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The Great Houses of Alderaan

To provide a place for writers to expand the lore of Alderaan and the Galactic Alliance

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Tonight I was sent an item that I had forgotten about Alderaanian Parliament

We should consider doing some stories for this.

I have been using a High Council, a Vizier, and choosing an heir as was the old tradition. But if we want to move to this, I would like to write a story to move it that way so the lore for Alderaan is recorded and kept current.
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I have used this as a guide for Alderaan -

Considered the "Shining Star" of the Core Worlds, wild grasslands and old mountain ranges dominated the planet's land surface. Large oceans and scattered inland seas provided the planet with ideal conditions for a large variety of flora and fauna to develop. As such, Alderaan was the homeworld of some of the galaxy's most famous animals, such as the nerf and the thranta. Alderaanian cities were often built with great care taken to protect nature. One such city, Crevasse City was built on the walls of a canyon, nearly invisible from above. Others were built on stilts along the shoreline or under the polar ice. The capital, Aldera, known for its university, was built on a small island in the center of a caldera.

Alderaan was home to more than eight thousand subspecies of grass and an even larger number of wildflowers. Its flora also included a massive variety of spices, herbs, and grains. The planet had no major oceans, but it had a single polar ice cap. The rest of Alderaan's surface water was composed of thousands of lakes and connecting waterways.


Alderaan had many rare species not seen anywhere else in the galaxy, as well as many common creatures. Among the more notable ones were the:

  • Nerf
  • Grazer
  • Thranta
  • Stalking bird
  • Manka cat
  • Woolly moth
  • Dainty creature
  • Sea-mouse


"Any time is the time to visit Alderaan! How can one not enjoy a planet where peace and beauty are common preoccupations, and art and learning are the popular pastimes?"―Lord Tion[SUP][src][/SUP]
University of Alderaan

Alderaanian culture valued education, the performing and fine arts, and peaceful resolutions to conflicts. They placed high value in their participation in the Galactic Senate—and later, its Imperial equivalent. The Alderaanians constantly sought a harmonious existence with their surroundings, evident in their integration of their society into the natural terrain of Alderaan. Alderaanians were known for love of philosophy.

An average Alderaanian was very educated and cultured. Poets and artists thrived on Alderaan. The beauty moved the pens of poets, while the vast grasslands served as a canvas for grass paintings. Alderaan was also famous for its cuisine. The large variety of spices and herbs allowed chefs to experiment and create some of the finest dishes in the galaxy. Steamed Alderaanian spiced wine was a favored beverage among many.

Some of Alderaan's major exports included wine, art, and luxury goods.


Although a democratic society, Alderaan was headed by a hereditary constitutional monarchy, with the House of Organa presiding over the High Court and legislative High Council of Alderaan. Its monarchs have variously borne the titles "King," "Prince," "First Chairman," "Queen," and "Viceroy." Traditionally, the heir of the Alderaan throne also serves in the High Council of Alderaan and a term as Senator of Alderaan. A vizier helped the monarch rule.

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