Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Philip Rock

Philip Rock

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
NAME: Philip Rock

FACTION: The Hutt Cartel

RANK: Um...Spice-head?


AGE: 39

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 180 pounds

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Peach



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

+Planner- Philip is highly intelligent, planning things out to the point of leaving no variable unaccounted for. Even when everything is falling apart, he can still keep a cool head and improvise if necessary.

+Military Training- Philip was in the Sith military for about 4 years, giving him knowledge on combat, military gear, tactics, and organization.

+Aviator- He also trained to become a pilot, and nearly became one for the Sith. But, alas, he was deemed psychologically unfit for active duty and grounded.

+/- Sociopath- Philip is remorseless and uncaring to all except his closest friends.

+/- Short Fuse- Many a person has ended up in a ditch because of an unkind word spoken to Philip. He has breathtaking anger issues. On the plus side, he can flip out in the middle of a fight, taking and dealing more damage.

- Spice-head- Philip is addicted to spice, warping his already damaged brain.

+/- Unpredictable- You can't really tell what he's gonna do next, making people uneasy around him with his mere presence. On the plus side, it's harder for Force Users to fight him.

We'll start from the top down here.

Head- Thinning hair, consistent five o'clock shadow, mouth sores, he's the pinnacle of sexiness! And that sweet 'Cut Here' tattoo makes the boys and girls drool.

Clothes- Rock was never too big on hygiene. He prefers a sweat-stained plain v-neck T shirt and some dirty pants, although he will dress up slightly if necessary.

The son of a prostitute and an abusive father living in a Coruscanti Undercity slum, Philip Rock, even as a kid, had anger issues and problems. He grew up on the streets, learning the ways of the scum and villiany of the galaxy's worst cesspool. His father would often beat him and his mom wasn't much help either. Before he was 18, he had already killed some drifters and animals and had dropped out of school entirely, spending time getting into more trouble. That was when he found out that he had a knack for piloting. A mechanic that was fond of the urchin let Philip in the cockpit for a spin and found him to be very capable. Deciding to try that out, Rock signed up with the Sith military, trying to become a pilot. He was extremely gifted and at the top of his class, but failed days prior before graduation due to a psychological examination that deemed him unstable. Summarily discharged and grounded, Rock went back to his criminal pastimes with some new skills...

Aimless for a while, Philip met up with some other criminals and teamed up, becoming skilled bank robbers. A fallout happened, however, and he went on his own way after a failed job. He is now signed up with the Hutt Cartel, working in the protection and robbery field. We'll see where he goes from there...

SHIP: An old, piece of trash HWK-290 LIGHT FREIGHTER, outfitted with two laser turrets and a crappy hyperdrive. The ship is trash, but it's his trash, and as an expert pilot, Philip can still fly her like a champ.





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