He'd once saved her from such a fate during their trip to Dathomir[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but back then his reactions had been slower than they were now. He'd been training to build up his telekinetic powers instead of beefing them more working on his reactions with them. Funnily enough it was really watching a creation of snow and ice melt as all of Joza's makeup began to fall free dripping onto the cave floor. "Just how much of the stuff do you wear?" Nikias asked seeing it falling like raindrops due to gravity. Though as some of it fell from her neck Nikias saw a few marks that he thought were bruises but wasn't sure just yet. Wanting to say something about it Nikias decided to see how much more of the makeup fell off so he could have a better view. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Off to Nikias' right the phrikite ore fell to the ground shielded by the stone that Joza had carved out. It was quite a large deposit[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] though thankfully phrikite was light. Nikias would hold her up so she could cut out a few more ore deposits for them before they left. "Hmm that does sound quite interesting. You'll have to tell me more about the planet later. May have to pay a visit to it myself. Such things are better seen and experienced." Nikias said as the bruises were now more apparent. Eyes narrowing Nikias worried his bottom lip as he felt a flare of rage. "Anything else happen on Bespin? No trouble with the First Order I assume?"[/SIZE]
“Shut up. It’s like a million degrees in here, I don’t need you highlighting my misconceptions.” Joza grumbled at him half-heartedly, pouring most of her focus into loosening another chunk of phrikite. Probably not the best idea to be sassy towards someone who was telekinetically balancing you mid-air, but the Zeltron tended not to make the best decisions. “As much as I want.” She shot back as the beads of sweat rolling from her face carried her foundation with it. Great.

Joza felt Nik’s brief anger flare at the back of her mind, but didn’t try to read too much into it. He was probably just annoyed with her attitude, and though she had no intent to stop being difficult, she could understand why. “It’s nice, but it has nothing on Zeltros. My home planet is like Bespin on steroids.” Letting another deposit clatter to the ground, Joza lowered the mining laser. “Nothing else of note, really. No trouble with the First Order.”

Having had enough of the sweat and oil buildup, Joza quickly rubbed across her face with the sleeve of her robe. She’d likely have to soak it in detergent before washing just to get the pink foundation stains out, but she needed to let her skin breathe or else her pores would be clogged like there’s no tomorrow. In doing so, the dark purple discolorations that flared across her skin were now visible, though she’d forgotten about them for a moment as she tilted her head down to meet Nik’s eyes. “Do you think we have enough yet or should I keep going?”

[SIZE=10pt]"Well I could always just drop you." Nikias said with a mix of warning and joking. He had even thought about letting Joza drop a few feet then catching her again[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] but didn't think it would be the best choice since they had to share a ship back to Sanctum space. No point in giving Joza a reason to get revenge on the way back[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] he could possibly be the one waking up in makeup if he kept taunting her. "Sure continue to wear that much if you want[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], though maybe prepare for the environment better." Nikias said keeping his voice even.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Joza had probably been effected by the heat to much and thought she had felt Nikias' anger[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] though she was right. Looking over as the second large deposit fell free from the ceiling Nikias looked over to it wishing that they had been smart enough to bring mining carts. The small sacks that they had brought would be far too small to store the phrikite ore in. For one both of the deposits that had been mined out were easily as wide as Nikias' chest from end to end and was as long as entire torso. Once mixed with tydirium there would be more than enough phrik for the both of them to do whatever they wanted with it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"That's more than enough." Nikias said looking back up to Joza and now he was sure what he had seen were bruises. The purple and black marks stood out against Joza's skin and a flame now burned in Nik's chest. The grip around Joza would increase just a bit but Nikias got it under check before he caused her pain and floated Joza down to a nearby rock where he walked up and faced her. "Joza tell me the truth[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt], what happened on Bespin? Why are you hiding the bruises?" [/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
Joza’s face scrunched in irritation at Nik’s question. She was hoping that he wouldn’t press the issue, but then again this was [member="Nikias"]. The man was stubborn, but then again they both were. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Joza smoothed back the hair at her crown with her finger tips. Even though she’d tied it back tightly and used plenty of product to hold it in place, the high humidity made it appear messy and frizzy.

