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Peatbog Platoon, Darkwater Security

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Name: Peatbog Platoon
Intent: Clandestine Operations
Affiliation: Darkwater Security
Availability: Unique
Type: Clandestine Special Forces
Strength: 36
Description: The Peatbog Platoon was created as a separate section of Darkwater Security. The Platoon specializes in clandestine operations such as direct action, underwater demolition, hostage rescue, unconventional warfare, counter-proliferation, and counter-terrorism. The majority of Peatbog Platoon consists of Teräs Käsi-trained Yinchorri monks, along with Karkarodon ex-special forces. They mainly utilize vibroblades and mobility equipment, such as the Yinchorri Flutter Pack.
Links: only by Karkarodons)
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Personal cloaking devices require a dev thread as they're a restricted item. Not to mention; after a similar submission came across I consulted the board owner who confirmed that such devices are intended for individual--not bulk--use.

I'd also need links for any weapons or armour they might use. Including the vibroblades.
For a unique unit with only 36 individuals I believe that use of stealth field generators would not constitute 'bulk' use, but if that's what the bossman says then that's what the bossman gets.

What sort of development thread are you looking for?

Also added in the other requested links.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Hion the Herglic said:
For a unique unit with only 36 individuals I believe that use of stealth field generators would not constitute 'bulk' use, but if that's what the bossman says then that's what the bossman gets.
Forgive my vagueness. I meant that personal cloaking devices are reserved for a single NPC/PC per dev thread.

This is the requirement: Objective : Complete a role-play without your character by only describing the scenery and actions of other characters from NPC perspectives without changing the course of the story directly. Ask for permission from the participants before engaging.
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

Yeah, that's why I brought it up :)

Anyway... After reviewing this submission, there's nothing wrong but as it's an elite unit you'll be required to do a 10-post (minimum) dev thread. Usually something like seeing them in action, recruiting them, or training them, etc.

As long as it's a believable story being written it should be fine.
[member="Hion the Herglic"]

I must inform you that your dev thread must be finished within 72 hours and edited into the submission itself or this thread will be archived and you'll have to resubmit.

Reason being: This submission has been under review for a month.
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