“I crossed paths with...well, a now ex-lover on Bespin. We hadn’t seen each other in years, and I was with other men during that time.” She rolled her shoulders as if it wasn’t difficult for her to say. She had a lot of emotions regarding Haytham—regret, guilt, anger, but she fought them down and remained relatively calm. “Naturally, we got into a fight.” Speaking about it this way, it perturbed her less than she’d imagined. Then again, she was separated from the situation. She wasn’t on Bespin in some Sith Lord’s mansion.

“And I covered up the bruises so people don’t go asking questions.” She arched a brow pointedly, motioning to the bruise on her cheek down toward the “love” bites on her neck. There were a lot of questions left unanswered in her relationship with the Acolyte, mostly regarding how serious their relationship was with each other. Maybe they were afraid to talk about it for fear of losing what they had, but that ship sailed already. She would have walked away from Haytham if she could, but feelings once again held her back and clouded her mind.

[SIZE=10pt]Resistance had been expected so when Joza had decided to tell Nikias there was a bit of surprise behind his expression. Since he'd first met Joza she'd always been the type to keep up walls when it came to certain subjects[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] this had been expected to be one of those. Nikias didn't know whether she was telling him because she trusted him or because she just wanted to get the feelings off her chest. Though he knew what he felt[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] there was an inferno burning in his chest[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt],[/SIZE][SIZE=10pt] it had started as a flame but the more Joza talked about what had happened it grew more and more. Nikias' body even felt as though it was getting hotter due to his rage. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Why did they do this?" Nikias asked getting down to a knee while Joza was sitting on the rock so he could better see the bruises and examine them. Fingers lightly tracing them Nikias' eyes narrowed. "You were ex-lovers... They had no reason to do this to you." Nikias growled anger apparent in his voice. Nikias could feel the burning poison in his veins as it began to pump through him and the cold presence of Trellos entered his mind. Someone dares hurt the ones we care for! Will you stick to your mystic ways and let them get away with it? Trellos asked taking advantage of Nikias' rage and guiding the Hellyni to what he wanted. This time Nikias was more than willing to accept the voice and its offer. To hunt the one that dare injure one of his friends.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Who was it?" Nikias asked his right hand tightening into a fist. "Who was it?!" He asked again as he knew the first thing Joza would do was try to retain the information. [/SIZE]

[member="Joza Perl"]
Even if she couldn’t use her emotional telepathy to read Nik’s emotions, Joza didn’t need to. His anger was present and apparent in his body language, burned into those golden irises. It practically rolled off him in waves, and for a moment, Joza didn’t know what to do. Her first instinct was to throw up as many walls as she could, but she knew that Nik wouldn’t back away from trying to break them down. A part of her was touched that he cared for her to this point, but that part was buried under a pile of confusing feelings.

“It’s…I’m not sure where he and I stood, being apart for so long.” She shrugged, freezing up momentarily as his touch ghosted across her face and neck. She wanted to pull away, but couldn’t bring herself to. There was a lot she couldn’t bring herself to do, it seemed. Shifting uncomfortably on the rock, Joza sighed with exasperation. “I was unfaithful to him.” She offered, rolling her shoulders again. “It made him upset. I don’t blame him for what he did.”

She twitched visibly when he demanded to know who had done this, a scowl quickly forming on her face before she forced it to subside. “It doesn’t matter. It’s over now, and I’d like to move on.” She practically spat the words, jaw clenching as she slid from her perch on the rock. She sent him a sidelong look, a note of hardness in her eyes that suggested he not push the issue. “Let’s get off of this sweatbox of a plant as soon as we can.”


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